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JS Frameworks: Expectations vs. Reality

December 14, 2021 278 Views

Development frameworks are some of the most helpful technologies that enable you to build dependable and robust software. The right ones provide you with suitable methods and functions that immediately make complex implementation challenges solvable. Therefore, it is not surprising that most developers start looking for an appropriate framework once they start working on a project to ensure a smooth experience.

However, many beginner developers tend to look at the framework from a rose-tainted perspective. Some even expect that it will do all the hard work for them and that development reduces to using suitable functions. As a developer, you need to know the right frameworks, but you also need to understand what can and cannot be done with them.

All frameworks try to provide ample documentation and resources to inform the developer better of the possibilities they offer. Quality js frameworks like Sencha Ext JS even provide live examples developed using themselves to give you a better idea. Such qualities help establish a serious programming framework from an uncertain one.

This article will take you through managing your expectations with JavaScript development frameworks and what wonders the right one can work for you.

How Do Frameworks Contribute To Your JavaScript Experience?

JavaScript is one of the fundamental languages for the web and is used to write the application part of websites. Regular JS is a powerful language in itself and is used to develop libraries of implementations that make developing in JS better. These are called development frameworks and can be used directly, or their performances can be altered as needed.   

By taking care of managing and implementing mundane functions, the developer can focus on building better features. Additionally, frameworks can provide optimized processes that significantly reduce code complexity and improve performance. With the inclusion of optimized pieces of code, your software becomes a much better version of itself.

The success of a framework depends on how effective its implementation is and how aptly it is designed. Frameworks like Sencha Ext JS provide a diverse library of effectively optimized functions. Additionally, you can use extensions readily found in the Sencha developer community.

Why Do Some JS Frameworks End Up Making Development Hard?

While each framework aims to improve your development experience, not all of them necessarily deliver. Many have oversimplified implementations that sacrifice optimization for a more accessible interface. Many provide a messy interface but are blazing fast on the back-end. The ones that end up the most popular among users are the frameworks that confidently deliver on both ends.

By choosing the wrong kind of framework, you can potentially miss all the main benefits of coding with a framework. While choosing a framework, you need to be clear about your expectations of the framework. Poorly designed or implemented frameworks can end up hurting your end product’s quality and becoming a liability.

What Qualities Should The Ideal JS Framework Have?

The inclusion of a robust JavaScript framework could be the crucial element missing from your current development experience. By involving the right one, you can improve the chances of building a much better end product. However, you need to know what characteristics make a JavaScript framework worthy of your time and attention. Only then can you make the right choice.

Discussed below are some essential qualities that should be at the forefront of your chosen JavaScript framework.

What Are Quality Working Components That Integrate Seamlessly?

To the user, a development framework always arrives as a cohesive collection of development tools and techniques. However, things may look very different at the back-end. Most frameworks are made up of several smaller working components that bring them to life by doing their jobs independently. The dependability of the framework greatly depends on how well these components come together and integrate with each other.

The components that make up a quality JS framework don’t even need to be the same kind of handling the same tasks. The framework simply needs to ensure that one’s potential failing doesn’t affect the rest. The other components can continue to work and provide value in the meanwhile.

Is There Provision Of Quality Testing Capabilities?

Most development frameworks focus on providing you with every kind of help to build better software. While quality assurance is often separated from development into a complete issue itself, every developer does some assuring themselves before moving on to QA. A quality JS framework would provide you with the opportunity to test your developed software there and then. You can avoid a lot of time and effort while also ensuring software quality.

The testing abilities don’t necessarily have to be too high-end. Providing even regular unit-testing methods can be enough for most cases. However, the implementation should have space for as much automation as possible.

Does it have a Flexible And Adaptive Nature?

Modern developers understand that most software developed today won’t always stay restricted to one platform. There are always the chances of expanding the horizons and developing versions for other platforms like mobile and web. The ideal JS framework should be flexible enough to enable you to build your software for all major platforms without leaving its environment. 

The adaptive nature of a quality JS framework makes it possible to build a much better product right from the start. The effort saved comes in handy to ensure the software delivers success on all platforms. You can implement fundamental features so that they are easily usable on all different platforms. The framework would support you in the journey and ensure stability.

Is It Thoroughly Adept At Working With Data?

Data is capturing the whole world by storm, and developers are witnessing increased demands for data-oriented features from end-users. Therefore, the modern developer needs to gain experience to build better data products. The ideal quality JS framework would recognize such needs and provide ample methods to help you build robust data features into your product. 

Such data features will mainly be required by the client-facing parts, so such features are highly crucial. Since JS is famous for the front-end, satisfying data visualizations is one example of the ideal framework’s data features. For better flexibility, the framework should handle any kind of data source on the back-end. Additional features could include making appropriate UI features.

While most JS frameworks deliver on one of the above characteristics or the other, very few can hit the sweet spot of delivering on all aspects. However, Sencha Ext Js can confidently become the quality JS framework you are looking for. It provides all the above characteristics and many more features for the ultimate JS development experience.

How Can Sencha Ext JS Be The Framework You Need?

With Sencha Ext JS, you get to develop high-quality JavaScript software in an environment that supports all facets of development. You get to design and build your application and ensure quality through practical unit-testing abilities. The adaptive nature of Ext JS makes it possible to deliver a powerful piece of software ready-for-use across all significant platforms.

Additionally, Ext JS allows you to build robust data features into your product. The framework enables you to develop the back-end functionalities separate from the UI components. With components like Grids and Charts, you can efficiently showcase your data in efficient ways.

Feel like you need a trustworthy JS framework to accelerate your development velocity and code quality? Head over to see the exciting features offered by Sencha Ext JS.