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5 Examples Of A Successful JS Grid

April 14, 2022 422 Views

JavaScript is everywhere. Millions of websites use it and it isn’t going away anytime soon. Because it is no longer restricted to your web browser, it’s also appropriate for server-side apps. Moreover, when it comes to showing data, the Grid is one of the most fundamental and helpful JavaScript components. It is a common yet essential technology that developers use to display enormous data sets and, more significantly, allow users to browse, sort, and interact with them.

JavaScript Grids allow developers to modernize and speed up corporate processes. They do this by making it easier for their users to work with data. One specific tool, JS Grid enables us to present vast amounts of data without stuttering or freezing. It also helps us save time when it comes to data management. This article discusses 5 examples of successful JS Grid implementations to help you understand the tool better.

Why are Data Grids Important?


Online applications that display a large amount of data, such as live reports and tracking statistics require Data grids. Here are some reasons you should use a data grid in your next project:

Data grids boost your application’s performance. Because most open source data grid libraries are small and light, they don’t have a lot of overhead. Virtual scrolling is also available in most libraries, improving user experience while scrolling through enormous amounts of material. Filtering, sorting, and pagination are characteristics of data grids that make it easier to navigate enormous databases.

What is the Importance of Sencha Ext JS?


What Is The Importance Of Sencha Ext JS

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for creating data-intensive, cross-platform online and mobile applications on all modern devices. This JS framework comes with over 140 high-performance, pre-integrated, and tested UI components. Ext JS is the most comprehensive collection of high-performance, customizable UI widgets in the industry. It includes HTML5 grids, lists, menus, panels, toolbars, trees, forms, and windows.

Why is Ext JS Grid the Best in the Market?

The Ext JS grid is an extremely useful component with comprehensive functionality and many extensions. Because it does not rely on third-party libraries, it simplifies app design. Built-in Ext JS UI components like dropdown menus, grouping data, and other fascinating add-on functionalities also assist with data organization.

Ext JS uses buffered grid rendering. Users can browse thousands of data points without incurring the performance penalties of bringing them all into the DOM at once. Column locking is another handy feature of Ext JS. You can enable automatic locking by setting the column’s ‘locked’ settings to ‘true’ or ‘enable locking’ to ‘true.’

Furthermore, programmers can embed components inside grid cells in Ext JS using the WidgetColumn class. To add a Widget Column to your page, you simply have to set the xtype of the column to “widgetcolumn.”

Ext JS also has several helpful plugins. For instance, the Row Expander plugin adds an “expander” column to each row, allowing the user to reveal or hide the body of the row. This feature is critical because users can minimize, increase, or hide columns based on their needs. Another advantage of this feature is that it conceals undesired information. In addition, Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop allows you to move things around in a GridView using drag and drop. 

Here are even more features that make Ext JS stand out:

  • High performing and robust for the most data-intensive inputs
  • Able to handle millions of records
  • Large feature set includes filtering, grouping, and infinite scrolling (Read this blog to learn more)
  • Full customization control
  • Data Export capabilities (CSV, TSV, HTML, PDF, XLS)
  • Pre-tested over a wide variety of platforms and browsers
  • Easy UI component integration to the grid

How Successful is Grid.js as a JS Grid?

Grid.js is a completely free and open-source TypeScript-based JavaScript table plugin. It supports data binding, filtering, custom, and multi-column sorting, cell formatting, searches and pagination, selection, React, Angular, and Vue.

Grid.js is a configuration-oriented framework. It passes Search, sort, pagination, style, and other attributes to the Grid object as configurations. In addition, it includes recommended wrapper packages for any of the JavaScript frameworks you’re working with.

Grid.js supports CSS integration, allowing you to style your tables whichever way you want. It also allows you to use your own theme to create a more complex data table. Grid.js, on the other hand, isn’t ideal for commercial apps because it lacks native support for in-cell editing, virtual scrolling, exporting choices, Excel-like filtering and sorting, and other features.

What Makes Handsontable a Good JS Grid?

Handsontable is a JavaScript library that allows you to create JS grids quickly and efficiently. It supports the React, Vue, and Angular frameworks and comes with a free and commercial license. Handsontable’s primary features include data binding (fetching data from a data source and displaying it on a grid), data saving locally, middleware, events, hooks, and customizations. Handsontable configuration options, like Grid.js, allow you to customize the JS grid to your liking.

Handsontable offers a spreadsheet-like user interface and is ideal for creating spreadsheet online applications with features like cell functions, types, formulas, context menus, keyboard navigation, internationalization, and batch operations. However, Handsontable gives you limited theming possibilities.

What Makes AG Grid Useful? 

AG Grid is a fully functional JS grid available in community and enterprise editions. It supports many JS frameworks, including Vanilla JavaScript, React, Vue, and Angular. Selection, filtering, data binding, rendering cells, in-cell editing, master-detail, import and export options, virtual scrolling, keyboard events, testing, and security choices are all standard features.

A few UI components available in AG Grid are Sparklines, tool panels, context menus, status bars, and integrated standalone charts. It also comes with pre-installed UI themes and allows you to develop your own. Alpine (dark mode), Balham (dark mode), and Material UI are among the themes available.

The AG Grid community edition, however, offers limited functionality. To use features like master-detail, integrated charting, sparklines, Excel export, row grouping, aggregation, sophisticated filtering, developer support, and so on, you’ll need to upgrade to the business edition. This is often costly.

How is Toast UI Grid a Successful JS Grid?

You’ve definitely come across a Toast UI Grid control as a JavaScript developer, specifically the notification or pop-up control. The Toast UI grid is a JS grid control written entirely in JavaScript. Complex column operations, a custom editor, theming choices, a date picker, validation, sorting, internationalization, data summary, custom events, frozen columns, filters, pagination, and endless scrolling are just a few available features.

On the other hand, the Toast UI grid is a pure JavaScript grid with no support for other JavaScript frameworks, which is something to keep in mind when choosing a library for your JS grid needs.

Are You Excited to Build Grids with Ext JS? 

Are You Excited To Build Grids With Ext JS

JavaScript grids are controls that third parties do better. This is because they provide more functionality and save time over creating your own data grid tool.  The Ext JS data grid, in particular, is a powerful way to show any tabular data on the client-side. This article discussed why data grids are important and compared five JavaScript grids: Ext JS, AG Grid, Handsontable, Grid.js, and Toast UI. We also discussed the benefits and applications of these data grids to demonstrate what makes Ext JS the best data grid on the market.

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