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How Enterprise Applications Use UI Frameworks to Build Modern Web Apps

September 8, 2023 1795 Views

How Enterprise Applications Use UI Frameworks to Build Modern Web Apps

Have you ever been discouraged when attempting to create a website or app that functions and looks fantastic? It’s not just you! It is important to use the latest web apps in the business industry but keeping up with all the technological advancements can be a hard task. Modern UI frameworks can help in this situation! Creating websites and applications is now easier and faster than ever before thanks to modern technologies. This article will look at UI frameworks and how they help in the construction of durable and user-friendly web apps that businesses can employ.

Modern Enterprise Application

Modern enterprise applications are complex software systems designed for businesses or government use. User interface frameworks like Semantic UI, React, Material UI, and Chakra UI are useful for creating the user-friendly interfaces that these apps require. They provide pre-built components that make it simple to quickly design user interfaces. These frameworks are appropriate for large organizations since they can manage complex data and a huge user base. Their compatibility with both PCs and mobile devices makes them very helpful. 

Best Examples of Enterprise Applications?

Accounting and Billing Systems

Enterprise-level accounting and billing systems help businesses manage their finances efficiently. Financial records can be kept accurate and compliant with regulations by tracking expenses and revenue and facilitating invoicing.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is a major application that can be developed with high quality using better UI Frameworks

Customer interactions, sales, and marketing strategies are all overseen by CRM software. Its primary goal is to assist firms in developing durable relationships with their client base.

Point-of-Sale Software (POS)

POS systems are crucial for the retail and hospitality industries. The software can be used to optimize the processing of sales transactions, inventory management, and report generation.

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

SCM software increases the flow of goods and services in a supply chain network. It improves inventory management, order fulfillment, and logistics, leading to cost savings and improved product availability.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

ERPs integrate various business processes, including finance, human resources, inventory, and manufacturing, into a unified system. They provide better data visibility, smoother workflows, and efficient resource allocation.

Business Intelligence Systems

Business Intelligence Systems need UI frameworks to build good apps

Data analysis and insight generation are made possible by business intelligence tools. Data-driven decision-making is assisted by the provision of reports, dashboards, and data visualization.

Human Resource (HR) Systems

Human resource systems require one of the best UI frameworks to carry out HR processes properly

HR systems automate HR processes such as payroll, recruitment, employee management, and compliance. HR software can improve staff management and ensure compliance with HR regulations.

Key Challenges in Enterprise Web App Development

Failure in Continuation

Sustaining and evolving an enterprise web app can be challenging. Projects may get abandoned or delayed due to changing priorities or lack of commitment.

Lack of Resources

A shortage of skilled developers, designers, and other resources can hinder the development process and lead to delays or compromises in quality.

Poor User Experience and Mobility

Neglecting user experience design and mobile responsiveness can result in an app that doesn’t meet user expectations, leading to low adoption rates and dissatisfaction.

Security Issues

Security is a big challenge for Enterprise applications that can be solved using UI frameworks

Enterprise apps often handle sensitive data, making them vulnerable to security breaches. Failure to implement proper security measures can have serious consequences.

Data Storage

Managing and scaling data storage solutions, especially for large enterprises, can be complex and costly. Inefficient data storage can affect app performance.

ROI (Return on Investment)

Determining the app’s value and measuring its return on investment can be challenging. An enterprise must justify the costs and demonstrate how the app contributes to business goals.

Lack of Leads

In B2B scenarios, finding and attracting potential customers or leads for the app can be a significant challenge, affecting its adoption and success.

Role of UI Frameworks in Enterprise Web App Development

UI Frameworks play a major role in Enterprise Web App Development. Some of the areas in which Frameworks help are given below.

Build Stunning Web Apps

The UI frameworks offer a base for building pleasing and polished web applications that improve the overall user experience.

Build Interactive and Functional UIs

They offer a number of UI components and tools that enable developers to make efficient use of interactivity and feature-rich user interfaces.

More Efficient

UI frameworks can improve efficiency by simplifying the development process. When designing complex user interfaces, this can be especially helpful as it can reduce the workload and time needed.

Cross-Browser Friendly

Frameworks guarantee a consistent operation of the web application between different browsers so that they are accessible to all users.

Rapid Development Through Reusable Components

Developers can use prebuilt UI components in order to accelerate the development of new products, shorten the time to market, and lower development costs.

Consistent User Experience Across Devices and Browsers

UI frameworks support responsive design, ensuring a consistent and seamless user experience on various devices and browsers, serving a diverse user base.

Integration with Backend Systems and APIs

UI frameworks provide tools and libraries that simplify the process of connecting web applications to backend systems and APIs. 

Simplified Maintenance and Updates

UI frameworks simplify code maintenance and updates by allowing developers to make changes and introduce new features more efficiently. Minimizing errors and reducing downtime are also features provided by frameworks.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a UI Framework

There are certain factors that you must consider before choosing a Framework. The framework you pick must be able to fulfill all your project needs. Some of these factors are provided below.


Prioritize a framework’s security features and track record. It is highly important to ensure the protection of data by guarding against threats.

Project Requirements and Complexity

Evaluate the specific needs of your project. You must select a framework that matches the complexity and functionality required. Avoid overcomplicated solutions for simple projects.

Team Expertise and Skill Sets

Team expertise must be considered when selecting one of the best UI frameworks

Consider your development team’s familiarity with the chosen framework. Opt for a framework that matches their expertise, or be prepared to invest in training if necessary.

Long-Term Support and Community Involvement

Assess the framework’s sustainability. A framework with active community support and regular updates is likely to have a longer lifespan and stay up-to-date with industry standards.

Compatibility With Previous and Existing Technology

Ensure the chosen framework can integrate smoothly with your existing tech stack. Compatibility with backend systems, databases, and other technologies must also be considered.

Comparison of Different UI Frameworks for Enterprise Applications

Sencha Ext JS: Best UI Framework for Enterprise Applications

Sencha Ext JS can be considered the best framework based on the wide range of features it provides its users. You can get an idea about these features from the list below.


  • Rich Component Library: Ext JS offers a comprehensive set of pre-built UI components, making it easier to create feature-rich user interfaces.
  • Data Integration: It excels in handling complex data and offers strong data integration capabilities.
  • Theming and Customization: Ext JS provides powerful theming and customization options to maintain a consistent brand identity.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensures broad browser support for consistent
  • user experiences.
  • MVC Architecture: It follows a clear Model-View-Controller architecture for well-structured applications.
  • Enterprise-Grade Support: Extensive support and documentation can fulfill the enterprise’s needs.

React JS

React JS is arguably the most popular UI framework available but it still has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


  • React UI components Library: React’s component-based architecture encourages reusability and modularity.
  • Large Community: A vast developer community and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools.
  • Virtual DOM: Efficient updates through the Virtual DOM lead to better performance.
  • SEO-Friendly: The React UI framework can be rendered on the server, aiding search engine optimization.


  • Learning Curve: For beginners, React may have a steeper learning curve.
  • Ecosystem Complexity: The abundance of libraries and tools can be overwhelming.
  • Lack of Built-in Features: The React UI framework primarily focuses on the view layer, requiring additional libraries for state management and routing.

Angular JS


Angular JS is a discontinued open-source JavaScript-based framework that was maintained by Google. We’ll explore both the good and bad points when it comes to using Angular JS as your UI framework.


  • Full-Featured Framework: Angular provides an opinionated structure with built-in solutions for routing, state management, and forms.
  • TypeScript: Strongly typed language support in Angular improves code quality and tooling.
  • Dependency Injection: Built-in dependency injection facilitates modularity and testing.
  • Large Ecosystem: A well-established ecosystem with documentation and third-party libraries.


  • Complexity: The framework’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for simple projects.
  • Migration: Upgrading between major Angular versions may be challenging.
  • Performance: In some cases, Angular apps can be slower due to their detailed nature.

sencha ext js vs. react vs. angular

Best Practices for Utilizing UI Frameworks in Enterprise Applications

Proper Architecture and Component Structure

To ensure the maintainability, scalability, and ease of development of a software system, it is important to follow a clear and organized architecture, such as MVC or component-based architecture. The system should also be designed with a modular and reusable component structure. Finally, coding standards and naming conventions should be established to maintain consistency.

Implementing Responsive Design Principles

It is important to prioritize a responsive design in order to make your application function well on various devices and screen sizes. This means using techniques such as CSS frameworks or media queries to adapt the layout and styling of your application to different viewpoints. You should also test your application thoroughly on different devices and browsers to guarantee compatibility.

Testing and Debugging Strategies

To make sure your web application works well and doesn’t have any problems, you should do some testing. First, try out unit testing and integration testing. Unit testing checks individual parts of your code, and integration testing looks at how these parts work together. If something goes wrong, you can use tools provided by the framework or browser to figure out what’s going on and fix it quickly. For even better testing coverage, you might want to think about automated testing. This means using software to do the testing for you, which can save time. Another good idea is test-driven development, where you create tests before writing your code. This helps ensure your application works correctly right from the start. These testing practices will help you have a strong and reliable web application.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Considerations

To improve the quality and reliability of your software, you can set up a CI/CD pipeline to automate the build, testing, and deployment processes. This involves integrating a version control system like Git to manage code changes and collaborations efficiently, and ensuring that your CI/CD pipeline includes testing on multiple browsers and devices to catch compatibility issues early.

Future Trends in Enterprise Web App Development

Low-Code Application Platforms

Low-code application platforms are democratizing development, allowing non-coders to create apps swiftly. 


DevOps practices are improving collaboration and deployment efficiency. 

IoT Platforms

IoT platforms are rising in importance, enabling real-time management and analysis of connected devices. 


The most important tools for creating today’s corporate applications are UI design frameworks. A UI framework offers a way to build high-quality software that meets the present requirements of companies. Using a user interface framework that provides reused components, pre-written code, and standard development environments, businesses are allowed to develop applications that meet the needs of users as well as provide them with an excellent user experience. Try Sencha Ext JS for Powerful UI Frameworks to improve user experiences and meet modern-day demands.


FAQ Section

What advantages do UI frameworks offer in terms of development speed? 

UI frameworks offer pre-designed components and tools, speeding up development by reducing the need to build everything from scratch.

What are UI frameworks for modern web app development? 

Some of the top front-end frameworks in 2023 are React and Vue. js, jQuery, Ember. js, Backbone. js, Semantic UI, and Angular.

What framework should I use to build a web app? 

The choice of framework depends on your project’s specific requirements, team expertise, and technology stack. Common options include React, Angular, and Vue.js.

What is the most widely used framework?

React is one of the most widely used UI frameworks for web app development.

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