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Interesting Web Development Project Ideas To Learn Programming

November 1, 2022 755 Views

Web and software development is booming, and the necessity for Web Developers is rising as well. Having a digital presence becomes essential for organizations to grow and obtain exposure among potential clients. It’s a known fact that practicing web application development is the best way to learn it. To help you hone your development skills, we’ll discuss a couple of web development project ideas in this article.

What Is Web Development?

Web Development in its simplest terms is the development of a website. Web development can involve creating a single static page or it can involve creating complicated web applications, online stores, and social media web apps.

Teams of web developers for larger enterprises and organizations may create websites using standardized techniques like Agile processes. Smaller businesses could simply use a contract developer, or they might assign additional personnel to similar roles like designers or information systems technicians. Instead of being the domain of a single department, web development may involve departmental collaboration.

There are three specializations for a web developer: front-end, back-end, and full-stack web development. Back-end developers work with the servers, whereas front-end developers are in charge of the behavior and graphics that appear in the user’s browser.

Use Of Web Development

The most significant application of web development is creating websites. But it does not end just there. Web development has many motives such as entertaining and imaginative purposes, enhancing coding abilities, great income generator, and creating projects that are useful in the real world.

Best Web Development Project Ideas

What are some great web development project ideas?

As promised, the following are the 20 best web development projects to learn web development!

One-page Layout Or Design

About: With this project, you will create a responsive one-page design. This is a beginner-level project which enables beginners to evaluate their level of skill and knowledge.

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

Resources: Use conquer template [1] to explore free CSS layouts to get inspiration.

Product Landing Page

About: A product landing page, which is the front of any website, has the power to reach clients more effectively than any other element through its graphics and several other appealing aspects. Designing a product landing page becomes essential for web developers to evaluate their practical abilities. This engaging web development project is a must-do for learners because it will help them understand what users want and how to draw them in with appealing images. The elements of the landing page will be set within columns using columns. This also covers basic editing activities like image cropping and using design templates.

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS (Intermediate)

Resources: FreeCodeCamp has its curriculum with a certification project, Product Landing Page [2].

Background Generator

About: Finding the most attractive background color for your project is the goal of this project. You should develop a generator that lets you copy a color code. Paste this into another website’s CSS and Voila! You get the background you desire.

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: The Background-Selector [3] project from Github gives a great insight into what you could expect from this project.

Quiz App

About: This project attempts to design a quiz game that accepts various answers. Along with dealing with sophisticated logic, constructing this project will teach you a great deal about managing data and DOM manipulation. You could develop the game as basic or as sophisticated as you would like it to be based on your capacity for handling intricate logic.

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: Youtuber, webdevsimplified, has many javascript project ideas, one of which is the Javascript Quiz App [4] project that entails a minimalistic Quiz App with some interesting Javascript code behind it.

Giphy With A Unique API

About: This project involves creating a web app that displays GIFs on a webpage by using search inputs and the Giphy API. You can rebuild the Giphy website using the Giphy API, which is a great project for beginners. Utilizing the Giphy API has the additional benefit of removing the need for configuration concerns while making data requests.

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: Check out the Giphy API [5] and its documentation to get started with this project.

To-Do List

About: User-interactive features in to-do lists include the ability to add or remove items, emphasize dates, utilize strikethrough to show completed daily tasks, and add various text-decorating elements.

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: Try re-creating this simple to-do [6] web app with add, check, and delete features. If you’re feeling ambitious, add more logic and capabilities to test your Javascript limits!

SEO Friendly Website

About: SEO enables monitoring organic searches on search engine result pages. Web developers must have a fundamental understanding of web designing and SEO, even though their main priority is the operation of the website. When you are knowledgeable about SEO, you may create a website with accessible URLs and a responsive design. This will enhance a brand’s social media presence by enabling the site to load swiftly on multiple devices.

Level of Expertise: Intermediate

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: Use this comprehensive Technical SEO guide [7] to learn everything you need to get started with developing an amazing SEO-friendly website. 

Javascript Drawing

About: In this project, HTML and CSS elements are displayed on a browser by using JavaScript as a sketching tool. 

Level of Expertise: Beginner

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: oCanvas [8] is a Javascript library that appears useful for adding graphical components to static pages to make them more appealing.

Online Code Editor (React)

About: This is a project that will build you your own online code execution platform where you could write code in the programming language of your choice and run it on the same machine. 

Level of Expertise: Intermediate 

Skills you need: React

Resources: online-code-editor-react [9] is a project on GitHub that uses React to build a code editor for HTML, CSS, and Javascript code and has a similar UI to Code Pen [10].

Sorting Visualizer 

About: At the end of this project, you will build a platform where anyone can view how sorting algorithms work. You will be able to comprehend several sorting algorithms and fundamental Javascript concepts in great detail.

Level of Expertise: Intermediate 

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript

Resources: This sorting visualizer [11] is a Javascript app for visualizing different kinds of sorting algorithms. 

CodeChef Notifier 

About: If you’re a practicing developer, you might or not have heard about CodeChef. However it is, CodeChef is a community where aspiring programmers can hone their coding abilities. While using Codechef, its servers are quite often swamped, taking ages to validate our submissions to the reviewer and wasting valuable time repetitively trying to check for results. By automating the steps of getting the result and notifying you when it is ready, this add-on aims to save you time so that you can continue with the next topic without thinking about whether the reviewer has approved the result.

Level of Expertise: Intermediate

Skills you need: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Resources: The CodeChef-notifier [12] project on Github is a Google Chrome Extension. Refer to their code to get inspiration to make one of your own.

E-commerce Solutions

About: An e-commerce solution usually involves a front-end and back-end of a website. The pages included in this project will be your product pages, shopping cart, order form, and support pages. 

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: React, NodeJS, Firebase, Express, Redux

Resources: This E-commerce React [13] project is a GitHub repo you can refer to when creating your e-commerce solution. You can also try out the Enterprise Web Development framework to assist you in developing a CRUD app in minutes.

Slack Clone

About: If you’re seeking any challenging React Native projects to apply React-Redux ideas to, and a chance to master the basics of NoSQL databases, this is an excellent project to try. You’ll have an online messenger app that functions similarly to Slack once this project is finished.

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: React Native, API

Resources: Following this 3-part tutorial on how you could build a slack clone with React Native [14]. You can find their GitHub repo in case you get stuck in between. In case you want to learn how to develop this in React, start by learning how Application Development differs between React and React Native.

Transcript Summarizer For Youtube

About: It has become increasingly difficult to make the time commitment to see movies that may end up being longer than expected. Our efforts occasionally risk being ineffective if we are unable to learn anything useful from them. By automatically summarizing the youtube videos’ transcripts, we can quickly identify important topics without having to view them all again. This spares us time and energy. With this web project, we will be able to deploy cutting-edge NLP approaches for abstractive text summarizing while also putting into effect a fascinating idea that is great for intermediates and a reviving side project for experts. A Chrome extension for this project will make a call to a Rest API from the backend, and the API will respond by sending you a transcript summary for YouTube.

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: REST API, Python

Resources: You can make use of the Youtube-Transcript-Summarizer [15] GitHub project to build this project

GitHub Explorer

About: In this project, you can input a user’s username and it will retrieve all of the user’s GitHub information. To do this, you can employ the Github API. The user’s name, repo count, followers, and other information may all be found via the API. You will also be taken to the GitHub account if you click the username.

Level of Expertise: 

Skills you need: Javascript, API

Resources: Use the GitHub Profile Finder [16] project on GitHub to refer to when you’re trying to implement this project on your own.

Student Result Management System

About: The goal here is to develop a project that will be in charge of compiling student records. The majority of these records must maintain student information. The precise facts related to departments, such as a collection of data, or general information about students could make up this information. The database for the project should have broad information about the pupils. For instance, their name, address, phone number, the year they were admitted, the courses they took, and more. Important information should also be included, including files for attendance, outcomes, payments, scholarships, and others.

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: SQL, Python

Resources: Use this SDMS [17] project’s flow to refer to when implementing your project, in your preferred language or database.

Amazon Clone Using React

About: This is very similar to the e-commerce solution project above. However, this is a clone of the popular Amazon website that contains tons of features and elements that will provide a great learning experience.

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: React, Firebase

Resources: This Amazon Clone [18] project uses React and Firebase from which you can get ideas.

Multiplayer Game – Connect4

About: In this project, you will have the chance to pick up some essential networking and game development fundamentals and use them to independently develop the popular multiplayer game Connect4. There are numerous versions of the well-known game Connect 4. The goal of the game is to line up four coins in a row before your opponent does.

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: Python

Resources: The GitHub repo, Connect-four [19] will demonstrate how to play and set up the development environment along with the code.

Authentication In Node.js For A Web App

About: This project uses Node.js to develop the authentication system. You will learn about several authentication methods. Execute them, evaluate and identify any shortcomings, and then search for ways to improve them.

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: NodeJS, Express, MongoDB

Resources: This NodeJS Auth [20] project will provide all the necessary Authentication methods you need to learn.

Transport Enquiry System

About: You may have seen commuters waiting in line while on the road for the personnel of public transportation to respond to their inquiries. You can save the staff and passengers a ton of time by developing an automatic question-answering system. 

Level of Expertise: Advanced

Skills you need: React, NodeJS, MySQL, Express

Resources: The above stack is utilized in the Voice-based-Transport-Enquiry-System [21] repo from GitHub.

Final Thoughts

There is a high need for web developers in the market because it is a popular skill right now. You can utilize the above projects to highlight the skills that will increase your work possibilities, regardless of your level of experience. You can even include these projects in your portfolio to demonstrate your proficiency in a particular area to the interviewer. 

If you’re an experienced developer and looking for a place to develop web applications and manage them simultaneously, try our platform now!

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