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How Can I Enhance My Web Developer Productivity?

September 1, 2022 600 Views

Web application development is a time-consuming process with several challenging and repetitive tasks. Developers need to write lots of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (programming language) to ensure that websites are interactive, responsive across different devices, and function properly. Fortunately, developers today have many tools at their disposal to speed up web development and improve web developer productivity. For example, you can use a front-end development framework to create a responsive site with beautiful UIs quickly.

Additionally, you can follow some simple yet effective tips to work smarter and be more productive. A productive developer creates highly functional web apps or websites in the most efficient way.

In this article, we’ll share some practical developer productivity tips that help you save time and enhance your web development process.

How To Measure Web Developer Productivity?

Measuring developer productivity can be tricky. In the past, organizations used metrics like the number of lines of code, finished tasks, bugs fixed, etc., to measure productivity. However, many companies now also use other productivity metrics, especially those related to work quality, to measure software developers’ productivity.

Are You Using A Front-End Development Framework To Improve Web Developer Productivity?

Sencha JS framework

A front-end development framework is arguably the most effective way to be a productive developer and work efficiently. A front-end JavaScript framework is a tool that provides pre-written code libraries for different web development tasks.

If you’re looking for the best JS framework, Sencha is the right option. Sencha is one of the best productivity tools that provides various pre-built UI components, such as a grid, pivot grid, buttons, menu, and more, for creating websites quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, Sencha can help you speed up web app development in many ways.

Here are the key features of Sencha that can help improve web developer productivity:

Several Pre-Built UI Components For Front-End Web Development

Sencha UI components for enhancing developer productivity

Sencha ExtJS comes with 140+ high-performance JS UI components to help you build modern, enterprise-grade web apps. Some of the most useful UI components include:

  • Buttons
  • Menus
  • Tabs
  • Forms
  • Calendar
  • Charts and graphs
  • Trees
  • Carousels and more

Efficient JS Grid

Sencha Grid for developer productivity

Sencha Ext JS provides one of the faster JS grids that can process big data efficiently. It offers basic grids, XML grids, locking grids, grouped grids, and infinite grids for creating data-intensive web apps. You can sort grids by ascending or descending order, edit rows and cells, and more.

High-Performance React Grid

Sencha offers a separate React grid called GRUI grid for creating enterprise-grade React web apps. The React grid provides 100+ features that are pre-tested on various platforms and browsers. Some of these features include:

  • Filtering
  • Grouping
  • Customization control of styling, and theming
  • Virtual columns – allow you to configure as many columns as you want, but the grid will only render the visible ones.
  • Infinite scrolling and much more


Sencha’s exporter allows you to export all your data from pivot or standard grids to different file formats. These include CSV, Excel, XSLX, XML, and more.

Smart Layouts

Sencha's Layout

Sencha Ext JS offers various layout options that assist with the proper positioning and sizing of the components.

Charts and D3 Adapter

With Sencha Ext JS, you can add any chart to your web apps. It offers a wide range of static and dynamic charts, such as bar, line, column, and pie charts. It also allows you to easily add Data-Driven Documents package (D3) visualizations such as treemaps, heatmaps, sunburst, and more to your web apps.

Do You Use A WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor For Efficient Web Development?

Froala rich text editor for enhancing developer productivity

A rich text editor or a WYSIWYG editor is among the most used productivity tools. It shows you how your content will look on browsers and allows you to create and web edit content without writing a single line of code. Many developers today use a rich text editor to enhance productivity.

You can use a WYSIWYG editor to:

  • Write and edit text
  • Add and edit rich media like videos, images, and audio files
  • Add links
  • Create tables and perform different operations on cells and rows
  • Edit HTML

An example of a good WYSIWYG rich text editor is Froala. Froala is an efficient Javascript WYSIWYG editor that offers various features and plugins for editing web content quickly. It also provides useful productivity features, such as real-time collaboration, track changes, grammar and spell check, and more. You can also integrate Froala with other tools, such as project management software.

Are You Using The Right Tools To Automate Tasks?

Front-end development involves various repetitive tasks, like compiling Sass and LESS to CSS. To work efficiently, you can use tools to automate your workflow. An example of such a tool is Gulp. Gulp is a JavaScript toolkit that allows you to automate different development tasks.

Do You Write Short And Clean Code To Enhance Web developer productivity?

A crucial element of modern software development is to write short, clean, and high-quality code that is easily testable. Firstly, writing long code for a task that you can accomplish in less code is inefficient.

Secondly, even when you create a high-performance website or web app, it’ll need to be improved at some point. Short code means less complexity which, in turn, makes it easy to understand and maintain. Additionally, less code means fewer bugs and easy testing.

Do You Use Code Snippets?

The most important part of improving productivity is to work smarter. One way to do this is to reuse your code. Every website or web page has various common elements, such as a header, HTML <head> with a title, a footer, etc. You can create a collection of code snippets you frequently need for web development. Reusing your code can have a significant impact on web developer productivity.

What Are Some Other Ways To Improve Web Developers Productivity?

Here are some ways to improve web developer productivity:

Reduce Distractions

Distractions greatly impact a web developer’s productivity, as they cause developers to take longer to complete tasks. An optimal environment with minimal distractions can help you produce high-quality work and reduce development time.

Here are some ways to minimize distractions during work:

  • Avoid internet browsing
  • Don’t use social media during work hours
  • Avoid conversations with co workers
  • Turn off alerts, such as emails

Avoid Multitasking

Web development projects involve complex tasks, and multitasking can cause you to make mistakes. Doing multiple tasks at the same time to quickly complete a project can take longer to complete all the tasks. Perform each task one by one to stay focused and improve productivity.

Set Reasonable Deadlines And Take Breaks

Another easy way of being more productive is to take regular breaks and allow your mind to relax. You should also take care of your mental health. Additionally, don’t rush the web development cycle. You should set reasonable deadlines and make a list of daily to dos for efficient time management.

Frequent Communication

If you’re a freelancer front end developer, you should communicate clearly and frequently with your clients to understand their requirements. This way, you can produce quality work and save time. Regular communication is effective in improving web developer productivity.

If you’re working in a team, communicating regularly with your team members allows you to share critical project information. You can use Slack channels and project boards for communication.

Ready to enhance your web development process? Start using Sencha today!