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Building Scalable Content Management Systems with Ext JS

March 31, 2020 164 Views

Effectively managing large volumes of digital content on-premise or on the cloud has become an essential part of most businesses. Content management software (CMS) systems, in particular, enable users to create, manage, collaborate and modify content on external-facing interfaces such as a website or applications. CMS platforms are awesome because they let users manage content without the need for them to learn any programming, If you aren’t a developer, but want to create and manage content, you can— with CMS tools!

You may have come across many CMS platforms. Here are some popular categories.

Website/E-commerce builders

Website builders such as, Adobe Experience Manager, are web content management platforms. Users can easily build websites without having the know-how of HTML or Markup languages. Other platforms on the market such as Squarespace, Shopify or Bigcommerce make web building and e-commerce pretty simple and user friendly. These web content management tools can be used to power many platforms where content is at the forefront. A few examples are websites, blogs, forums, chats, social networks, e-commerce stores, subscription or membership based platforms etc.

Learning Platforms

Another popular category in CMS is online learning platforms. Learning Management Systems (LMS) for education or training programs offer a collaborative digital learning experience for students or employees. These platforms have really flourished over the past decade. Most colleges and universities now offer some form of online learning course. Learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, Khan Academy etc. have been expanding their offering and increase the quality, reach and value of the courses—making learning flexible and efficient. Another popular LMS used by K-12 learning programs is Canvas by Instructure. This cloud-based platform streamlines content and tools for an open and extensible learning ecosystem. LMS platforms offer many built-in features such as individual or mass messaging, collaborative tools, data analytics for gauging content engagement and views or even certification and compliance.

Authoring and Publishing Platforms

A popular category in CMS is authoring and publishing platforms. Many solutions currently on the market provide easy-to-use experiences to create, maintain and localize content to make them publishable on the web without leaving the platform. Technical writers, collaborators can easily use the platform without requiring any coding expertise. A few popular use cases are customer facing product manuals, e-learning programs, internal training programs, medical documentation. These platforms allow editing, review, approvals, change management and final publishing of docs all under one umbrella.

CMS Platforms offer the ability to create and deploy solutions at scale. Users, designers and developers can work in parallel, reduce any friction or bottlenecks— all while working in a secure and intuitive cloud based environment.

Ext JS Powers the Top CMS Platforms

Many businesses trust Ext JS to power their CMS solutions. Not only can these platforms be built quickly and efficiently with an enterprise-level framework like Ext JS, but also they are high performing and can be deployed at-scale. Building a complex CMS solution from ground-up can really slow down development and deployment. Frequent maintenance and upgrade efforts in itself are a huge undertaking. And in the current volatile economy, saving on costs and increasing efficiency is key.

If you are using an open source solution to build your mission critical apps, there are many things to consider. Though Open source solutions are great for generic development and prototyping, they may not be the best fit for a platform investment given the security risk, potential browser, platform or compatibility issues, feature inadequacies or even interoperability difficulties. So think twice before taking the leap to building your own or using open source.

Platforms developed using enterprise-grade solutions like Ext JS are robust and flexible. In fact, Ext JS powers some of the top CMS solutions on the market. If your business is thinking about expanding into a Content Management platform or already has one in place, why not think about offloading the heavy lift to Ext JS? I bet it will be a strategic move in the long haul and there will be significant cost savings.

Have you heard about Ext JS Hub License for OEMs? It’s the perfect license for building CMS platforms. Ext JS Hub provides unlimited Ext JS user licenses for an annual fixed cost.

More about Ext JS Hub License

Want to learn more? This new whitepaper highlights how enterprises can unlock new revenue streams for their business with Ext JS Hub License. Give us a holler and our sales team will connect with you right away.