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How to Win: An Inside Look from the Judges

January 23, 2013 214 Views

Today we released the final video in our contest series about what it will take to win the HTML5 is Ready App Contest. Hear directly from the judges on what a badass HTML5 app means to them and ultimately what it will take to win.

Video #3: How to Win

If you missed the first two videos, check them out below.

Video #1: App Categories

App Categories

Judges insight on how to innovate in the starter categories

  • Weather
  • To Do/Reminder
  • Calculator
  • Stocks
  • Camera/Photos
  • Calendar

Video #2: Judging Criteria

Judging Criteria

What the judges will be looking for when it comes to the six criteria

  • Use of a Sencha framework
  • Use of HTML5 (how well app shows off the power and grace of HTML5 on the latest devices)
  • Elegance of app design/architecture
  • Overall quality of UX
  • Coolness & innovation
  • Tests well on iPad 4, iPhone 5, Galaxy S3, and Microsoft Surface


Read more about the contest here. Check out our Contest FAQ or post a thread on our Contest Forum.

Submit Your App

3 weeks left! Contest entries are starting to come in. It’s not too late, join fellow developers and prove HTML5 is Ready by submitting your app today! App submission deadline is February 15, 2013. Winners will be announced the first week in March.