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Announcing Ext Speeder for Sencha Ext JS Applications

August 4, 2016 105 Views

We’re very excited to announce the launch of Ext Speeder, a partner solution from Speedment, that dramatically improves the performance of your data-intensive Ext JS applications. Ext Speeder allows you to make your Ext JS Grid queries blazingly fast. The in-memory technology makes the data available from your back-end up to 10 times faster, and it does not require any modifications to your client Ext JS application.

Most of you have used our world-class Ext JS Grid component in your web applications, and many have pushed the boundaries of the web to display and interact with tens of thousands (or even millions) of elements in your web applications. As far as the application rendering performance for huge amounts of data is concerned, Ext JS Grid provides features such as ‘buffered rendering’ and ‘buffered stores’ to help manage the DOM in the most efficient way. But when it comes to the overall performance of an application, the most critical area that often creates a lag (hence the perception of slowness) is the speed at which the data is retrieved from the back-end.

Ext Speeder is a new tool that allows you to make your Ext JS Grid queries blazingly fast. The in-memory technology makes the data available from your back-end up to 10 times faster, and it doesn’t even require modifications to your client Ext JS application. Ext Speeder runs on the server-side and responds to the Ext JS Grid, and it can be deployed in a standalone way or using a standard J2EE server such as Tomcat or WebLogic. The back-end code is written in Java, but in most use cases, the amount of code that needs to be written manually for the back-end is minimal, because Ext Speeder automatically generates the REST APIs from any relational database.

With Ext Speeder, your Ext JS applications can perform data queries against databases that contain up to 100 million elements, often in as little as ten milliseconds. Breakthrough speeds are achieved through the remote, in-memory object cache, reducing query times by as much as a factor of 10, without impacting load in the application front-end or on back-end database servers. And best of all, back-end developers no longer have to implement and maintain tedious REST API paths, because the solution automatically creates comprehensive REST API endpoints from the relational database supporting the Ext JS application.

Upcoming Webinar

To learn more about Ext Speeder, my colleague, Jon Jarboe, will be co-hosting a webinar with Per Minborg, founder and CTO of Speedment. You’ll get more details about Ext Speeder and how it helps speed up data-intensive Ext JS applications.

Register today

Event Details:
Thursday, 8/11/2016
Time: 10:00am PDT | 1:00pm EDT | 6:00pm BST
60 minutes

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