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12 Go-To Resources About The Best Javascript Framework

February 8, 2022 135 Views

What Are Some Hidden Gems in Chrome Developer Tools?

As a software developer building applications with web technology, I naturally spend lots of time in my browser. For many years web developers struggled to build cross-browser applications because many browsers (notably older versions of Internet Explorer) failed to offer even minimal debugging tools — but thankfully today every browser ships with helpful developer tools and support modern standards. These can be especially useful when working with the best javascript framework.

I use Google Chrome as my primary browser simply because its set of developer tools offers more features than the competition. I often joke that Chrome Developer Tools has so many features that they ran out of space to show them, so I wanted to share a few hidden gems I’ve found.

Read the full article about the Google Chrome developer tools hidden gems.

How does Ext JS Outperform Grid Competitors on Key Performance Metrics?

The overall volume of generated data has grown exponentially over the past couple of decades. As a result, modern JavaScript data grid components that manage the display and analysis of these massive data volumes have evolved. Today, there are many data grid offerings in the market that tout enhanced capabilities to display and manage analysis. But how many of them can withstand the true test of performance as it relates to “Big Data”?

To answer this question, we got into the trenches and ran performance tests comparing Ext JS data grid to other popular market offerings and outlined our results in this post.

There have been several JS Grid performance claims (each valid in their own way), but many lack the demonstration of real use case scenarios — specifically pertaining to large datasets. This performance evaluation was based on how an end-user would actually use the grid in the field and we put the most popular data grids to test.

Read the full article about the Ext JS Javascript grid library performance.

What Is The How and Why of the MVVM Pattern in Ext JS?

A well written application structure and code can tell a story.

While code writing is a way to efficiently communicate with the target device, writing it in an appropriately chosen design pattern is crucial, as it enables developers to effectively collaborate and communicate with the technical framework suited for the project.

One such tried and tested pattern that has met these needs is the industry standard MVC (Model, View, Controller) pattern. MVC pattern serves the purpose of abstracting the main concerns of a user facing application: its data (Model), its presentation (View) and any  logic that connects the two (Controller) away from each other to be addressed in isolation — while still being interdependent in a loosely coupled manner. This way, any changes made in one can be made without undue complications being brought to the other(s) and compromising the application as a whole.

Read the full article about the how and why of the MVVM pattern.

How Do I Handle Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises?

JavaScript is single threaded, causing code to execute from top to bottom, so two bits of code cannot run at the same time. For example, you might download a JSON file from an (external) server and you’d have to wait until you retrieve that file. Instead of blocking the thread, there are ways you can streamline this code execution by using asynchronous JavaScript.

You’re probably already familiar with asynchronous JavaScript. Events (observer pattern) and Callbacks are examples of asynchronous code. For example, whenever you make an Ext.Ajax request or a user presses a button, the action is pushed into a queue, which is called the event loop. The JavaScript engine doesn’t start processing the event loop until the code has been executed after an async function (from top to bottom). This means that JavaScript code is not multi-threaded even though it appears to be so.

Read the full article about building Asynchronous Javascript Promises in the best javascript framework.

How Do I Use Plugins and Mixins in Sencha Apps?

When extending the functionality of a framework class, the new functionality is usually written straight into the derived class. If you need the same functionality in several components, the most effective solution may be to specify it as a plugin or mixin. Plugins and mixins are classes that extend the functionality of another. This article will explain what these classes are, how they vary, and function. Plus, we added Sencha Fiddle examples to help you understand these ideas.

Read the full article about using plugins and mixins with the best javascript framework.

How Can I Create An Ext JS Login/Registration Form In 3 Easy Steps?

ExtJS provides built-in form components to quickly and easily create fully functional and validated forms. In this example, we demonstrate how to create a login/registration form within minutes with the following features.

  • Adding textfield, numberfield, datefield
  • Adding form validation (email, password…)
  • Displaying form error messages
  • Resetting values
  • Processing form values

Read the full article about creating an Ext JS login form.

How Do I Go About Designing Responsive Applications With Ext JS?

In today’s world, users expect to be able to use web applications not only on their desktop computers, but also their mobile devices, which come in all shapes and sizes. The requirement to make an application so adaptive can seem overwhelming. Fortunately Ext JS 5 provides all the tools needed to make your application conform to any screen size, shape or orientation.

For performance reasons, Ext JS Components do not have responsive features enabled by default, so to make a Component responsive you’ll need to use the responsive plugin. Add the responsive plugin to the class body to make all instances responsive, or add it to the instance config to enable responsiveness for a single Component instance.

Read the full article about building responsive Javascript web applications with Ext JS.

What Are Top 8 Reasons Why Enterprises Prefer Sencha Ext JS over Angular?

Although comparing Angular and Sencha Ext JS is like comparing apples and oranges, it is surprising how frequently the comparison is made. Ext JS 6 is a JavaScript framework well suited to create enterprise apps that scale; Angular is not really designed with enterprise developers in mind. In this blog, we will outline 8 of the most common reasons that enterprises choose Ext JS over Angular.

Read all 8 reasons enterprises prefer Ext JS in the full article.

What Are The Top 10 Ext JS Development Practices To Avoid?

At CNX, although most of our development work in the Ext JS space entails creating new apps from scratch, occasionally our clients ask us to look at some of their existing internal work to address performance issues, bugs and structural problems. Having worked in this capacity as “cleaners” for quite some time now, we’ve noticed a common set of ill-advised coding practices that tend to pop up rather often in the apps we’re investigating. Based on a review of our work over the last few years, we came up with this list of the top 10 development practices we recommend you avoid in your Ext JS apps.

Read the full article about the top 10 Ext JS development practices to avoid.

How do I Use GraphQL With Ext JS?

GraphQL is a great tool for developers to control the data they need from an API: by introducing schemas, it provides a standard structure for your APIs. It requests you to define object types and fields, unlike the REST APIs that are based on a style convention. The GraphQL structured approach in remote communication allows you to use a lot of productivity tools both in server-side runtime and front-end applications. These include testing, auto-generated documentation, editing and multi-language SDKs.

GraphQL schema and ExtJS data model work together very well. Apollo Client provides a core library that can be included in ExtJS projects to easily manage GraphQL requests, adding powerful features such as in-memory caching. Here I explain a proxy implementation that fully wraps the GraphQL integration, generating requests from ExtJS models (with associations) and their values. The proxy, together with a working example, can be found here.

Read the full article about using GraphQL with the Ext JS javascript web framework.

How Can I Easily Build Real-Time Stock Market Charts Using Javascript?

In this global economic turmoil, it has become very important for investors to make the right financial decision based on accurate and up-to-date market data. With Sencha Ext JS and Marketstack API, you can build a stock market web application that provides real-time data and helps the investors uncover valuable insights. In this article, you will find all the details with what we believe is one of the best javascript libraries.

Check out the full tutorial for building real-time stock market charts with the best javascript libraries.