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Ext JS Upgrade Adviser Early Access is Now Available

February 5, 2019 109 Views

We’re pleased to announce that the early access version of Ext JS Upgrade Adviser is now available. Ext JS Upgrade Adviser scans your Ext JS 4.x and Ext JS 5.x apps to identify and report problems in your source code that need to be addressed before upgrading to the latest Ext JS version.

Ext JS Upgrade Adviser early access includes:

  • Ext JS ESLint Plugin that can be run on an Ext JS application from the command line or integrated with IDEs such as Visual Studio Code
  • Ext JS ESLint plugin provides ESLint rules that will help you identify the use of removed, private and deprecated methods, configs and properties
  • Ext JS ESLint plugin provides the option to auto fix certain identified problems
  • A desktop application is provided to visually see the results of the scan as well as the source code that’s affected
Benefits of Upgrading to Ext JS 6.x

Ext JS 6.x supports universal applications targeting desktops, tablets and smartphones, using a single codebase. Ext JS 6.x supports several new components – Pivot Grid, Calendar, D3, enhanced exporter, as well as grid enhancements including row body widgets and more. Ext JS 6.x also includes accessibility improvements with ARIA functionality in the core and new Graphite accessible theme. With Ext JS 6.x you get access to Ext JS npm packages and new open tooling, including ExtGen and ExtBuild.

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