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The Unconference Unmasked

April 23, 2013 106 Views

We are trying something different this year at SenchaCon 2013 in Orlando in July — a mini-unconference! Some of you may be familiar with unconferences (also known as “open spaces”, “birds of a feather”, etc) — but for those of you who are not, an unconference consists of unstructured sessions that are determined and hosted by you, the conference attendees. Expect deep discussions about challenging topics that may or may not fit the regular agenda — and be prepared for an experience you won’t soon forget!

This is your opportunity to discuss ideas with Sencha experts from around the world! The unconference can be about anything and everything – so if you want to discuss responsive design, learn more about WebRTC or express your thoughts on CoffeeScript this is your time to shine! Unconferences have been a part of thousands of events and are known to leave lasting impressions on conference attendees. Attendees often cite the unconference as the best part of the event, and with the strength and energy of our community, we are confident the SenchaCon Unconference will garner this sort of reaction as well.

Unconference sessions are all about conversation, and anyone attending the conference can propose a topic and lead a discussion. The goal for the SenchaCon “unconference” is to stimulate community discussion so that everyone has an opportunity to participate and have their ideas heard.

UnconferenceHere’s how it will work…

  1. On Wednesday morning, we will remind you and everyone else about the unconference, and ask you to start thinking about potential topics.
  2. On Thursday morning we will post the unconference board so you can place your topics on the schedule.
  3. If you submit a topic, you will start the discussion; everyone else will simply show up and participate in the conversation.

The SenchaCon “unconference” will consist of two 45-minute sessions on the second day (Thursday, July 18th) after lunch. There will be a 30 minute break after both of the unconference sessions so that you have ample time to wrap up any conversations before moving to your next session.

That’s it. Show up to the session you are interested in and have a conversation with fellow attendees. If you are not finding what you want, feel free to move to another conversation (this is the “Law of Two Feet”).

For more information please read or watch Bruce Eckel’s explanation of an “unconference”.

We look forward to seeing and hearing from you at SenchaCon 2013 in Orlando!

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