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6-Steps Enterprise Application Development Process That Works

June 23, 2023 736 Views

Do you struggle to bridge the gap between business requirements and IT capabilities? If so, you’re not alone. Many organizations face hurdles when creating robust and efficient enterprise applications. In this blog, we will explore a 6-step enterprise application development process. Moreover, it can help you overcome these obstacles.

Let’s first understand what enterprise applications are and why this topic is important. Enterprise applications are software solutions to meet the specific needs of large-scale organizations. They streamline business processes, enhance collaboration, and improve efficiency.

But, developing such enterprise apps can be complex and fraught with challenges. The traditional approach to enterprise application development often involves lengthy development cycles. Moreover, it also has limited collaboration and a shortage of skilled developers. These barriers can hinder progress and result in suboptimal outcomes.

To address these challenges, we will guide you through building business apps. Additionally, we will introduce you to Sencha Ext JS. It is a powerful framework that can help you leverage enterprise application development.

Let’s begin our journey.

enterprise application development

What is Enterprise Application Development?

Enterprise Application Development refers to the process of creating software applications for organizations. Moreover, they tailor to meet the needs of large-scale organizations. These applications help to streamline business processes. At the same time, they also improve collaboration, enhance efficiency, and address unique challenges.

What Is The Difference Between Traditional & Modern Enterprise Application Development?

Here are some differences between both approaches.

Traditional App Development

  • Slow process
  • Complex scalability and migration due to dependency between application and operating system.
  • Slow process for solving app problems.
  • The operations team assesses the code before the application is released.
  • Costly
  • Less secure

Modern App Development

  • Fast app development projects
  • No dependency between the application and the operating system.
  • App updates are performed faster.
  • Swift and smooth transition.
  • You only have to pay for the required tools. Hence, it is highly cost-effective.
  • Secure and easy-to-use data storage.

persons discussing business objectives for app

What Are Enterprise App Development Barriers?

Here are some barriers that we should know.

Legacy System

Legacy systems are outdated software applications that have been used for a long time. Moreover, these systems often lack compatibility with modern technologies. Hence, making integrating them with new enterprise applications challenging. Legacy computer systems may have limited functionality, poor performance, and security vulnerabilities.

Poor Collaboration Between Business and IT

Collaboration is important for making good apps for businesses. Both the business and IT teams need to work together. There’s a problem when business and IT strategies don’t match. Moreover, it gets tough to satisfy the organization’s requirements.

Business teams may have unrealistic expectations. On the other hand, IT teams may struggle to deliver solutions that align with the business goals. Furthermore, this misalignment can result in delays, rework, and inefficient use of resources.

Developer Shortage

The demand for skilled software developers often exceeds the available supply. Numerous organizations encounter difficulties in recruiting and retaining skilled developers. Hence, resulting in a shortage of qualified professionals. Moreover, this scarcity can have adverse effects on enterprise app development. Some examples are project timeline delays and intensified competition for proficient developers.

Lack Of Organizational Agility

Organizational agility refers to an organization’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to customer needs. Inflexible organizations may struggle to adapt to evolving requirements.

Download WhitePaper: Building Data-Intensive Applications To Accelerate Enterprise Growth

advanced threat detection by knowing barriers

What Are the Two Common Ways To Build Apps?

The two common ways to build apps are Low Code development and No Code development. Here’s a brief explanation of each approach:

Low Code

Low Code development uses a visual development environment. Moreover, it provides a set of pre-built components and drag-and-drop interfaces.

Developers can rapidly build applications by visually configuring and connecting these components. Hence, requiring minimal coding.

These platforms often provide tools for database integration, user interface design, & business logic implementation.

Low Code development accelerates the mobile app and development process. Hence, it reduces the need for extensive coding and enables faster iteration and deployment of applications.

No Code

This development takes the concept of Low Code further by allowing users to create applications without writing any code.

These platforms provide intuitive interfaces and pre-built templates. Moreover, they enable users to design, build, and deploy applications through visual interfaces and configurations.

Users can create custom applications using drag-and-drop functionality, form builders, and workflow builders.

No Code development empowers users with little coding experience to create functional applications. Hence, bypassing the traditional development process and accelerating time-to-market for simple to moderately complex mobile applications.

What Features Enterprise App Development Platform Should Have?

Here are those important features.


Enterprise app development platforms should prioritize security measures. Moreover, it can help to protect sensitive customer and company data. This includes secure authentication, data encryption, role-based access control, and compliance with industry standards and regulations.


The ability to scale is crucial for enterprise app development platforms. Furthermore, organizations must build applications that handle increasing user loads, data volumes, and transactional demands.


An effective app development platform should have robust data integration capabilities. Moreover, it should seamlessly integrate with existing business systems such as CRM and other critical applications.

Reporting & Analytics

Reporting and analytics features are essential for enterprise security custom applications. Moreover, they enable decision-makers to gain insights from the data collected by the applications.

Cloud Access

With the increasing adoption of cloud computing, an enterprise app development platform should offer seamless integration with cloud services.

How Can Ext JS Help You Leverage Enterprise Application Development?

Ext JS is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. Furthermore, it can help leverage enterprise application development in several ways:

Build Scalable Apps

Ext JS provides a robust foundation for building scalable enterprise applications. Furthermore, it provides a modular architecture and extensive UI components. Hence, developers create applications that can easily handle increasing user loads.

Optimize Your Business Process

Ext JS offers a low-code development approach. Hence, allowing users to design and configure application components using drag-and-drop functionality visually. This low-code approach speeds up the development process. Moreover, it also enables users to optimize their business processes by streamlining operations.

Increase Productivity 

It enables the standardization of processes in enterprise applications. Moreover, it also allows developers to create a unified user experience across different modules and applications.

This standardization simplifies user interactions. Moreover, it also reduces learning curves. Hence, allowing organizations to navigate and interact with the application easily.

Automate Workflow

Ext JS supports the automation of workflows within enterprise applications. Hence, developers can create custom workflows and define business rules to automate repetitive or manual tasks. Moreover, organizations can improve efficiency, reduce human errors, and ensure consistent and accurate execution of business processes.

Standardize Process

The standardized process helps maintain application consistency, improves user experience, and simplifies maintenance and updates. Moreover, it reduces development time, enhances code reuse, and facilitates collaboration among developers working on different modules or projects.

Also Read: Accelerate Enterprise Application Development With Sencha Ext JS

ext js enterprise applications development

What Is a 6-Step Enterprise Software Development Process?

The 6-step enterprise software development process typically includes the following stages:

Requirement Gathering 

This initial phase involves gathering and documenting detailed requirements for the enterprise software. It includes understanding the software’s business goals, user needs, and functional requirements. The development team interacts with stakeholders, conducts interviews, and performs analysis to define the software’s scope, key features, and specifications.

data gathering for enterprise application development process

Planning And Alignment

This phase creates a detailed project plan outlining the development approach, timelines, resource allocation, and milestones. The plan ensures alignment between the development team, stakeholders, and project objectives. It includes establishing communication channels, defining roles and responsibilities, and identifying potential risks and mitigation strategies.

planning for enterprise application development process

UI/UX Design

The UI/UX design stage focuses on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the enterprise software. Designers work on wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs that align with the requirements and user expectations.

Moreover, the UI/UX design considers usability, accessibility, and branding to deliver a visually appealing user experience.

UX UI for enterprise application development process

Software Development

This stage involves the actual development of the enterprise software. Developers write the code, integrate necessary components and modules. Moreover, they implement the desired features and functionalities.

enterprise application development process

Testing & Deployment

Once the software development is complete, thorough testing is conducted to ensure its functionality, performance, and reliability. Furthermore, it includes various types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Maintenance & Support For Enterprise Application Development

After deployment, the enterprise software requires ongoing maintenance and support. This includes addressing reported issues or bugs and releasing updates and patches. Hence, providing technical support to end users.

developing enterprise applications through ext js

Enterprise Application Development: Conclusion

The 6-step enterprise application development process provides a structured framework. The process ensures a thorough understanding of business needs starting with requirement gathering.

Planning and alignment help to establish a clear roadmap for development. On the other hand, UI/UX design focuses on delivering an engaging user experience.

The actual development phase brings the software to life. Moreover, it follows testing and deployment to ensure quality and functionality.

Maintenance and support ensure the software remains reliable, up-to-date, and aligned with evolving business needs. Furthermore, this process can develop enterprise applications that drive efficiency, productivity, and business growth.

Enterprise Application Development: FAQs

What Are the 4 Major Applications for Enterprise Applications?

The four major applications for enterprise applications are CRM, ERP, SCM, and HRM.

What Is an Example of an Enterprise Application?

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Supply chain management (SCM)

What Are the Steps to Develop Enterprise Applications?

Requirement gathering, planning, UI/UX design, development, testing & deployment, and maintenance & support.

Why Is Enterprise Application Development Important?

Enterprise application development is important for streamlining business processes. Moreover, it can also help us in improving productivity, and enabling digital transformation.

Contact Us and start developing high-quality enterprise applications.

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