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Company Update

October 21, 2015 435 Views

Can you believe we are already into the 4th Quarter of 2015? I am always amazed at how slow the summer seems to progress while we are in the middle of it (which is a good thing) and then how we pick up speed through September and accelerate into the end-of-year frenzy as we all focus on closing important projects and getting ready for 2016 during the fun frenzy of the holiday season!

This also continues to be “exciting times” in the web development world. HTML5 and its supporting technologies (JavaScript, CSS, etc) are gaining traction as a solid and reliable technology base to build critical consumer and business applications. Recent market trends towards the technology have been Facebook’s decision to use HTML5, The Internet Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) move to fully enfranchise HTML5, and Google’s decision to stop supporting Flash plugins in its Chrome browser. All of which confirms our continued investment in focusing on web application developer productivity.

Recent market trends towards the technology have been Facebook’s decision to use HTML5, The Internet Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) move to fully enfranchise HTML5, and Google’s decision to stop supporting Flash plugins in its Chrome browser. All of which confirms our continued investment in focusing on web application developer productivity.

With that in mind, our engineering teams have been incredibly busy on some great additions to the Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform. We just released Sencha Inspector, which enables our developers, using any browser, to debug their applications at the source code level. We will also be releasing our Java-based GXT 4.0 framework soon (EA is already available) with key mobile capabilities around touch gestures and new modern themes. And as we continue to invest in enhancing, leveraging, and integrating into your development and IT environments, we will be releasing our Visual Studio and Eclipse Plugins this quarter.

The last few months have been exciting for Sencha and Sencha users as we rolled out even more SenchaCon Roadshow events. Taking SenchaCon on the road has been such a fantastic experience for everyone involved. I want to thank the Sencha Partners and customers that participated and helped get their great success stories out there. I also want to thank all of the attendees – your involvement and enthusiastic participation have made these events more interactive and productive than we imagined. Since we last communicated, we have held SenchaCon Roadshows in Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Boston, and Chicago. Planned for the rest of the year are Zurich, Washington DC, Dallas, Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai – if you’re in those cities, we hope to see you there. By the end of the year, we will have held SenchaCon Roadshows in 26 cities around the world… now that will make a great “roadie” tshirt!

Sencha is also participating with our key Global Alliances partners in their major events this Fall. We will be highlighting the Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform and how to build Universal Applications at Oracle OpenWorld Mobile Showcase in San Francisco. We will also be participating in GWT Con 2015 in Florence, Italy where we will be talking about our new mobile application development capabilities with Sencha GXT. And then we head to Visual Studio Live 360 in Orlando, Florida to showcase our new Visual Studio IDE plugin.

Our focus continues to be on your success and as we roll through the last quarter of 2015, we hope to see you at our partner events and the SenchaCon Roadshows. And remember…Web Application Developers Rule.

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