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Using D3.js components in Ext JS apps

May 18, 2020 160 Views

Data visualization capabilities play a key role in modern apps. D3.js is a powerful visualization component library and can be easily integrated in Ext JS apps.

D3.js provides different component types:

  • Hierarchical Components
  • Heatmap Component
  • Custom Components

In this post, we’ll look at integrating the “d3-sunburst” and “d3-pack” component in your Ext JS app. View additional documentation on using D3 in Ext JS


The ‘d3-sunburst‘ component visualizes tree nodes as donut sectors with the root circle in the center.

1. Get hierarchical data

     	text: '/usr',
                text: '/X11R6'
                text: '/bin'
                text: '/doc'
                text: '/etc'
                text: '/games'
                text: '/include'
                text: '/info'
                text: '/lib'
                text: '/local'
                text: '/man'
                text: '/sbin'
                text: '/share'
                text: '/spool'
                text: '/src'

2. Define sunburst configuration:

    xtype: 'd3-sunburst',
    padding: 20,
    store: store

3. Add sunburst customization like tooltip or transition:
tooltip: {
	renderer: function (component, tooltip, node) {
    	var record =,
            n = record.childNodes.length;
            tooltip.setHtml(n + ' folder' + (n === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' inside.');
transitions: {
	select: false
listeners: {
	selectionchange: function(sunburst, node) {
expandEventName: false



The 'd3-pack' component uses D3's Pack Layout to visualize hierarchical data as an enclosure diagram.

1. Get hierarchical data:

	text: '/usr',
                text: '/X11R6'
                text: '/bin'
                text: '/doc'
                text: '/etc'
                text: '/games'
                text: '/include'
                text: '/info'
                text: '/lib'
                text: '/local'
                text: '/man'
                text: '/sbin'
                text: '/share'
                text: '/spool'
                text: '/src'

2. Define pack configuration:

        xtype: 'd3-pack',
        store: store

3. Add pack customization like tooltip:

tooltip: {
	renderer: function (component, tooltip, node) {
    	var record =,
            n = record.childNodes.length,
            html = '' + record.get('text') + '
'; html += n + ' folder' + (n === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' inside.'; tooltip.setHtml(html); } }


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