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Customer Success Story: Kaseware & Ext JS — Designing Investigative Solutions to Combat Security Threats

July 24, 2020 348 Views

Efficiently managing real-time threats has been a concern for researchers for decades. The threats to humans life expands across the entire gamut from cyber-security, piracy, retail fraud, luring hackers, threats on the streets, school violence, narcotics and everything in between and beyond.

Corporations and governments alike are spending massive hours of research to minimize risks to human life, identity and property. Human intelligence coupled with technological tools have evolved as the anchors in mitigating risks. After all, isn’t keeping everyone safer and minimizing risks what it’s all about?

Kaseware — an investigative management, intelligence collection, and analytics platform has emerged as one of the superheroes to help combat threats. Spanning the private and public sectors, their cloud-based platform is built to handle all stages of investigative management — from incident threat to resolution.

Our latest case study demonstrates how Kaseware utilized the Ext JS framework and components to design an outstanding platform and achieve maximum security in their application development. Learn how the company was able to build a versatile platform with Ext JS to meet the complex and customized needs of investigators around the globe.

If you are interested in listening more from the co-founders, Dorian Deligeorges and Nathan Burros, join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 @10am CST.


For more customer stories, head on over to our Customer Spotlight page where you can read more about the myriad ways Ext JS is influencing the way developers approach app development.

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