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5 Proven Ways To Create A React Web Application

August 16, 2022 2002 Views

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, which helps build fast and scalable web apps. It is basically an open-source front-end development framework that allows developers to create beautiful and interactive user interfaces. From Netflix and Uber to Airbnb and Dropbox, thousands of companies worldwide use React for their web apps or websites. However, many developers find it difficult to create a React web application as it involves a wide range of build tools and lots of configuration files and dependencies. Additionally, React doesn’t come with pre-built components. This means developers have to create React app components from scratch, or they have to rely on the community.

However, there are some easy ways to create a React web application quickly and efficiently. Read on to learn more.

Why Should You Create A React Web Application?

While there are many frameworks available for front-end web development, thousands of developers prefer to use React due to the wide range of benefits it offers.

Here are some of the main benefits of React:

Faster Web Development

A big advantage of using React is that it allows you to reuse the components built for another app. As a result, developers don’t have to write code for common features of different apps again and again.

High-Performance Apps

React allows you to create efficient apps that can run extremely fast. It creates a virtual DOM in memory, instead of directly modifying the browser’s DOM.

High Flexibility

React apps are easy to maintain due to their modular architecture. This means when you make changes in one part of your React app, it doesn’t affect other parts. Additionally, you also use React to create mobile apps.

What Are Different Ways To Create A React Web Application?

Here are some of the easiest and fastest ways to create a React web application:

1. Using <script> In Your HTML Page To Create A React Web Application

The easiest option to make a React web application is by using the <script> tag on an HTML web page. Using this simple method, you can create a React-based web app within a few minutes without requiring any tools.

You can use this method for your existing HTML page, or if you’re a beginner, you can practice it on an empty HTML file.

Step 1

First, add an empty <div> element to your HTML page. Remember to assign a unique ‘id’ attribute to the empty ‘div’ element.


<div id="app_component_container"></div>


Step 2

Now, add the following script tags before the <body> in your HTML file:

<script src="" crossorigin></script>

<script src="" crossorigin></script>

<script src="app_component.js"></script>

Here, the first two tags will load Read using CDN. The third tag will load the React component.

Step 3

Now, we’ll create a React component. Create a file in the folder that contains your HTML page, and name it app_component.js. Next, add the code below to the file you just created:

"use strict"

const e = React.createElement

class YourComponent extends React.Component {

  render() {

    return e(



      "Your React Component",




const domContainer = document.querySelector("#app_component_container")

ReactDOM.render(e(YourComponent), domContainer)

Your simple React app is now ready.

2. Sencha

If you’re looking to create enterprise-grade React web apps, Sencha is the best choice. Sencha is a JS framework that offers several high-performance pre-built React UI components. From beginners to experts, thousands of developers use Sencha to speed up the app development process.

Here are the main features of Sencha:

Pre-built React Components

sencha components to create a react web application

Sencha Ext JS comes with more than 140 ready-to-use components that easily integrate with React and Angular. You can use these components in your web apps to create interactive UI quickly. All of these components are fully tested and work together flawlessly.

Some of the most used components of Sencha include:

  • Buttons
  • Menus
  • Calendar
  • Charts and graphs
  • D3 visualizations
  • Tree Grid
  • Progress bars
  • Popups
  • Carousel and many more

React Grid

Sencha offers a high-performance React data grid called GRUI. The grid comes with 100 impressive features that are pre-tested on a wide range of platforms and browsers. And it supports all TypeScript data types. If you want to develop data-intensive enterprise React apps, Sencha GRUI is what you need.


Sencha GRUI grid is incredibly fast. It can process millions of data points within milliseconds without compromising performance. The grid has a server-side and client-side buffered store, which loads and manipulates large amounts of data quickly.

Incredible Feature Set

Sencha GRUI grid comes with lots of useful features, such as infinite scrolling, filtering, grouping, virtual columns, and much more. Virtual columns allow you to configure as many columns as you like, but the grid will only render the visible ones.


The GRUI grid offers complete customization control of theming, styling, and more.

How To Create React App With Sencha?

Creating a React app with Sencha is super quick and easy.

Step 1

First, create your React app:

npx create-react-app --template minimal my-app

Run cd my-app

Step 2


npm add @sencha/sencha-grid

Step 3

Use the code below to build your own component:

import React from "react";

import { SenchaGrid, Column } from "@sencha/sencha-grid";

import "@sencha/sencha-grid/dist/themes/grui.css";


export default class App extends React.Component {

render() {

const data = [

{ col1: "value1", col2: "data1", col3: 1.01 },

{ col1: "value2", col2: "data2", col3: 1.02 },

{ col1: "value3", col2: "data3", col3: 1.03 },



return (

<SenchaGrid data={data} style={{ width: "500px", height: "300px" }}>

<Column field="col1" text="Column 1" flex="1" />

<Column field="col2" text="Column 2" />

<Column field="col3" text="Column 3" align="right" />





Step 4

Initiate the app:

npm start

Setting license by visiting GRUI and finally adding:


3. Nwb

Nwb is another simple framework for creating React-based websites. You can also utilize this tool to publish a React npm package so that others can also use it.

Nwb is super easy to use, and you can get started with it within a few minutes.

Step 1

Before you build a React app with Nwb, you need to install Node.js on your computer.

Next, you need to install ‘nwb’ command using the code below:

npm install -g nwb

Step 2

Create the app using the following create react app command:

nwb new react-app my-app

Step 3

Finally, run the application using the code below:

cd my-app/

npm start

4. Create-React-App

If you’re a beginner looking to learn, Create-React-App is a good option. It is essentially a React app development tool supported by the official React team. It is a great tool for creating a simple single-page React app.

When you create a React web application using Create-React-App, the tool automatically deals with difficult configuration tasks and creates a development environment.

Here is how you can use Creat-React-App:

Step 1

First, you need to install Node 14.0.0 on your computer to use Create-React-App. You can use the code below to create the app:

$ npm init react-app your-app

You can also use npx or yarn method.

Step 2

Next, run the app using the following command:

cd my-app

Step 3

Finally, start your app:

npm start

5. Gatsby

Gatsby is a useful React framework for building fast React-based static websites. It is an easy-to-use tool that helps build rich web experiences. It comes with a unified data layer that allows developers to combine data from multiple sources.

Here is how you can create a React web application using Gatsby:

Step 1

First, install Gatsby CLI:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Step 2

Now, use the following command to build a Gatsby app:

gatsby new my-app

Step 3

Run the application:

cd my-app

npm run develop

Ready to start building powerful enterprise web apps?

Ready to create a high-performance web application quickly and easily? Try out our powerful React grid today!