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10 Undeniable Reasons To Love Ext JS Examples For Beginners

May 5, 2022 148 Views

JavaScript is a general-purpose programming language you can use to write event-driven, functional, or imperative code. Due to its versatility, you can use it on both the server and client sides of an application. As a result, it has a substantial market share and is sometimes referred to as the language of the internet. It was originally just for client-side apps, but it evolved for server-side use as well.

Software frameworks are simply an abstraction layer that sits on top of the language and provides generic functionality while allowing developers to adapt them according to their needs. Furthermore, because frameworks are adaptable, developers frequently choose to use them. Developers can quickly design responsive apps using frameworks. The framework guarantees that the website has a consistent look and feel throughout. In this article, we will be looking at why everyone should love Ext JS as well as ExtJS examples for beginners.

Why should You Love and Use Ext JS?

There are countless reasons for Ext JS to be every developer’s favorite JS framework, but here are the top 10.

1. How Easy is it to Develop with Ext JS?

Ext JS allows its users to accelerate web application development with components, and tools that are enterprise-ready and operate together effortlessly. The 140+ pre-built components in its collection include:

Grid: It contains built-in functions like sorting and grouping and can handle millions of entries.

Pivot Grid: Advanced analytics are now available for React apps.

Exporter: Data from the regular grid or the Pivot Grid may be exported to a variety of popular formats.

Layouts: The complex and adaptable layout system guarantees that all components are sized and placed correctly.

Charts: To graphically show data, use a range of dynamic and static charts, such as line, bar, and pie charts.

D3 Adapter: Heatmaps, treemaps, sunbursts, and other Data-Driven Documents package (D3) visuals may be included in your web applications using the D3 Adapter.

2. What Kind of Design does Ext JS Have?

Sencha Architect, Stencils, and Themer are just a few of the pre-integrated tools that may help you speed up your design process. Architect allows developers to create Ext JS apps using drag-and-drop functionality. This saves saving time on manual coding. Moreover, stencils allow developers to draw up, style, prototype, and assess interface concepts quickly and easily.

3. How Easy is it to Test with Ext JS?

Before writing code, unit testing helps software engineers plan their software design. This helps them focus on producing superior concepts.

Sencha Test is the most thorough unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS. Developers and test automation engineers use Sencha Test to improve the quality of apps through end-to-end testing. Unit and functional testing boost team productivity and shorten the release cycles of Ext JS apps. Using the extensive connection between Sencha Test and Ext JS, users create comprehensive tests for their software applications.

4. How Adaptive is Ext JS for Responsive Applications?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the need to develop an application that’s so adaptable. Ext JS includes a flexible layout manager to help you organize the display of data and content across multiple browsers, devices, and screen sizes. This helps you control the display of components, even for the most complex user interfaces. In addition, Ext JS also provides a responsive config system that allows application components to adapt to specific device orientations (landscape or portrait) or available browser window sizes.

5. How Accessible is Ext JS?

Ext JS contains capabilities that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. The Ext JS ARIA Package makes it feasible to add accessibility support to your apps by giving you the tools you need to comply with Section 508 requirements. You can use the ARIA package to develop apps for users who use assistive technology like screen readers to surf the web.

6. What is the Ext JS Data Package?

Ext JS has a powerful data package that separates UI components from the data layer. This data package is what enables data gathering on the client-side using fully functional models with capabilities like sorting and filtering. It can consume data from any back-end source and is protocol agnostic.

All of the data in your application is loaded and saved by the data package. It has a lot of different classes, but there are three that are more essential than the others, which are:

  • Store

Almost every program makes use of the classes listed above. They’re backed up by a slew of satellite classes. 

When creating models, it’s ideal to start with a common base class. This basic class makes it simple to set up common settings for all of your models in one location. It’s also an excellent spot to set up the schema. The schema manages all of the models in your application. Let us take a look at an example configuration:

Ext.define('MyApp.model.Base', {
extend: '',

fields: [{
name: 'id',
type: 'int'

schema: {
namespace: 'MyApp.model', // generate auto entityName

proxy: { // Ext.util.ObjectTemplate
type: 'ajax',
url: '{entityName}.json',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: '{entityName:lowercase}'

The composition of your model base class, particularly its “fields,” will most certainly vary between different applications.

7. What is Sencha Fiddle?

Sencha Fiddle is a free browser extension that lets you test Ext JS code without having to download or install anything. By storing and sharing fiddle URLs, you may simply share your Ext JS code. Ext JS applications have always been data-rich. It’s one of the things Ext JS handles very well. Fiddle allows you to load JSON and XML assets, but new updates expand this feature to include plaintext and Ext Direct assets. In addition, you can inspect these in the browser’s dev tools.

8. Does Ext JS Have Documentation or User Support?

A tool is only as good as the documentation that comes with it. In Ext JS, there are some sophisticated capabilities that require documentation. For example, to learn how to use data templating, you must always consult the data guide. Sencha provides detailed documentation to help you with that. You now have a set of instructions for both simple and complicated functionality, thanks to our dedicated documentation staff. The guides are available for reading for free. Sencha also has an Ext JS quick start guide. This goes through the most crucial ideas you need to be an effective Ext JS developer. It looks at a functioning code sample in each stage before discussing any new topics. 

9. Are There Some Ext JS Examples Available?

Sencha provides several detailed examples that you can use to build your cross-platform apps for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. There are sample applications, combination examples, and code for other JS components such as trees and grids that you can access here.

10. What can You Do Using Sencha Themer?

You can start creating your applications right away with Sencha Ext JS default themes. You can also develop themes to customize the look and feel of your app. If you don’t want to write additional code to build your own themes, Sencha Themer is the tool to use. It not only supports Ext JS, but it also allows you to style ExtAngular and ExtReact applications without having to code. As a result, you’ll save a lot of development time.

Are You Ready to Use the JS Framework Everyone Loves?

Ext JS is the most comprehensive collection of high-performance, customizable UI widgets in the industry. It includes HTML5 grids, trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and more. Ext JS makes use of HTML5 features in modern browsers while keeping legacy browsers compatible and usable. This article gave an introduction to Ext JS and its premium features and discussed some Ext JS examples for beginners. If you want more examples, you can give this blog a read too. Ext JS makes it simple to build up an application. Keep an eye out for upcoming articles, which will go through more details of Ext JS. 

Since Ext JS comes with a free trial, click here and check out one of the best JavaScript frameworks available right now!