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Angular vs Ext JS: Which JavaScript Framework Should You Use?

October 19, 2023 1013 Views

Choosing the right JavaScript framework can be a difficult decision sometimes. As technology advances and project requirements become increasingly complex, developers are faced with a decision that can hugely impact the success of their careers. One such choice is the selection between Ext JS and Angular. In this article, we will explore the factors that influence developers in this decision-making process. We’ll begin by addressing the growing popularity of Ext JS, highlighting why many prefer it over Angular, and then provide a sneak peek into the key considerations that will guide you in making the right choice for your next web development project. Read on to discover which of the two JS frameworks aligns best with your goals.

Ext JS vs. Angular JS: An Overview

First of all, it’s important to understand the unique strengths and capabilities of both Ext JS and Angular JS.

Ext JS, known for its reliability and comprehensive toolset, has gained a loyal following among developers. Ext JS performs well when developing complex, data-heavy applications that have feature-rich web interfaces. Its user-friendly API, open-source JavaScript library, and efficient data package make it an excellent choice for those looking for powerful, enterprise-level solutions.

On the other side is Angular JS, a formidable opponent in its own right. This open-source framework backed by Google has its own resources and a vibrant community. Angular JS has a modular and component-based architecture, offering powerful two-way data binding and HTML code templates. With its focus on testability, maintainability, and reusability, it is a good choice for building a wide range of online applications.

Key Reasons for Choosing Ext JS

Below are some reasons why you should choose Ext JS.

Building Robust User Interfaces

One of the key reasons developers choose Ext JS is its ability to create robust user interfaces. This is made possible by two aspects of Ext JS, its extensive JS library and its built-in theming capabilities.

Ext JS is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries which helps simplify the process of designing complex user interfaces. Whether you need grids, forms, charts, or other custom elements, Ext JS provides a wide array of pre-built components. These components are not only feature-rich but also highly customizable, allowing developers to change their appearance and functionality to match their project’s specific requirements. 

Ext JS further improves the appearance of your applications with its built-in theming capabilities. Developers can choose from a selection of professionally designed themes or create custom themes to match their brand’s identity.

Data Visualization: Ext JS’s Strong Suit

A js framework with strong data visualization

Ext JS stands out as an exceptional choice for data visualization, offering a variety of tools and capabilities that enable developers to present information in a visually compelling manner.

Ext JS excels in the creation of interactive charts and graphs. Whether it’s for financial analytics, business reports, or any data-driven application, Ext JS provides an extensive collection of chart types, from bar charts to heatmaps. These charts are not only visually appealing but also highly customizable, enabling developers to edit visual elements, colors, and data representation. 

Ext JS goes a step further by facilitating the development of data-driven dashboards. With a range of pre-built dashboard components, such as grids, charts, and widgets, developers can build comprehensive dashboards. By giving end users an extensive overview of their data, these dashboards improve monitoring, analysis, and decision-making. 

Cross-browser Compatibility

The differences in rendering and functionality between web browsers can be a big headache for developers, but Ext JS provides reliable solutions to tackle this challenge.

Ext JS is highly effective at making sure your online apps work and appear the same in a variety of browsers, including the constantly changing set of mobile browsers. Developers can depend on Ext JS to handle the complex aspects of cross-browser inconsistencies, allowing them to concentrate on building feature-rich applications rather than worrying about rendering inconsistencies.

Ext JS’s cross-browser support not only saves time but also reduces long-term costs. Instead of investing significant resources in fixing browser-specific issues post-launch, Ext JS provides a cost-effective solution that guarantees a consistent user experience. 

Improved Performance

ext js is an open source javascript framework which offers better performace

Ext JS uses a virtual DOM to minimize the need for frequent and expensive updates to the actual DOM. This efficient approach significantly accelerates rendering, reduces layout recalculations, and leads to smoother user experiences.

In complex applications, Ext JS minimizes overhead by intelligently managing resources and rendering only what’s necessary. This results in snappier and more responsive applications, where users can interact easily without experiencing lag or delays.

Ext JS’s resource management extends to optimizing assets like images and styles, further improving load times and reducing bandwidth consumption. This efficient resource management plays an important role in speeding up web applications.

MVC Architecture

Ext JS is one of the best javascript frameworks which uses many web components

Ext JS uses the  MVC approach, which promotes a clear separation of responsibilities. Ext JS uses the  MVC approach, which promotes a clear separation of responsibilities. This simplifies the process of creating web apps.

Ext JS’s commitment to MVC means that your code is organized into three distinct components: the model, handling data and logic; the view, responsible for the user interface; and the controller, managing user interactions. This separation improves code maintainability and scalability, making it easier for developers to collaborate and manage their projects efficiently.

When considering the architectural choices, Ext JS’s robust MVC pattern offers a clear advantage. It simplifies the development process, making it easier to understand, update, and extend your application. 

Extensibility and Customization

With its exceptional extension and customization features, Ext JS takes pride in giving developers the opportunity to customize their web apps to meet the demands of their individual projects.

Ext JS’s architecture is designed to support the extension of its core functionality. This implies that you can modify an application to suit your own needs by adding new features or refining already existing ones. Because of its extensibility, developers may create apps that not only satisfy present demands but also grow to meet new ones in the future.

With Ext JS, extending built-in components or creating entirely custom UI elements is a simple task. This allows developers to build applications that stand out in terms of functionality and appearance, ensuring that the end result aligns perfectly with their project’s objectives.

Adaptability and the ability to meet unique project requirements are very important factors today. With its extensibility and customization capabilities, Ext JS allows you to take control and ensure the growth and success of your web application.

Ext JS’s Support Ecosystem

JavaScript web frameworks such as Ext JS offer a good support system

Ext JS doesn’t just offer a robust framework; it comes complete with an extensive support ecosystem, providing developers with valuable resources and assistance.

Ext JS has a vibrant online community and forums where developers can seek advice, share experiences, and find solutions to their coding challenges. Ext JS provides expert support services that serve as a safety net for projects that are vital to the organization. This support ensures that any issues or questions you encounter during development are swiftly addressed by experts, minimizing downtime and simplifying your development process. Ext JS also provides comprehensive and well-documented APIs and developer guides. These resources serve as reliable references, enabling developers to fully utilize the framework and use its features with confidence.

Why is Sencha Ext JS a preferred choice for building web applications?

Sencha Ext JS’s features make it one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for web application development. Its rich theming capabilities enable developers to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces, ensuring a pleasing experience for end-users. Ext JS’s support for mobile applications guarantees that apps run smoothly across a range of platforms, meeting the varied demands of today’s users. The framework’s grid features, including advanced data table functionalities, make it an ideal choice for data-intensive applications. Furthermore, Ext JS promotes component reusability, allowing developers to build and maintain custom components for use across multiple projects, saving time and ensuring a consistent look and feel. Lastly, Ext JS’s commitment to security and stability prevents malicious code execution and ensures that web applications remain robust and secure.

Real-world Use Cases and Examples

the use cases of the JS frameworks make it the best JavaScript framework

To truly understand Sencha Ext JS, it’s essential to explore its real-world applications and success stories. Many web apps, from creative consumer-facing platforms to enterprise solutions, rely on Ext JS for their functionality. Ext JS is used in diverse industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. 

It’s equally important to hear from the developers who have chosen Ext JS and successfully used its capabilities. Their experiences offer valuable insights into how Ext JS simplifies development, improves user experiences, and enables them to tackle unique project challenges. While doing your research, you may also be interested in reading our article on the “Top 8 reasons why enterprises prefer ext JS over Angular” to further your knowledge.


We’ve uncovered the many benefits and features of Sencha Ext JS in our investigation, which position the framework as a top pick for web developers. Ext JS’s robust UI components, adherence to the MVC architecture, and commitment to cross-browser compatibility provide a solid foundation for developing web applications. Its exceptional data visualization tools, coupled with extensibility, enable developers to create compelling user interfaces. Moreover, Ext JS’s support ecosystem and dedication to security and stability make it a dependable partner in web development. We have emphasized the importance of managing performance and resources effectively. Additionally, we have highlighted the framework’s adaptability and the ability to customize it according to project needs.

Sencha Ext JS stands as a comprehensive solution, improving web development experiences and turning innovative ideas into real-world web applications.  Try Sencha Ext JS today and experience the difference in web development!


How does Ext JS’s MVC architecture benefit developers?

Ext JS’s MVC architecture benefits developers by promoting a clear separation of concerns and enhancing code maintainability and scalability.

Is Ext JS flexible for customization?

Yes, Ext JS is highly flexible for customization, allowing developers to extend and create custom UI elements to meet specific project requirements.

Is Ext JS suitable for cross-browser compatibility?

Ext JS excels in cross-browser compatibility, ensuring consistent rendering across various web browsers.

Can Ext JS be used for mobile app development?

Yes, Ext JS is suitable for mobile app development, offering responsive design and touch-optimized UI components for a seamless mobile user experience.

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