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Weathering The Economic Storm While Staying Secure and Productive

March 24, 2020 104 Views

The COVID-19 global pandemic has caught us all off guard and emerged into something none of us have ever experienced. First of all, we hope that you and your family are safe and staying healthy.

At Idera. Inc, business is as usual while ensuring the safety and health of our employees, partners and customers. The entire Sencha team is committed to business continuity and is here to help our customers in any way we can. So please reach out to us.

As the economy undergoes large swings during unpredictable times like the present, organizations need to hone in on contributing to the overall business objectives with greater focus. As we talk to our customers about the impact of the current volatile and rocky market, we realize that lowering budgets, increasing productivity and reducing business risks are more important now than ever. Enterprises that are able to capitalize on these performing factors can withstand the strong economic headwinds—though these are very difficult times for everyone.

Businesses continue to bootstrap projects, centralize methodologies, and evaluate the total cost of ownership to increase efficiency and reduce costs. As teams continue to be measured on their direct impact to the top business line, individual contributions, as well as development methodologies, will be under tight scrutiny.

We strongly feel that companies should not have to sacrifice the security of their applications or slow down the growth of their business as a result of this unexpected health pandemic.
Is your organization efficient with its resources and development methodologies? The current market is volatile—reducing business risks and doing more for less is crucial.
The entire Sencha team can help businesses like yours weather through the current situation.

Stay Current—Mitigate Your Risk

Despite the current crisis, it’s important to prioritize the security of your application so that organizations are confident in their current processes. Loosely maintained and unsupported code is a target for security threats, especially mission-critical business applications. It’s just not worth the risk amidst so much uncertainty. If you are using unsupported Ext JS software versions, consider upgrading your applications to the latest supported versions and stay secure. Not only do newer versions have more features, but they are also more secure and you can get immediate technical help.

The Market is Shaky—Be Strategic

If your team is considering methodology consolidation or re-platforming software, don’t slow your teams down by reinventing the wheel and developing solutions in-house. Enterprise-grade high productivity framework and components like Ext JS can get the job done faster and with fewer resources, provide the highest performance right off the bat and save costs in the long haul. Ext JS has helped many successful small to large companies such as Xero,, FICO and others build their platform from the ground up.

We are confident that we will all come through this together and assure our customers and partners of our relentless commitment.

Through the month of March, we are offering a 30% discount on Ext JS online orders and an additional 5% off (until mid April) to global organizations that are hit hardest by the current health crisis. Use ExtJSTogether35 to utilize the 35% discount. Valid until April 15, 2020. (valid for net-new opportunities, not applicable to renewals)

Remember that we are here to help. Stay healthy and stay safe!

More Ext JS Learning Material

With global events and conferences being canceled and many of us confined to our home-based workspaces, we encourage you to check out the wealth of online video based learning material. Check out the basic to advanced Ext JS Grid Tutorials or explore Ext JS Component Spotlight Videos. Interested in learning about Ext JS training for your teams? Learn more about the upcoming Ext JS Class Schedule.

Looking to Upgrade Apps to the latest Ext JS version?

The Upgrade Advisor is a free tool built for Ext JS customers to expedite the upgrade process. Learn more and give it a try. Need professional help to upgrade your app? Sencha professional service experts can provide a helping hand. Contact them today and stay secure.