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What Best Practices Do You Follow in Developing Web Apps?

August 11, 2022 567 Views

Technology has significantly changed how businesses interact with their customers. Due to rising competition and declining digital attention, it is crucial to increase your online presence using best-in-industry techniques and trends. You must invest in both web and mobile applications, in addition to offering your consumers the standard website experience. Web apps have assumed a top role in satisfying all corporate objectives, including brand marketing, consumer outreach, process automation, data management, the creation of online transactions, and much more. Web application development currently focuses on developing user-centric, intelligent, creative, and responsive apps to improve the user experience while keeping these objectives in mind. In this article, we are discussing the best practices to follow in developing web apps.

Why is keeping a website responsive important?

A website can be built using responsive design so that it automatically adjusts its elements and information to fit the screen size used to view it. Since users tend to use devices with multiple screen sizes, in order to keep our websites popular, website responsiveness is a must. Apart from this, some of the added advantages of responsive websites are:

  • Cost effectiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Improved user experience
  • Search engine optimization gains
  • Ease of management

Sencha introduced “responsiveConfig”, a powerful new feature for making applications respond dynamically to changes in screen size or orientation.

How to make your website load faster?

Ensuring your website loads faster is a must in order to make sure that our customers don’t leave us. Here are some ways to make your website load faster:

  • Implement a content distribution network of your own (CDN)
  • Choose a hosting option that is performance-optimized
  • Optimize and compress your image files
  • Reduce the redirects
  • Cache the web pages
  • Enable browser caching
  • Minify JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  • Avoid unnecessary plugins
  • For your CSS and JavaScript files, use asynchronous and defer loading


How to build progressive web apps?

best practices for developing web apps

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) give developers the ability to design amazing web user interfaces. They offer the best user experiences for both mobile apps and websites.

The following is a brief on how to build progressive web apps:

  1. Create an app manifest
  2. Add it to your base HTML template
  3. Create a service worker
  4. Serve the service worker at the root of the scope you used in the manifest
  5. Add a <script> block to your base HTML template to load the service worker
  6. Deploy your progressive web app
  7. Use your progressive web app

Sencha has made progressive web application development easier, which results in a better user experience and customer engagement.


How important is great UX for developing web apps?

UX is significant because it works to meet users’ needs. It strives to deliver satisfying experiences that maintain customers’ loyalty to the good or service. Furthermore, defining client journeys on your website that are most supportive of company success is made possible by a meaningful user experience.

Some of the other reasons that UX is important are that it:

  • Lowers development, bug-fixing, marketing, and other costs
  • Improves return on investment (ROI)
  • Improves return on investment (ROI)

Furthermore, platform-specific designs, consistency & continuity, and intuitive experiences are all made possible through UX.

The UX design process includes:

  • User personas
  • User interviews
  • Job Stories
  • Functionality map
  • Wireframes
  • Prototyping
  • Usability testing

Why do you need to keep the app scalable?

There are several reasons for prioritizing application scalability. The following are some of the main justifications for creating a scalable app:

  • Better user experience
  • Saves money
  • Application stability
  • Feature customization
  • Provide better app performance
  • Handle usage surges
  • Positive reviews and user feedback
  • Long term growth and success

Sencha’s Ext JS architecture enables apps to scale across the use of two important architectural/technological implementations. First, it supports concern separation thanks to its class-based or object-oriented architecture. Second, the extensive component library for Ext JS enables coherence, effectiveness, and stability.

How do you ensure security when developing web apps?

Given below are methods developers use to ensure security in web applications:

  • Maintain security while building web applications
  • Require injection & input validation
  • Encrypt your data
  • Use exception management
  • Apply role management, authentication, & access control
  • Avoid security misconfigurations
  • Take hosting/service-focused precautions
  • Use HTTPS
  • Include auditing and logging
  • Implement strict quality assurance and testing

What are modern tools for debugging and testing?

Debugging and testing are important to run a web application long term. Some modern tools for debugging and testing are given below.

  • Debugging
    • Firefox Developer Tools
    • Chrome Developer Tools
    • Web Developer
    • Safari Developer Tools
    • Internet Explorer Web Edge (Developer) Toolbar
    • Fiddler
    • Open Dragonfly
    • DebugBar
    • YSlow
  • Testing
    • Web Test It
    • WebLOAD
    • Astra
    • Acunetix
    • Netsparker
    • LambdaTest
    • TestComplete
    • Digivante
    • Avo Assure


Why should you implement auditing and logging when developing web apps?

Auditing and logging are used to keep track of and analyze information system behavior that affects information assets. This includes any hardware, software, or procedural safeguards put in place to monitor actions like changing information assets within information systems, including protected health information. Following are the main reasons to implement auditing and logging:

  • Detect security breaches
  • Assess system damages
  • Aid in recovery process

Why should you leverage animations when developing web apps?

Depending on the type of animation you employ and your objectives, the reason for using animation on your website can change. There are various benefits of employing website animations when done properly:

  • Showcase unique features
  • Enhance design
  • Improve engagement and conversion

In Sencha Ext.util.Animate provides an API for the creation of animated transitions of properties and styles.

Why should you use Sencha for developing web apps?

Sencha Ext JS is the best JS framework for web application development. As part of the Sencha Ext JS package, you get awesome tools for lifecycle management, automatic code generation, testing, debugging, customizing themes, visually creating user interfaces, optimizing apps, efficient data loading, and so much more. Then, you can develop high-quality, efficient, and enterprise-grade apps rapidly.

Don’t wait any longer. Join the Sencha family today and enhance your users’ experience with an awesome and stunning app. Explore and get started with all of the Ext JS features today.