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Reasons Why Should Choose Best Front-End Frameworks for Next-Gen Apps

August 17, 2023 1150 Views

Are you ready to take your app frontend development game to the next level? Imagine crafting sleek, powerful applications that leave users in awe of their seamless experience. But here’s the big question: How do you choose the best front end framework for your next-gen apps? The answer lies in unraveling the top 10 essential factors shaping your decision.

In a world where user experience reigns supreme, a stellar front-end framework can make all the difference. Are you looking to supercharge your frontend development process? Imagine having a toolkit that accelerates your progress. And what about documentation – the guiding light through the maze of coding intricacies? Performance is the heartbeat of your app, keeping it robust and reliable.

But that’s not all – more factors contribute to choosing the best frontend frameworks for web development. We will also meet the contenders: Sencha Ext JS, Svelte JS, and Ember JS. Amidst these options, why does Sencha Ext JS shine? It’s time to explore the features, strengths, and advantages that make it a compelling choice for your front-end framework.

So, join us as we uncover why choosing the best front-end framework is paramount. Let’s dive in and discover how Sencha Ext JS could be the game-changer your next-gen app deserves.

Girl using the best front end framework with virtual document object model to create user interface

What Are the Top 10 Factors for Choosing the Best Front End Frameworks?

When picking the best front-end framework for your web development journey, there are ten important factors to consider. All of these factors contribute to creating amazing user experiences.

Enhanced User Experience

Consider modern design principles and how interactive elements work together for smooth user interactions.

Accelerated Development Process

Use ready-made components and templates to speed up building. The framework features help write efficient code. Hence, saving time.


Good documentation is key for smooth development. Hence, ensuring you have the guidance you need.


Frameworks affect your app’s speed and responsiveness. Splitting code and lazy loading can make your app faster.


A big user community means access to guides, tutorials, and solutions to issues you might face.

Security and Reliability

Trust frameworks with tested and secure code. Hence, getting updates to stay safe.

Future-Proofing the App

Pick frameworks growing and changing with the industry, so your app can adapt.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

Ensure your app works well on different web browsers for consistent performance.

Mobile Friendly and Responsive Design

Look for frameworks that help your app work on various devices and offer tools for mobile design.

License and Open Source Community

Understand the framework’s license and how a strong community can help its development.

Top 10 factors that frontend developers should know

Which Front-End Framework To Consider for Next-Gen Apps?

Here are the three most popular frontend frameworks you may choose in 2023 to create next-gen apps.

Sencha Ext JS

Ext JS is a powerful tool for making advanced apps using JavaScript. You can create interactive websites with data using it, and it works well on different web browsers.

With Ext JS, you can build complex apps without needing to know much about HTML or CSS. It comes with ready-made designs and parts that save time and make development faster.

Ext JS is made by Sencha, and they offer other products like Sencha Touch for mobile apps and Sencha GXT for web apps made with Java.

Ext JS scalable framework with multiple sources and ajax requests

Ext JS has these cool features:

  • Helps you build big apps in JavaScript.
  • Makes coding and fixing apps easier with object-oriented programming.
  • Great for making apps that only need one page.
  • Uses helpful patterns for organizing your code (MVC and MVVM).
  • Handles getting and saving data really well.
  • Comes with lots of pre-made parts and layouts.
  • Lets you drag and drop things in your app’s design.
  • Makes it simple to translate your app for different languages.
  • Offers ready-to-use styles like Classic, Gray, and others.
  • You can even create your own styles using SASS & Compass.

Ext JS with document object model dom & a complete dynamic solution than other top frontend frameworks

Svelte JS

So, what’s up with Svelte? It’s a popular framework lately, and even got support from Vercel and its creator Rich Harris. Basically, Svelte is like other frameworks that use components to build the look of your apps.

But, here’s the cool part: Svelte doesn’t need to be sent all at once to your browser. Instead, you make your components, then they’re combined into a ready-to-use JavaScript file.

Different from frameworks like React, Svelte doesn’t use Virtual DOM for updates. It sets up the app’s elements in advance. Hence, making it faster, as Josh Collinsworth explains. Lastly, Svelte works nicely with regular HTML and doesn’t force a strict way of doing things.

Svelte rich user interface & two way data binding for web applications frontend development frameworks

Ember JS

Ember has been around for a really long time, even before the other frameworks we talked about. While its use has decreased a bit, it’s still a strong choice for making apps using a certain pattern. It’s not only popular for websites but also works well for apps on computers and phones.

The important thing is that Ember is still being worked on. The new Ember 4.0 version comes with fresh features to match the latest design trends. One cool thing about Ember is that it’s made to work with older code. Therefore, your programs don’t suddenly stop working when big changes happen to the framework.

Ember for progressive web apps & web application development for complex projects semantic ui

Why Should We Choose Ext JS for Front-End Framework?

Ext JS is a powerful tool for creating interactive websites. It has lots of useful parts, like ready-made design pieces, clever ways of connecting data, and a strong structure for organizing your work. This makes it a great choice for making the visual part of websites. Here’s why we should like it:

1. Quick and Easy

Ext JS helps companies work faster because it comes with parts that are ready to use and tested. It also works well on different web browsers and devices.

2. Very Safe

It’s one of the safest options out there. Security is really important, and Ext JS takes good care of it.

3. Kaseware’s Success

Kaseware, a company that fights security problems, used Ext JS to build their app. They found it helpful because it made their app more secure and they didn’t have to search for extra tools.

4. Saves Money

Ext JS might look expensive, but it’s actually cheaper in the long run. Other free tools can cause problems like slow performance or safety issues. Ext JS saves money by making development faster and easier.

Research from Dimensional Research found that Ext JS users saved 50% on making the visual part of the app. Moreover, they saved 75% on keeping the app up to date and 75% on making sure it works well on different devices and browsers.

Ext JS Best Front end Frameworks for web developers graphical user interface to create desktop based javascript applications


In today’s tech world, picking the right front-end framework for your next-gen apps is crucial. The best frameworks, like Ext JS, offer ready-to-use tools that speed up development. Hence, making your app work smoothly across devices and browsers. Security is a top priority, and top-notch frameworks ensure safety against threats.

So, remember, choosing the best front-end framework sets the stage for an efficient, secure, and cost-effective journey in crafting your next-gen apps.

Sencha Best Front end Frameworks reusable components for rapid development to support platforms competitor framework


How Can I Get Started With Front-End Web App Development Using Ext JS?

Start with Ext JS by exploring its pre-built components, grasping data binding, and mastering its MVC architecture.

What Are the Key Benefits of Using Ext JS for Front-End Development?

Ext JS boosts speed, security, and cost-effectiveness for front-end development, enhancing app performance and user experience.

Which language is used in the front end?

Front-end development uses languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interactive and appealing user interfaces.

Which Front-End Frameworks Are Popular in 2023?

Ext JS is the most popular framework in 2023.

Experience the Power of Ext JS for Yourself! Transform your web app development with our feature-rich framework today.

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