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7 Reasons To Use UI Component Libraries To Style Web Apps

June 22, 2023 1087 Views

If you’re tired of spending countless hours designing and styling your web applications from scratch or finding it challenging to maintain consistency and scalability in your UI and if you’re nodding your head in agreement, then UI component libraries are your ultimate solution. In this article, we’ll look at 7 compelling reasons to use a UI component library to style your web applications.

What Are UI Libraries?

what are ui component library

A UI component library is a software tool or system that provides a collection of ready-to-use components for building front-end applications and websites. These libraries provide pre-designed and pre-built user interface elements that can be quickly integrated into your projects, such as buttons, forms, menus, and more. Developers can take advantage of these ready-made components to improve consistency, the user interface, and speed up the development process by using a UI component library.

Benefits Of Styling Web Apps With UI Libraries

benefits of styling ui component library

The following are 7 reasons why you should use UI component libraries to style web apps.

Rapid Development

Button, form, dropdown, and navigation menu libraries provide a large selection of common components that have gone through testing. Developers no longer have to spend hours manually constructing these components because of this. Instead, users can just pick out the components they want from the collection and easily incorporate them into their applications. This therefore considerably quickens the development process and frees up developers to concentrate on the application’s main features.

Additionally, UI libraries frequently include pre-defined styles and themes that guarantee uniformity throughout the project. Developers no longer have to spend time separately adjusting each component’s visual elements. The UI library design not only saves time but also improves the user experience by giving the entire program a unified, professional appearance.

Awesome UI

Even while development has to proceed quickly, aesthetics should never be sacrificed. UI libraries frequently contain a variety of expertly designed elements, such as buttons, cards, sliders, and icons, that have been created with care and consideration for the user experience. These parts are aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and consistent with current design trends.

Low Coding

A wide variety of frequently used UI elements, such as buttons, input fields, and navigation menus, are available in UI frameworks. The performance and usability of these components go through a thorough evaluation. Developers just need to choose them from the library.

Time Efficient

Developers can combine and match pre-existing components rather than creating each part from scratch to design UI faster. This, therefore, saves a substantial amount of time and work by removing the requirement for custom designing and coding. Because pre-built components are readily available, developers may work more productively and quickly.

Easy to Work

Implementation complexity reduces by developers’ ease of use of code snippets and documentation. Components can readily function by copying and pasting code fragments from the library. This simplicity and usability therefore promote an efficient development cycle and raise developer productivity.

Less Maintenance

The amount of code you need to develop and maintain will decrease with the usage of reusable components from the library. Less code means less chance of bugs and other problems, which means less maintenance work. This will therefore prevent the need for additional resources and reduces costs.

Cross-Browser Compatible

Making sure that the app appears and performs consistently across various browsers and devices is one of the toughest problems in front-end development. UI libraries solve this problem by offering components that go through rigorous testing, optimization, and proper functioning across various devices.

For more information, you can read How to Design UI Faster With the Best UI Components

How to Choose the Best UI Component Libraries

how to choose the best ui component library

The following are factors you should consider when choosing the best UI component library.


A dynamic community suggests that the UI components library has a lot of support and is probably going to change along with the trends in the sector. Search for libraries that have a committed community that regularly releases updates, bug fixes, and feature additions.

Easy To Use

The initial setup procedure may differ, even though once installed, most libraries function similarly. Look for libraries with easy-to-understand documentation, thorough examples, and a gradual learning curve.

Extensibility + Licensing

Extensibility enables the addition of new components in order to satisfy evolving requirements, allowing for future flexibility and growth. On the other hand, licensing is extremely important in ensuring that the selected library complies with the licensing specifications for your project and allows for the intended usage.


You can get insights regarding the reputation, user adoption, and satisfaction of the library by looking at the number of stars on GitHub, perusing live issue pages, and conducting web research. A well-liked library with a sizable user base and ongoing development suggests dependability, support from the community, and satisfying user experiences.

Ext JS: Better UI Component Library

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework that offers a full selection of UI elements for creating cross-platform, data-intensive web and mobile applications. It has many features and is built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design system. The following are some key features of Ext JS.

  • Wide range of user interface elements, such as grids, trees, forms, and charts.
  • Can tie data to UI components using a robust data binding engine.
  • Versatile layout approach that makes it simple in order to design intricate layouts.
  • Wide range of event handling and event management capabilities.
  • Robust animation platform that enables you to make fluid and captivating animations.
  • Variety of pre-installed themes and styles.
  • Thorough API documentation.
  • The large and vibrant development community.

Advantages Of Ext JS UI Component Library

The following are key advantages of Ext JS and why you should give it a try.

Faster Development

Ext JS offers a large selection of UI components that are already created and can be used in order to rapidly and simply create complicated applications. Therefore, this can save programmers a lot of time and work, allowing them to concentrate on the application’s business logic.

Awesome UI

Ext JS components are made in order to look good and be simple to use. This can therefore enhance user engagement and contribute to a better user experience.

Low Coding

Ext JS components are simple to use and can be tailored to your application’s unique requirements. This may aid in lowering the amount of coding necessary, accelerating and simplifying development.

Cross Compatibility

Ext JS can be used in order to create desktop, mobile, and web apps. Therefore, this can ensure that a wider range of users can utilize your program.

Easy To Use

Ext JS is a well-documented, simple-to-learn framework. Therefore, this can make it simpler and quicker to launch your application.

Time Efficient

Ext JS offers a broad collection of features and capabilities that you can use across several projects to help you save time and money. By doing so, you’ll be able to concentrate on your application’s main features and launch it more quickly.

Get Started With Sencha Ext JS

You can easily integrate Sencha Ext JS into your application. The following section goes through how to download and install Ext JS.

How To Download And Install Ext JS

  • Go to the Ext JS product page on the Sencha website (
  • Make your choice for the Ext JS version you want to download. Sencha provides both for-profit and free choices.
  • Select the desired version by clicking the download button or the given link.
  • Extract the file you downloaded.
  • Following the extraction of files, you can reference the required JavaScript and CSS files in your project to include the Ext JS library.
  • Arrange the project’s files in accordance with the suggested Ext JS project structure.
  • In order to configure Ext JS in your project, refer to the documentation and instructions supplied by Sencha.


In conclusion, utilizing UI component libraries such as Sencha Ext JS offers numerous benefits for styling web apps. Leveraging these UI component libraries enhances productivity, improves user experience, and streamlines the development process. We highly recommend exploring and incorporating these libraries to elevate your web app development and deliver outstanding results.


What is a UI component library?

It’s a collection of already-built UI elements and components for web development.

What is an example of a component library?

There are several popular component libraries such as React UI Component Libraries, React Bootstrap, Chakra UI, Material UI, Google’s material design, Semantic UI React components, and other React UI libraries. The React component library provides a vast range of pre-designed and reusable React UI components.

Why do we use UI components?

We use UI components to enhance consistency, efficiency, and reusability in web development.

How to build a UI component library?

You can start by identifying common UI elements, creating modular and reusable components, styling them with CSS, and organizing them in a well-documented library structure.

Try Sencha Ext JS for Powerful Component Libraries