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9 Proven UI Component Testing Techniques for Reliable Ext JS App

October 30, 2023 771 Views

As a developer, you must know the importance of effective UI component testing. An effective testing strategy helps us ensure the seamless functionality of our UI component. In this blog, we will help you know the best testing techniques to ensure the reliability of your Ext JS application.

We will explore 9 layers of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, visual testing, and much more. These techniques will help us boost the reliability of our UI component, hence making our web applications more user-friendly and resilient. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into these amazing testing techniques and increase the reliability of our applications.

user interface component library tests to ensure reliable ui element or web components or advanced components

What Is Unit Testing for Ext JS Components?

Unit testing is a fundamental practice in Ext JS development. It helps us ensure the stability and reliability of UI components.

In unit testing, we isolate and test individual functions or units within the components, helping us validate their behavior.

If you are writing effective unit tests for UI components, you must have a clear understanding of the component’s expected behavior and functionality.

Once we are clear about the functionality, we can easily assess whether the component performs as per our expectations or not. It will help us detect any potential issues in the early stages of the development cycle.

Moreover, we also break down our components into manageable units. This helps us craft precise unit tests, and this is how we boost the quality of our web applications.

Developers are testing material UI input controls on a modal window with proceeding pages

What Is The Role of Integration Testing in Ext JS?

To ensure the seamless interaction of UI components within your Ext JS application, we conduct integration testing. It helps us focus on the testing of collaboration between multiple components, helping us identify any potential issues in the components’ collaboration.

We must consider strategies such as simulating user interactions or API calls in integration testing. We can also use automation tools like Cypress or Selenium. These tools help us simplify the process, hence ensuring that comprehensive integration testing is consistent and efficient.

Let’s suppose we are using Cypress to conduct the test for the interaction between a button and an input field. Here is a code example for such a test.

it('should update input value on button click', () => {
  cy.get('#inputField').type('Initial Value');
  cy.get('#inputField').should('have.value', 'Updated Value');

What Is the Importance of End-to-End Testing for User Scenarios?

End-to-end testing helps us validate the functionality of our web application as our users experience it. It helps us simulate real user scenarios. Moreover, we can also simulate user interactions within our application. Hence, we can catch any potential issues before they reach our users.

When conducting end-to-end testing, it is important to choose the right testing framework. Sencha Test is the most suitable testing framework for Ext JS applications. At the same time, we must not forget to follow the best practices for running and scripting end-to-end tests.

Some of the best practices are writing maintainable test scripts and test execution automation. Here is a simple example of such a test.

describe('User Login', () => {
  it('Logs in successfully', () => {
    cy.url().should('include', '/dashboard');

What Is The Significance of Visual Testing?

Visual testing helps us ensure the layout consistency and aesthetics of our web applications. It helps us verify the appearance of UI components. Moreover, we can also maintain their visual integrity during code changes.

We must know that testing tools and libraries are important in automating this process. Some popular tools like Percy and Applitools can help us perform these tests. These tools help us capture screenshots of our UI components; hence, we can create a baseline for future comparisons.

Here is a code example using Applitools for Ext JS visual testing.

const { Eyes, Target } = require('@applitools/eyes-selenium');
const eyes = new Eyes();, 'Ext JS App Visual Test', 'Login Page Test');
eyes.check('Login Form', Target.window().fully());

Also Read: How To Use Test Management Tools To Develop High-quality Ext JS Web Apps

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How to Conduct Performance Testing for Ext JS UI Components?

Performance testing helps us ensure a smooth user experience for our web application. It helps us ensure optimal performance. Therefore, we need to measure and monitor component behavior comprehensively. In this test, we track metrics like memory usage, rendering speeds, and load times. Here is a code example using Chrome DevTools to measure the load times.

console.time("Component Load Time");
console.timeEnd("Component Load Time");

How to Conduct Usability and Accessibility Testing?

To create user-friendly and inclusive Ext JS applications, we must conduct accessibility and usability tests. It involves the assessment of how intuitive and efficient our web application’s UI components are for end-users.

These tests include tasks like feedback mechanisms, layout consistency, and testing user flows. It helps us make our application usable by people with disabilities. It is important to conduct these tests with real users, gather feedback, and iterate in our web design.

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How to Identify Security Risks in Ext JS UI Component?

We must know that once our application is deployed, some potential risks can compromise its quality. This is where security testing comes into play. It helps us mitigate and identify the potential risks that can compromise the integrity of our web applications.

In such tests, we involve a careful examination of our UI components to uncover the vulnerabilities. Security tests help us ensure a robust defense against vulnerabilities and threats. Hence enhancing the overall reliability and security of our web solutions.

How to Ensure UI Component Compatibility Across Browsers and Platforms?

If you have developed an enterprise application using EXT JS, you must ensure that it is cross-platform and cross-browser compatible. It helps us ensure that our web applications work smoothly on various platforms or browsers. To test these qualities, we must employ cross-platform testing tools and services. It can rectify and detect any compatibility issues.

Some of the most important strategies for consistent UI rendering include responsive design testing and thorough testing on different browsers and devices. It can help us guarantee a smooth and uniform user experience, regardless of what browser or platform our user chooses.

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Why Do We Leverage Continuous Integration for Automated UI Component Testing?

As developers, we have to leverage continuous integration for automated testing. This is how we can validate the code changes automatically. Hence helping us identify any risks or issues in the development of our web applications. If we foster a culture of quality assurance and testing, we can improve the reliability of our software.

UI Component Testing: Conclusion

In the above article, we have explored various techniques to ensure the reliability of our applications. Whether you are a beginner or an expert developer, you can always follow these techniques to ensure reliable software. At the same time, it is also important to choose the right framework when developing your applications.

A reliable and secure framework can also ensure a reliable and secure application. One such example is EXT JS. It helps us build scalable applications for enterprises. Moreover, it comes with detailed guides and instructions for easy implementation on the Internet.

It is always important to note that you must know the best practices when testing your EXT JS applications. We have also mentioned the best practices for each of the testing techniques above. Make sure you effectively test your application and make happy end users. Happy testing!

UI Component Testing: FAQs

What Are Ext JS UI Components, and Why Is Testing Them Essential?

EXT JS UI components or the building blocks of our web applications. Testing them is essential because it helps us ensure their functionality as per our expectations.

How Do I Set up a UI Component Testing Environment for Ext JS Projects?

setting up a testing involvement for Exp JS projects is not a complex task. However, you must understand the expected functionality of your UI components. At the same time, you must choose the right framework for UI component testing.

Why Do We Use UI Components?

UI components make it easy for us to build scalable applications within a very short time.

How Can I Automate the Testing of Ext JS UI Components?

You can use the Sencha test for the automation of testing UI components.

Boost the reliability of your Ext JS UI components with Sencha.

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