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After the Big Move: Using Ext JS at Idera Inc.

May 23, 2018 132 Views

Let’s just say that Idera, Inc.’s pipz love Ext JS and that it is the Best Javascript Framework because it is now used throughout the company. This has been a fantastic phase for the team, as it incorporates Ext JS into Idera’s products and generates case studies demonstrating Ext JS’s benefits (for example, there are far fewer approvals required!). For those who are unaware, Idera’s acquisition of Sencha, the maker of Ext JS, has been the catalyst for these recent events.

As many of you know, particularly Idera’s followers, the company takes pride in its process efficiencies and the high level of automation achieved in the past few years. Ext JS shows to be a perfect example of efficiency in rapid development. Idera is looking to grow these efficiencies across functional areas, from Finance to Sales, R&D, etc.

So what do you think is the company’s line of priorities? Here are some sneak peeks. Developers, feel free to take note as some of the things will help you in the future.

Idera’s First Priority? Customer and Sales Management.

First in the line – customer and sales management. Idera’s first internal Ext JS app is up for launching and it focuses on extending customer and sales management capabilities. This area has been powered by Salesforce, but soon Ext JS will bring the upgrades.

The custom app will provide streamlined UX and flows to elevate Salesforce’s standard solution. Expected to improve are control and visibility over customer data that needs to be GDPR compliant. The app’s developers are leveraging a simple architecture that uses Ext JS for the front-end Web App with REST APIs into a Delphi-based RAD Server and from there, through the Enterprise Connectors into SFDC. The team was really impressed by the speed of development and flexibility to iterate during the development process using an agile approach.

With the elegance and ease of use that Ext JS UX has shown, the team decided to share it externally. The source code of the application will be available as a template for RAD Studio customers, who may benefit dramatically from Ext JS’ capabilities.

Practice Makes Perfect, Right?

Meanwhile, months ago, there was a similar exercise that Idera developers underwent. The team created a survey app that used native mobile apps built with Delphi / C++ and a Web Portal for results management using Ext JS. Development was very fast and enabled everyone to think of better ways to support RAD Server integration, which is now part of the latest RAD Studio release.

How About Replacing Outdated Solutions?

One app has been a subject of debate for the team. Only for Ext JS to be the answer later! This app will serve to be the new Embarcadero Customer portal – quite important for the company. The team has been discussing what technology would replace the app’s outdated Delphi .NET solution prior to Ext JS’s acquisition. Based on the success of the Salesforce app, the Ext JS became the final pick. The first iteration of the UX only took one week! The team was absolutely wowed (and I was very happy). This should officially go live in June.

Ext JS for a Database Management Product?

Another project in the works belongs to one of Idera’s leading Database Management product lines. Here, developers will replatform its web interface. This update will warrant its own case study for significant future references.

So how is your organization using Ext JS today? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to share your thoughts with us. Want to get featured here? Inquire about a customer spotlight post at [email protected].

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