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Ext JS 7.3.1 Patch Release is Available

October 21, 2020 270 Views

We released a new Ext JS 7.3.1 software patch for our maintenance customers this week. The update addresses more than 30 customer-reported issues. The complete list can be found in the 7.3.1 Release Notes, and 7.3.1 can be downloaded from the Sencha support portal.

If you’re new to ExtJS, you might want to try the ExtJS Tutorial For Beginners to learn the skills you’ll need to design and build great applications.

If you have any questions, email our support team at [email protected]

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Haven’t tried the latest version of Ext JS yet? The 30-day free trial is available via public npm or through an easy zip download. Get started and build your first app in 3 easy steps.