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How To Save Money On The Development Of An Application

May 10, 2022 262 Views

Many people think application development is a huge task and that you have to spend a lot of money on the development of an application. However, the problem is usually the inability of users to choose a framework that supports everything they need. Using separate tools for each development task is what makes the development process expensive. In this article, we will discuss how to save money on the development of an application.

Do you use pre-built UI components?

Many JavaScript frameworks support component-based models. Unfortunately, the majority of them do not have any pre-built components. As a result, JavaScript programmers have to either build components from the ground up or deal with components built by others. That is why Sencha offers around 140 well-developed and tested UI components to speed up your development process. With Sencha, you can find all the necessary components to develop data-intensive online projects, including charts, exporters, grids, pivot grids, d3 adapters, and layouts. It saves you the money you would otherwise spend on developers to build these components from scratch.

Did you find an easy way to style an application?

Styling an application is not an easy task for developers. The reason is that they need to spend a considerable amount of time manually coding the format and style of an application. You also have to recruit separate designers to meet your requirements, which can be expensive.

Sencha Themer provides you the ability to customize Ext JS, ExtAngular, and ExtReact applications to make them appear perfect. You can make your own themes using graphical tools rather than writing code. It’s simple to apply multiple color combos to different component states using the revolutionary color palette of Themer. The color palette depicts the base, text background, and font color with successively brighter and darker colors.

Do you use the drag and drop option when it’s suitable?

The drag and drop feature is a powerful feature that makes the tasks of developers easier. Essentially, a drag operation is a click gesture on some UI element while the mouse button is held down and the mouse is moved. A drop operation occurs when the mouse button is released after the drag operation. Drag and drop functionality drastically reduces the time it takes to construct apps. It is done by replacing repeated lines of code with ready-to-use building pieces, such as react or the Angular components library.

A smart drag-and-drop interface substantially decreases your learning curve when using new technology. That’s a good thing when you consider the number of different digital tools that many developers use regularly. Sencha supports ‘Drag and Drop,’ making development easier and less time-consuming. It will also result in money saved.

Do you have enough resources to quickly learn the framework you use?

Learning new frameworks is an easy task. For example, open-source frameworks don’t have dedicated teams to provide comprehensive documentation or learning materials. Because of this, you have to go through tutorials written by others, and ask questions on StackOverflow or Reddit to get your problem solved. When you use a product like Sencha, they have very detailed documentation with step-by-step guides on everything from installation to deployment. As a result, Sencha takes significantly less time to learn. 

Sencha doesn’t stop at providing great documentation. It also provides classes to train your employees. There are classes for both new and experienced developers. You can take these classes online or in classrooms. Sencha also does webinars to simplify the learning process for your employees. 

Does your framework support debug?

Debugging is crucial. It allows software designers and developers to resolve issues before exposing a program to its users. Most frameworks, however, don’t support internal debugging. Instead, you have to use external sources, which are quite expensive. In addition, it takes time to customize external debugging tools to your framework.

The Sencha Inspector is a tool for debugging apps built with the Sencha framework. It offers you access to components, objects, and classes. The Inspector is a debugging tool for any Sencha application built with Ext JS 4.2.0 or Touch 2.1.0 and above, irrespective of the browser. It allows you to examine your codebase for issues such as component over-nesting and the number of layout runs. It also helps you enhance the performance of your application.

Did you select a framework that supports testing?

Testing is an aspect of development that brings immense benefits. Testing prevents defects, lowers development costs, and boosts performance. However, most frameworks don’t support in-built testing. As a result, developers have to use separate testing frameworks, which is both costly and annoying. 

Sencha Test is a vital component of the Sencha Platform. It helps programmers and QAs achieve new quality standards in their applications. It also boosts the productivity of the testing process. Sencha Test accomplishes this by combining open source testing frameworks (such as WebDriver, Jasmine, and Istanbul), filling in the gaps, and consolidating everything into a single solution.

Does the framework have in-built services?

Most frameworks need to use expensive external libraries or plugins for services like code review. The Sencha Services tech team, on the other hand, offers a wide range of services to help you deliver web apps faster, with a rich user experience and reduced risk. Some of the services they provide are architecture reviews, enterprise code reviews, application modernizations, test automation strategies and mitigation, and staff augmentation.

Will Sencha help save money on application development?

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework with a lot of features. It comes with a variety of UI components that you can easily change. They allow you to easily develop a great user interface for your program while spending less. It doesn’t require much coding, and you can complete tasks with only a few lines of code. Sencha Ext JS, in general, can make your life a lot easier. You should definitely use it to create UI components for your web applications.

Try Sencha ExtJs for free to build comprehensive cross-platform web applications.