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New Release: Ext JS 7.3 GA Release is here!

September 15, 2020 734 Views

The Sencha team is pleased to announce the availability of Ext JS version 7.3! Despite the fact that the pandemic has disrupted the entire world’s ‘normal’ workflow, the Sencha team has remained steadfast and has been working tirelessly to get this quarterly release into the hands of our community.

This release primarily focuses on improving feature quality, performance, and usability in both the modern and classic toolkits. Many API examples, ExtJs Examples for beginners, and ready-to-use templates for quick reuse have been added. We are committed to continuing to listen to your feedback as we improve the product experience and strengthen the product’s quality and functionality with each release.

Read on to find out what’s new in Ext JS 7.3.


  • Several improvements to the Data Grid, Fields, Charts and Buttons widgets.
  • Enhancements to Ext JS Grid scrolling experience.
  • Many quality improvements addressing customer reported tickets. Check out the release notes for full details. 
  • New Kitchen Sink examples and directly usable ready-to-go templates for both toolkits
  • Over 30+ new fiddle examples in Ext JS API Docs 
  • Upgraded Froala WYSIWYG Editor to latest version 3.2.1

Ext JS Kitchen Sink Examples 

Login Screen Example

Create Account Example

  • Easily navigable and ‘searchable’ component examples for the Modern toolkit.
    • Quickly search for examples via the ‘Menu search’ option. View corresponding code and directly implement it into your application. (The tree view navigation exists in the Kitchen sink classic toolkit—we’ve expanded it for the modern toolkit)

New API Component Examples 

We’ve added over 30+ Data Grid API component examples and fiddle links so you can directly copy-paste the code into your application. 

Check out Ext.grid API examples in the API docs for Classic and Modern Toolkit. New examples have been added for Columns (check, drag, tree, date, text, boolean), Plugins (row operations, clipboard, summary, drag-drop), Filters, Selection (rows, cells, header) and many more. Here are a few fiddle snippets:


Here are our top 5 “don’t miss out” examples for modern and classic toolkits—

Modern Toolkit Classic Toolkit
Ext.grid.rowedit.Plugin Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing.html
Ext.grid.selection.Columns.html Ext.grid.column.Boolean.html
Ext.grid.selection.Replicator.html Ext.grid.plugin.Clipboard.html
Ext.grid.plugin.Clipboard.html Ext.grid.plugin.RowWidget.html
Ext.grid.filters.Plugin.html Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop.html

What’s Next? 

The engineering team is pacing well on regular quarterly releases and we are committed to delivering new features, quality, performance and usability enhancements and improvements all along. The work on Ext JS 7.4 is in full swing! We expect version 7.4 to be packed with many new features and enhancements especially around the data grid. Our goal is to provide you with continual support through quality and performance enhancements. If you have any feedback or questions, drop us a note here or get in touch.  

Try Ext JS 7.3

We invite you to try out Ext JS 7.3 today! The 30-day free trial is available via public npm or through an easy zip download.  Get started today and build your first app in 3 easy steps. 

Looking to Upgrade to 7.3?

The free to use Ext JS Upgrade Adviser tool helps identify code changes required to migrate to the latest Ext JS version. Give it a try!