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Everything You Need To Know About Web Application Development

November 23, 2022 592 Views

A few decades ago, there were no advanced features on web pages. Old web pages were more like static pages in web application development. But thanks to Ajax that it made website applications development faster and more advanced. It has made us able to create more interactive web apps.

Web application development empowers us in web-based projects that act similarly to mobile applications. Web applications prioritize responsive interaction and engage users while being delivered through an internet browser. We can say that the concept of web apps is the posterity of the web development process. Let’s dig into the basics of web development.

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What Is A Web Application?

The web application is software that allows user interaction by using different web browsers. We must know that a web application runs on a web server. It consists of a user interface that sends back all the user-generated content to the development team. The user engagement and other data give us insight into consumers’ preferences, interests, and usage patterns.

We may start thinking that what’s the benefit of getting insights into consumers’ data? Well, this data can help us make big marketing decisions. Moreover, all this data is also helpful for marketing our products available on the website. Due to this amazing benefit, the web application is gaining popularity across all life sectors.

What Is Web Application Development?

Different factors help us to develop an app. The first and most important one is to set the objective for our apps’ use. Setting the objective of our app refers to the purpose of web apps in website applications development.

For example, is it a product-selling web app or something that helps in job applications? No matter the purpose, it will guide us in designing the user interface.

The user interface of our web apps can give us information about users’ behavior visiting our web apps. Thus, we should build a web app in such a way that it accepts and acts on users’ generated data. Some tasks that come under web application development are:

It should offer compatibility with both iOS and Android.

The app should be able to identify optimization metrics and life cycles.

It should have an interactive and intelligent user interface.

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Types of Web Applications

Web apps are available in different types. The characteristics of each type of web app depend on how it is developed. Even though we use web technologies in building these apps, they differ based on their architecture. For example, web applications exist in three main categories or architectures:



Single-page applications.

Let’s dig into the concept of each architecture.

Client-Side Web Apps

Client-side web apps emphasize user experience by frequently giving them great performance levels. The user interface is the key component of client-side web apps. This is due to the fact that the client-side web programmes dominate the front-end development in these apps.

Server-Side Web Apps

The server-side software development process is also known as backend development. It involves the creation of servers, databases, different background operations, and APIs.

Single-Page Apps

Single-page applications, also known as SPAs, load new pages only when we click on the link. These applications lie in contrast to our conventional multi-page web apps.

Interestingly, these apps combine the positive aspects of server-side and client-side apps.

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Frameworks for Web Apps 

When we work in a company, they always require appropriate front-end and back-end technologies. It helps us in completing the full-stack web app development process.

Some technologies and frameworks that are helpful in creating those web apps are given below:


When talking about the best front-end tools, the interesting part of knowing is that the best tools are still there. These tools are not changed in the last 25 years. But we can rely on them to build the best web apps.


Javascript is the main client-side programming language that most developers use. We employ Javascript to add client-side functions to our online and website applications. Learning Javascript is also very easy in website applications development.


HTML is another tool that helps in creating websites. It helps us to organize the content of our website. There is a large number of characters that help us to show audio, video, and pictures in HTML. We use particular tags to do it.


CSS defines the looks of our web pages in website applications development. For example, the color of our web page and the font of written content is all defined by CSS. Just like HTML and Javascript, CSS is a foundational technology.

Let’s dig into the back-end web development technologies.

Back-End Technologies.

Back-end development uses different web technologies since it includes multiple different elements. It may include server-side programming, APIs, web servers, databases, etc.

Programming Languages

It might entail the management of security authentications and user connections. The Back-end development process works with the databases to send and receive the data. Some most used programming languages in back-end development are Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. So now, we have some ideas to learn programming.


We house our application’s data by using databases in website applications development. Databases use query languages to send and receive data. Some query languages are Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. All of these languages have multiple versions.


Servers help us in responding to network queries. A server uses internet access to retrieve the data when a client requests the data.


APIs have enabled connecting the functionalities of two different applications or software systems. Moreover, we save time by implementing APIs and not developing anything from scratch.

Let’s suppose we developed a portal for tourists in which we allow tourists to book hotels in their destination. But since we don’t want to develop anything from scratch, we can implement an API of It will direct the users to just click on our portal and direct them to for hotel booking.

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What Steps Are There In Web Application Development Process?

It is important to follow some important steps when we are developing a web application. Let’s check all the steps here:

Define The Issue 

First, we must know which issue we want to solve using web applications. We must also consider the needs of our users. Let’s take the example given above. Our users’ problem is finding a suitable hotel near their tourist destination. So, we are creating a Geospatial portal for our tourists. What’s next? Continue reading!

Schedule The Workflow For Your Website Applications Development

In this step, we create a method to organize our web application development components in a logical way. We have to consider the web app components and our resources and money to satisfy the needs of our users.

For example,

In our tourism portal, we may use REACT component, PERN stack, and integration of different APIs.

Create A Prototype For Your Web Application.

We must create a prototype to see what our finished product will look like. It is more like a minimal viable product in our software development process.

Test Your Prototype

The idea of testing our prototype should be compelling enough to fulfill the needs of our users. It should have features that convince the public to use our platform.

Create Your App

Then, we need to find the software to help us create our app. In this case, we need to think about all the back-end and front-end technologies and frameworks.

Examine Your App

We need to examine our app at each step to make sure that it is working fine without any complications. A professional development team examines each step in the development process.

Get Your Web Apps Hosted & Launched

We need to host our app on the web server. It indicates that choosing a cloud hosting provider and domain name is essential to launch our online application.

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How Does Sencha Help In Web Development?

Sencha helps us in the web development process through the fastest Javascript grid. This is due to the fact that Sencha consists of 140+ high-performing UI components.

JavaScript-based data-intensive HTML5 applications can be made with the help of Sencha Ext JS. The most complete JavaScript framework for creating cross-platform, data-intensive online and mobile applications for any modern device is Sencha Ext JS. Ext JS comes with more than 140 pre-integrated, high-performance user interface (UI) elements, including Grids, Pivot Grids, D3 Adapter, Trees, Charts, Calendars, etc.

With more than 100 incredible data grid features, GRUI by Sencha is the ideal current enterprise-grade grid solution for React UI. With GRUI, we completely redesigned the Ext JS grid to make use of contemporary JavaScript. Additionally, a completely new design will provide the same fantastic capabilities and even greater speed in a simple-to-use React API.

Sencha WebtestIt significantly improves productivity in building robust and reliable UI tests for web applications.

Sencha supports you with more resources in web application development.

Final Thoughts On Website Applications Development

The website application development process may seem complex, but it is easy once we know all the steps. But before developing a web, we should have a strong problem to address by developing our web. It will make the users prefer our web app to solve their particular issues.

Ext JS at Sencha has the amazing to handle a larger number of records. Moreover, it has a large feature set with full control customization. Apart from that, many other features make it easy to integrate with our web apps.

Even if the problem has been solved by our previous competitors, we should add some advanced features to our app that compel the users to use our app. Sencha bring solution to developers, so we can also take help from it.


What Is Website Applications Development?

Website applications development is the process that helps us develop a web app using different technologies.

What Does a Web Application Developer Do?

A web app developer writes efficient, well-designed, testable code by implementing best software practices.

What Is a Website Application?

It is a program delivered over the internet using a browser interface.

What Skills Are Needed for a Web App Developer?

Some most important skills are Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Python.

Sign Up for free now to integrate your web app with the most comprehensible Javascript framework.