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How to Choose JavaScript Frameworks to Design Cross-Platform Apps

July 28, 2023 1852 Views

In today’s digital age, businesses increasingly recognize the immense potential of cross-platform apps. Moreover, it helps them reach a broader audience and enhance their brand presence. However, selecting the right one can be daunting with numerous JavaScript frameworks available. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the essential considerations to make an informed choice when designing cross-platform apps for your business. Sencha Ext JS is one of the best JavaScript frameworks.

Moreover, we’ll explore the key factors that influence your decision. Besides, we will also tell you about the top 5 JavaScript frameworks, including Ext JS, available in the market. By the end, you’ll understand how to choose the perfect JavaScript framework to propel your business into cross-platform success. Let’s begin our journey.

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What Is CrossPlatform Apps Development?

Cross-platform app development refers to creating applications that run seamlessly on multiple operating systems and devices. Unlike traditional native apps, cross-platform apps are built using frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. Moreover, these frameworks enable developers to write code once and deploy it across various platforms. Hence, saving time and resources.

Cross-platform apps offer businesses a cost-effective solution to reach a wider audience, maintain consistent user experiences, and streamline development processes. Besides, they have become a popular choice for businesses seeking broader market coverage and faster time-to-market for their applications. However, knowing why cross-platform app development is important in 2023 is important. Let’s check.

Why is Cross Platform App Development important in 2023?

You must know that cross-platform app development holds paramount importance due to the ever-evolving digital landscape. Moreover, businesses must cater to the user’s diverse experiences and behaviors. Therefore, cross-platform app development is a time-efficient and cost-effective solution. You don’t need to create different code bases for different platforms.

This approach ensures:

  • Wider market reach
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Reduced development efforts.

Moreover, cross-platform development becomes crucial for businesses striving to stay competitive. Embracing this trend empowers companies to reach a broader audience. At the same time, it helps them boost customer engagement and establish a strong presence in the app-driven era.

Girl working on most popular javascript frameworks to choose the popular javascript framework

What Are the Differences Between Native App Development & Cross Platforms Apps Development Process?

Here are the five major differences between cross-platform and native app development.

Cross-Platform App Development

  • Offers smooth performance when developed for the device’s operating system.
  • Provides consistency with the device’s UI components.
  • Enables functionality on multiple platforms through a unified codebase. Hence, facilitating easy portability.
  • Ensures access to the device’s API without hindrance through the Platform SDK.
  • Generally incurs higher costs compared to native app development.

Native App Development

  • Demonstrates high performance, although occasional lags and hardware compatibility issues may arise.
  • Exhibits limited consistency with the UI components of the device.
  • Requires separate codebases for multiple platforms as it is developed for a single platform.
  • Does not guarantee access to all device APIs, which may vary by platform.
  • Generally involves lower costs in contrast to cross-platform app development.

Which Are the 5 Popular Cross-Platform Apps Development JavaScript Frameworks?

Here are the five popular JavaScript frameworks for cross-platform app development.

Sencha Ext JS – One of the Best JavaScript Frameworks

Ext JS is a JavaScript application framework designed to create interactive web applications that work across different platforms. Moreover, it utilizes techniques like Ajax, DHTML, and DOM scripting. It can serve as a simple component framework for adding dynamic elements like grids to static web pages. Besides, it also functions as a comprehensive framework for developing single-page applications (SPAs).

Originally an extension of YUI, created by Jack Slocum on April 15, 2007, Ext JS gradually evolved into a standalone library with no external dependencies from version 1.1 onward. Nowadays, developers can use Ext JS as a single script, with all classes and components in a single file. Or they can build their applications with the Sencha Cmd tool.

difference between a javascript Ext JS and other js frameworks

React Native

React Native is a UI software framework developed by Meta Platforms, Inc., available as an open-source solution. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the creation of applications for various platforms. It may include Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows, and UWP. The framework combines the power of the React framework with native platform capabilities. Hence, enabling developers to build applications that perform optimally on each platform.

Prominent companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Shopify employ React Native to develop Android and iOS applications. Additionally, Oculus utilizes this framework to create virtual reality applications.

React open source javascript framework among the most popular javascript framework


Weex allows developers to utilize contemporary web development skills for building Android, iOS, and Web applications. It uses a unified codebase. It enables using JavaScript alongside modern front-end frameworks to create mobile apps.

The architecture of Weex is designed with a decoupled structure. The rendering engine is distinct from the syntax layer (DSL). Hence, ensuring that Weex is not reliant on any specific front-end framework or programming language. Currently, Weex is widely supported by Vue.js and Rax.

Weex virtual dom open source javascript library & a progressive javascript framework


NativeScript is a free and open-source framework designed for creating mobile applications on both Apple iOS and Android platforms. Initially developed by Progress, the NativeScript project was handed over to nStudio by the end of 2019. Subsequently, in December 2020, nStudio facilitated NativeScript’s inclusion into the OpenJS Foundation as an Incubating Project.

NativeScript allows developers to build apps using JavaScript or any programming language that can transpile to JavaScript. It supports popular JavaScript frameworks like Angular and Vue. The mobile applications developed with NativeScript are entirely native. Hence, utilizing the same APIs as created using Xcode or Android Studio.

Create interactive user interfaces through two way data binding in nativescript


Flutter is a UI software development kit originated by Google. It offers an open-source solution to create cross-platform applications using a single codebase. With its versatility, developers can build applications for various platforms. Initially described in 2015, Flutter was officially released in May 2017. Since then, its robust features and performance capabilities have gained traction in the developer community.

It empowers developers to craft visually appealing and seamless user experiences across devices and operating systems. Hence, streamlining the app development process and promoting code reusability.

Create progressive web apps through flutter

What are the Benefits of Choosing Javascript Frameworks for Cross-Platform Apps Development?

Choosing JavaScript frameworks for cross-platform app development offers numerous benefits. Here are some key advantages:

1. Maximum Exposure to The Target Audience

JavaScript frameworks enable developers to create apps on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and the web. This broadens the potential user base and ensures maximum exposure to the target audience.

2. Reduced Development Cost Through JavaScript Frameworks

Developing cross-platform apps with JavaScript frameworks eliminates the need to build separate apps for different platforms. This significantly reduces development costs, as a single codebase can be used across multiple platforms.

3. Easier Maintenance & Deployment

Managing and updating a single codebase for all platforms simplifies the maintenance process. Bug fixes, updates, and new features can be applied uniformly. Hence, streamlining deployment.

4. Quicker Development Process

With a unified codebase, developers can build cross-platform apps faster. They don’t have to learn multiple languages or develop platform-specific code. Hence, accelerating the development process.

5. Reusable Of Codes

JavaScript frameworks promote code reusability. Shared components and modules can be reused across various projects. Hence, saving time and effort in development.

6. Easy integration of JavaScript Frameworks With Cloud

JavaScript frameworks often have excellent integration capabilities with cloud services. Hence, making it easier to implement cloud features into the app.

7. Faster time-to-market and Customization

JavaScript frameworks help reduce the time-to-market for the app. Additionally, customization options allow developers to tailor the app to specific platform requirements.

8. Achieve Uniform Design Through JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks often have UI libraries that maintain a consistent and uniform design across different platforms. Hence, ensuring a seamless user experience.

What Factors to Consider When Choosing JavaScript Frameworks?

When selecting a JavaScript framework, it’s essential to consider several factors. Here are the key factors to consider:

App Requirements and Complexity

Assess the specific requirements and complexity of your application. Different frameworks cater to various projects. Furthermore, it can range from simple websites to complex web applications or cross-platform mobile apps.

Performance Considerations For JavaScript Frameworks

Evaluate the framework’s performance capabilities. Look for benchmarks, reviews, and real-world performance data to ensure it can handle the expected load and deliver a smooth user experience.

Developer Expertise and Familiarity

Consider your team’s expertise and familiarity with the framework. Moreover, choosing a framework that aligns with your developers’ skillset can lead to faster development and better code quality.

Community Support and Resources

Check the size and activity of the framework’s community. A thriving community ensures continuous updates, bug fixes, and a wealth of online resources.

Platform-Specific Features and Integrations

Ensure the framework supports the required features and integrations with the platforms of your choice (e.g., mobile, web, desktop).

Third-Party Library Availability

Evaluate the availability of third-party libraries and plugins compatible with the framework. These libraries can save development time and provide additional functionalities.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

Consider the framework’s scalability potential and ability to handle future growth and evolving technologies. Opt for a framework that won’t become obsolete quickly and can accommodate future updates and expansions.

How to Evaluate JavaScript Frameworks?

Evaluating JavaScript frameworks requires a thorough assessment of various aspects. It can help us determine which best suits your project’s needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to evaluate JavaScript frameworks:

Performance Benchmarks and Considerations

Begin by examining the frameworks’ performance benchmarks and real-world performance data under consideration. Moreover, evaluate factors like load times, rendering speed, and memory usage. It can help us ensure the framework can meet your requirements.

Developer Productivity and Ease of Use

Consider the framework’s ease of use and developer productivity. Look for features like a clear and intuitive syntax, well-designed APIs, and tools that streamline development. Hence, allowing developers to be more productive.

UI/UX Capabilities and Customization Options

Evaluate the framework’s UI/UX capabilities and customization options. Moreover, you must ensure that it provides the necessary tools and flexibility to create the desired user interface and deliver a seamless user experience.

Testing and Debugging Tools

Check if the framework has robust testing and debugging tools. Access to reliable testing frameworks and debugging utilities can significantly ease development. Moreover, it can help identify and fix issues efficiently.

Documentation and Learning Resources

Look for comprehensive and up-to-date documentation for the framework. Moreover, good documentation is crucial for understanding the framework’s features and functionalities. Additionally, consider the availability of learning resources like tutorials, guides, and community-contributed content.

Community Support and Active Development

Examine the size and activity of the framework’s community. Moreover, a strong community indicates an active and well-supported project, leading to continuous improvement and prompt bug fixes.

JavaScript Frameworks: Conclusion

Choosing the right JavaScript framework is critical when designing cross-platform apps for businesses. Moreover, consider the specific requirements and complexity of your application to ensure success. Furthermore, you must also consider your development team’s expertise and familiarity with the framework.

Performance benchmarks and real-world data should guide you in assessing the framework’s capabilities. Moreover,  it can help you to handle the expected load and deliver a smooth user experience. Additionally, examine the availability of platform-specific features and integrations and third-party library support. At the same time, a strong community and active development contribute to ongoing support and updates.

JavaScript Frameworks: FAQs

What Is a Framework in JavaScript?

A framework in JavaScript is a pre-built structure providing tools and functionalities for easier app development.

What Is the Most Used Framework in JavaScript?

React is the most used framework in JavaScript.

Do I Need JavaScript Frameworks?

Consider your project’s complexity and requirements. Moreover, a JavaScript framework can streamline development and enhance functionality.

Which JavaScript Frameworks Are Popular in 2023?

Ext JS & React are the most popular framework in 2023.

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