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How to Create Next-Gen HTML Tables With JS Grid

April 21, 2023 774 Views

HTML tables are an essential part of many web pages and web applications, specifically, those apps where we need to display data on the client side. For example, various data-intensive enterprise web apps use HTML tables to display large data sets. Similarly, many websites and web apps use tables for comparing products, presenting subscription/pricing plans, etc. HTML tables allow us to properly arrange and organize data into rows and columns, making it easy for users to understand and read the data. Moreover, arranging large sets of information into a table is also essential for a good UI design. However, having such HTML tables on your website or web app can result in slow speed and long load times. This is where an efficient JS grid, such as EXT JS Grid, is helpful.

This article will explore the best JS grid for creating high-performance HTML tables. We’ll also show you how to create a robust HTML table using a JS data Grid for your next project.

What Is a JS Grid?

An example of a JS grid

A JS Grid is a table consisting of rows and columns. It enables users to display data in a tabular format on their website or web app. A JavaScript Grid is built using HTML, JS, and CSS. Today, many JavaScript data grid libraries are available that enable developers to implement a fast and efficient data grid quickly and easily. These grids are designed to handle large amounts of data on the client side and provide a seamless user experience. Moreover, they offer helpful features, such as virtual rendering, sorting, scrolling, and filtering grid data. All in all, JS Grids improve the app’s performance by rendering data quickly and efficiently and enable developers to build responsive web apps that are easy to use.

What Features Should You Look for in a JS Grid?

Fast and Efficient

A JS data Grid should be capable of handling massive amounts of data without affecting the speed and load times of the web app.


Efficient JavaScript grid libraries support data filtering, enabling users to find the required information quickly, compare data and learn valuable insights.

Virtual Scrolling

This feature enables end-users to scroll through the table and get the needed information quickly. It is especially helpful for grids containing lots of information and columns.

Expandable Rows

Expandable rows enable users to read more information about rows and understand the data better. This is another useful feature for grids with large data sets.


JS grids should allow users to split a long table into multiple pages. Doing this improves the overall UI design and enhances user experience.

Data Export

Sometimes you want your grid data in another format, such as CSV, PDF, or XLS. Hence, it’s best to choose a grid that allows you to export grid data.

Which Is the Best JS Grid for Creating Powerful HTML Data Tables?

Sencha Ext JS Grid

Several JS data grids and third-party libraries are available in the market today, such as AG Grid, React Table/headless data table, etc. However, not all JS grids are fast and efficient enough to handle large sets of data. If you’re looking for a high-performance client-side data grid that offers all the features you need, the Sencha Grid is definitely the right choice. The robust JavaScript Grid library is designed and tested to handle massive amounts of data easily. Hence, developers can use it to manage and display millions of records on their web apps efficiently.

Sencha Grid is known for its incredibly fast data processing, and it has been found to outperform many top data grid competitors. Moreover, it has been tested to work flawlessly across all modern web browsers and a variety of platforms. And you can integrate it with all major JavaScript frameworks.

In terms of features, Ext JS Grid offers a comprehensive set of grid features, including grouping, sorting, multi-column sorting, filtering, row selection, infinite scrolling, and more. These advanced features and options enable developers to manage data efficiently and allow users to navigate through massive amounts of data quickly and easily. Additionally, Sencha Grid allows developers to export grid data in a variety of formats, including PDF, HTML, CSV, and XLS. Another loved feature of Sencha Grid is that it allows developers to change the appearance of the grid to match the overall design of their web app.

In addition to JavaScript Grid, the Ext JS JavaScript library offers over 140 pre-built and fully tested UI components/UI elements for creating beautiful and functional web apps.

Why Should You Choose Sencha Ext JS Grid?

Here are the main reasons why Sencha Grid is the right choice for your next project:

Incredibly Fast

One of the key reasons why developers love using Ext JS in their web apps is its ability to process millions of records quickly. Sencha Grid can efficiently load and manipulate large data sets within milliseconds without affecting the load times of your web apps.

Advanced Rows and Columns Operations

Sencha Grid supports a wide range of rows and columns operations, making it easy to arrange, manage, and read data.

  • Rows operations: Drag-and-drop, customized menu, edit, copy/paste, select, reorder, expand, tooltip, row selection, user-defined operations, and more.
  • Columns operations: Selecting, sorting, locking, groping, filtering, spaning, drag-and-drop, copy/paste, and more.

Packed With Useful Grid Features

In addition to a variety of rows and columns operations, Ext JS Grids also support:

  • Paging: Allows you to divide long tables into several pages
  • Infinite scrolling: Enable users to scroll through massive amounts of data
  • Live Data Rendering: Display the most recent and up-to-date data on the grid.

Customization and Styling Options

The Ext JS Grids are highly customizable, and you can style them the way you want to match the overall theme of your web app. The grid comes with multiple themes (built-in), and you can even build your custom themes using Sencha Themer.

Tested Across Various Platforms and Browers

Ext JS powerful grid is tested across a wide range of browsers and platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile. The grid supports all modern devices and can efficiently adapt to different screen sizes.

Ability to Export Data

Ext JS data grid allows you to use various data formats to import and export data, including HTML, CSV, XLS, TSV, and PDF.

Easy UI Component Integration

Sencha provides easy UI component integration to the grid. You can easily add bar charts, inline graphs, forms, buttons, and more to the grid to make your data easy to understand.

Use Sencha Grid in your web apps today!

What Are the Main Components of Ext JS Grid?

Below are the two main components of the Sencha Grid:

The store consists of the grid data and the columns that need to be displayed. In other words, a store is simply a collection of records. Ext JS grids can efficiently fetch data dynamically when needed. These grids also offer advanced features like sorting, filtering, and hierarchical data loading.


This is the main component of EXT JS grids that makes it possible to display large data sets in the form of a table on the client side.

How to Create a Powerful Table in HTML Using Ext JS Grid?

We’ll use the following data set for our grid, which is stored in Ext Store:

    "results": [{
        "date": "7. Jul",
        "flightNumber": "FI384",
        "airline": "Icelandair",
        "to": "Gothenburg",
        "plannedDeparture": "00:30",
        "realDeparture": "Departed 00:28",
        "status": null
    }, {
        "date": "7. Jul",
        "flightNumber": "4U8213",
        "airline": "Eurowings",
        "to": "Berlin Tegel",
        "plannedDeparture": "00:35",
        "realDeparture": "Departed 00:54",
        "status": null
    }, {
        "date": "7. Jul",
        "flightNumber": "OK461",
        "airline": "Czech Airlines",
        "to": "Prague",
        "plannedDeparture": "00:40",
        "realDeparture": "Departed 00:55",
        "status": null
    }, ...

This is just an example data set (not the complete data set)

Below is the sample JS code for creating a grid with Ext JS:

Ext.define('MyApp.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Grid',
title: 'Reykjavik Flight Departures',

grouped: true,

columns: [{
xtype: 'datecolumn',
text: 'Date',
dataIndex: 'date',
format: 'M j, Y',
width: 120
}, {
xtype: 'column', // This is the default column xtype
text: 'Airline',
dataIndex: 'airline',
width: 200
}, {
text: 'To',
dataIndex: 'to',
width: 200
}, {
text: 'Scheduled',
dataIndex: 'plannedDeparture',
align: 'center'
}, {
text: 'Status',
dataIndex: 'realDeparture',
flex: 1

store: {
type: 'store',
autoLoad: true,
fields: [{name: 'date',type: 'date',dateFormat: 'j. M'}],
proxy: {type: 'ajax',url: 'departures.json',reader: {rootProperty: 'results'}}
name: 'MyApp',
mainView: 'MyApp.view.Main'

The above code is for a complete Ext JS app that displays a data grid (Sencha grid.) The columns array describes each column of the grid. Every item in the grid has a text property which is actually the column header. The data index is the value from the data feed that we are displaying. The store consists of the data that will be displayed in the grid.

The code above will create the following grid that supports grouping:

An HTML table created using Ext JS Grid

Check out this tutorial on YouTube to learn more about creating a high-performance HTML table with the Sencha grid.


HTML tables allow developers to arrange and organize large sets of data in rows and columns. However, an issue with such tables is that they can slow down the web app’s speed. For this reason, many developers now use a JS grid library, such as Sencha Ext JS Grid. Sencha Grid can efficiently process and handle large amounts of data and offer advanced grid features, such as filtering, grouping, sorting, row selection, infinite scrolling, paging, live data rendering, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Use Grid in JavaScript?

You can use a JavaScript data grid library like Sencha Ext JS to create high-performance data grids in JavaScript.

Which Grid Is Best for JavaScript?

Sencha Ext JS data grid is a leading JavaScript Grid that can handle millions of records efficiently. Moreover, it offers advanced grid features, such as grouping, filtering, sorting, infinite scrolling, row selection, paging, live data rendering, and more.

How to Get Grid Data in JavaScript?

If you’re using Sencha JS Grid, you can get data in the grid using Ext Store, which is simply a collection of records.

Which Is the Fastest JavaScript grid?

Sencha grid is the fastest JavaScript that can process millions of data points within milliseconds.

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