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Application Development: React VS React Native

September 20, 2022 468 Views

create react app” – a single line of command for creating a React application that changed how web applications work. How did this revolutionize everything? Keep reading this React Vs React Native battle article to discover more.

According to the Hosting Tribunal, there are approximately 2 billion websites. Out of which, approximately only 400 million are active. Potential reasons why people leave a website include an unattractive user interface, bad functionality, and much more. The same importance and potential issues apply to mobile applications as well.

ReactJS vs React Native are Facebook native technologies that give online and mobile app development unprecedented capabilities. The two are different from one another in terms of functioning and goals.

What Is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library, not a framework, as some might say, to create single-page web apps. A framework and library is a collection of previously created, reusable code. However, they have significant differences.

Developers may easily construct dynamic user interfaces with ReactJS. You may be certain that your visitors will see each state of your application by just using ReactJS. ReactJS is one of the few solutions that can update and render components as your data changes. Additionally, ReactJS provides developers with a clear view, making it simpler for you to construct your code and more consistent and straightforward to debug.

Why React?

The key characteristics for creating applications with React are listed below.

Faster Loading

The changes while developing are computed by React in an in-memory data structure cache, which updates the browser’s visible DOM. But actually, only the sub-components that are updated are rendered. Yet, the programmer implements the code as though the full site is rendered on every update.

User Friendly

In today’s world, an application’s user interface is critical. A poorly made user interface decreases a software’s likelihood of success.

The best part is that React’s declarative components make it possible to create high-quality, rich user experiences.


React monitors descending data flow to prevent changes in the child structure from having an impact on the parent structure.

To alter an object, a developer merely needs to change its state and make the necessary adjustments. Only one component will update in this manner.

As a result, the application runs more smoothly, and the data flow and structure improve code stability.

Component-Based Reusability

The component-based design turns each component of a broader UI into a standalone, self-sufficient micro-system.


React is popular because of its layout, syntax, and other features that assist with efficient development. Reusing functionality, for instance, may save a ton of work and allow developers to concentrate on adding new features or growing the program. Each component has its internal logic, which makes it simple to design and modify them. In addition, a large collection of components offers the developer access to pre-made, frequently used solutions. You can also more easily make modifications that won’t affect how the entire program works, thanks to the modular code. This has significant benefits for the process of maintaining and upgrading applications in the future.

Easy SEO Optimization

Your web apps’ SEO will increase as a result of how your web pages are rendered from the server to the browser. When search engines can’t properly render your content, React uses pre-rendering. Pre-renderers are special programs that monitor requests to your website and, if the request is from a bot, a cached HTML version of your site in these is sent. The typical web page loads if the request originates from a user.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript-based framework for creating mobile applications as native apps. It enables you to use reused code components to create affordable, cross-platform mobile applications. It serves as React’s unique renderer as well. React Native compiles the JavaScript code to native components, thus, using platform-specific APIs and modules which make’s it faster than a hybrid web app.

Why React Native?

Easy To Integrate

Developers may easily include components created with React Native into native applications. To cut expenses, certain views of an app may be created using React Native and then integrated into a native app that already exists, while other views are still native. The UX and UI of mobile apps may be the same on both iOS and Android thanks to React Native, which also offers a high degree of consistency across the two platforms.


React Native can create platform-specific code. The frameworks help determine the platform on which an app is running when you use it to develop one. By doing this, it creates the appropriate code for the appropriate platform.

JavaScript Compatible

It becomes simpler for a front-end developer to easily design an app, because the majority of the code in React Native is JavaScript. A front-end developer just has to be familiar with JavaScript, platform APIs, a few native UI components, or any platform-specific design concepts to understand the technology.


About 30,000 libraries that enable React Native are in their repository.

The fact that several other libraries are accessible does not necessarily imply they are of high quality, but we must concede that this considerably increases the framework’s potential and shows the community’s dedication to enhancing framework efficiency.

Moreover, React Native has a wide range of additional tools that make it easier to do many common activities, including bug fixes, automated testing, and app store release.


It is quick to develop a cross-platform app. Within a few weeks, React Native app developers may complete the development of one app and publish a second. Its compatibility for over-the-air updates in React Native is a huge plus. You may make modifications to the program with the aid of this update without having to ask the present users to download or upgrade it.

Comparison Between React vs React Native

 Comparison between React vs React Native

While React Native provides your mobile apps a completely native feel, React is best for creating dynamic, responsive user interfaces for web-based applications. Following are some key contrasts between React and React Native for web and mobile apps.


Compared to other frameworks, React has fewer hit points.

The JavaScript dependency nightmare came into the world of mobile applications through the React Native ecosystem, and third-party library problems frequently have a significant negative impact on the security of the primary application.


At higher levels, ReactJS delivers greater animation than React Native. While React Native relies on APIs to create animation, ReactJS largely implements CSS to do this.

Nevertheless, both are in the creation of mobile applications and websites since they are adaptable and provide reusable components, which enhance usefulness.


ReactJS increases developer productivity while also providing them with more tools for developing core concepts. It’s helpful for both lower-level items like interactive elements and greater features like drop-down menus.

Reusable native components are the building elements of React Native and have equivalents in React JS providing a similar look and feel to the components you may use on iOS and Android. These parts are immediately compiled into native code. As a result, React Native sets itself apart from other developing mobile app frameworks by giving the app the incredible look, feel, functionality, and performance of a native app.


A JavaScript class or function that provides a React element and establishes the visual style of a specific user interface element is a component. Function components and class components are the two distinct types of ReactJs components.

Developers may create apps using React Native components or modules. Native UI components are ready-to-use, practical widgets. Whereas, native modules support platform API if React Native does not support a feature.


As a library at its core, ReactJS also includes a variety of restrictions. The benefits of creating a high-performance user interface are available. On the other hand, React Native is the framework, rather than a library.

What is Sencha Ext JS and how does it compare to React?

Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for building data-intensive web applications. It includes a comprehensive set of UI components, a powerful data layer, and an intuitive API. Ext JS provides developers with everything they need to build rich, interactive web applications. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It offers a declarative API, a virtual DOM, and server-side rendering. React is designed to be used with other frameworks, such as Angular, and can also be used with Ext JS. Ext JS and React are both excellent choices for building data-intensive web applications.

They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they both offer a lot of value to developers. Ext JS is a complete framework that includes everything you need to build an app, while React is a library that can be used with other frameworks. Ext JS offers more out-of-the-box UI components than React. Ultimately, the decision of which to use depends on your specific needs and preferences. However, for enterprise web applications, Ext JS is a strong choice.

Final Thoughts

React vs React Native are both excellent choices for coding projects. Selecting the appropriate one is crucial for a dynamic and responsive UI. To choose the best tool, consider important factors including front-end development, speed, and usability.

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