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It’s Back: Ext JS Single Developer License

December 1, 2017 307 Views

We are excited to announce that Sencha is reintroducing the Single Developer license for Ext JS as of today! Speaking with customers and reviewing comments from our surveys and previous blog posts since the acquisition by Idera, Inc., this was one of the top requests for improvement we received. We are delighted to be able to return the Single Developer license to the Sencha and broader development communities. The Sencha Ext JS Single Developer license (Standard, Pro, or Premium version) is available for purchase as part of an annual subscription that includes one year of licensing, distribution rights, maintenance, and support. You can purchase 1-20 licenses from the Sencha website or contact Sales if you need more than 20 licenses or purchase orders.

We encourage individual developers and small businesses all over the world to experiment with Ext JS. It is time-tested, scalable, and by far the quickest way to build an Enterprise-grade Web App with its many components. With no minimum purchase requirements, it is now easier than ever to get started.

Ext JS is a highly effective JS framework. As a reminder, you can still download Ext JS for free for 30 days here.

I’m sure many of you have questions now that single developer licenses for Ext JS are available. We have answered several questions below and encourage you to visit our updated FAQ page. If you have any additional questions that we have not yet addressed, please send them to [email protected].

Single Developer Subscription License – FAQs:

When will single developer licenses be available for purchase for GXT and Sencha Test?

This will be an area of focus for 2018. In the meantime, Independent Consultants who meet the eligibility requirements may purchase fewer than five licenses of Sencha Test and GXT under our Independent Consultant program.

I am a current Ext JS customer and have purchased a 5-pack of Ext JS licenses and am not using, nor do I plan to use, all 5 licenses. What should I do?

Please contact your Sales rep in advance of your renewal to discuss the best package for you. You will have the option to maintain your 5-pack license package or you can switch over to the correct number of Single Developer Subscription Licenses that best suit your development team/organization. For a small team it maybe still be more economical to keep your existing renewal.

Do I need to renew my license every year when purchasing Single Developer Subscription licenses?

Yes, if you have purchased Single Developer Subscription licenses, you will need to renew your license, which includes maintenance and support, on an annual basis.

Are x-credits going to be included with Single Developer subscription license purchases (similar to the 5-pack Ext JS purchases)?

Yes, you will receive 40 x-credits with each license purchased under the Single Developer subscription license (same as the 5-pack Ext JS license purchases).

I have previously purchased Ext JS licenses under the Independent Consultant License program. Now that you’re offering Single Developer Subscription Licenses (as of 12/1/2017), how does this impact my usage of current Ext JS licenses under the Independent Consultant License program, and what happens when my license expires?

There’s no change to the status of your Independent Consultant License program license. You can use this license for a customer if you have not already assigned it.

When Sencha went to the five (5) user license minimum, they grandfathered all of the existing users holding single user licenses so that they could continue to hold their single user license as long as they continued to pay their annual maintenance renewal fee. Will this policy continue for those users or will they be required to switch to the new single user subscription model?

They will continue to be grandfathered in and will not have to switch over to the subscription license

Do you have feedback for us?

As mentioned above, if you have additional questions that we have not yet addressed here or on the FAQ page, please do send your questions and general feedback to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your continued support, and for being a part of the Sencha Community.