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10 Tips How To Improve UI/UX Design of a Web Application

September 28, 2023 3075 Views

In today’s modern web design and development landscape, a good UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design is the soul of a successful web app. It greatly influences the users’ perception of your app and is the gateway to positive user experience and satisfaction. You might have a high-performance app with outstanding features, but without a good UI/UX design, you won’t be able to attract enough customers and get expected user engagement. Today’s users prefer a clean, consistent, responsive, visually appealing UI/UX design that facilitates an intuitive user journey. And that’s where many apps fail to impress the users.

But the good news is creating such a UI/UX design isn’t so hard if you use the right tools and follow the best UI/UX design practices. For instance, you can use UI frameworks to build a beautiful, responsive UI with a clean and consistent design. What’s even better is that a UI framework speeds up the web development process, helping you create impressive UI/UX designs faster.

In this blog, we’ll share ten effective tips to improve your web app’s UI/UX design and provide engaging and memorable digital experiences to your users. Let’s get started.

Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is the basic step to creating a stellar UI/UX design or improving an existing one. It will help you deliver a seamless user experience that aligns with your users’ expectations.

It’s essential to conduct thorough research to understand your final audience and obtain information about their behaviour, preferences, interests, and demographics. You can then create user personas based on these details and make design system decisions accordingly. Using user research tools like interview tools, survey tools, and persona creation tools can be helpful in understanding your target audience.

Plan and Prioritize Content

Planning website or web app's UI/UX design content

Planning and prioritizing the content that will be displayed on your UI helps provide clarity and focus. Planning content involves defining the information that needs to be presented to users. It’s also crucial to prioritize content based on users’ needs and business goals so you can display the most relevant and important information prominently. It’s recommended to create a content hierarchy to organize information effectively.

Implement Responsive Design

UI frameworks - implementing responsive UI design

In today’s digital era, where a significant amount of web traffic comes from mobile devices, creating a responsive UI/UX design is imperative. A responsive design adapts to various screen sizes and devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops. In other words, your design should respond to your user’s device and viewport by adjusting the content, layout, and functionality. A responsive design not only enhances user experience and satisfaction but also makes your app more accessible and usable.

Using media queries and flexible grids is helpful in creating a responsive design and ensuring a consistent experience across screens. For instance, media queries help you apply different layouts and styles based on your user’s device type, screen size, screen orientation, etc.

Optimize Page Load Speed

In today’s fast-paced world, users want instant access to information and services. And it won’t be wrong to say that users don’t have much patience for slow websites and web apps, as confirmed by various studies and surveys. Slow loading time can frustrate the users quickly and drive them away from the website. It also leads to higher bounce rates. Hence, the negative impact of slow loading times on user experience cannot be overstated. Some effective ways to improve web page loading times include image optimization, using CDN to deliver images, caching, and minification.

Ensure Design Consistency

When building user interfaces, ensuring all your UI elements are uniform across the web app is paramount. A consistent UI/UX design helps provide a predictable and familiar user experience. It promotes app usability and makes it quick and easy for users to understand how to interact with the interface. As a result, it leads to an overall positive user experience.

Some techniques to create a consistent design include using a unified color scheme, typography, and visual style throughout the application.

Also Read: How to Design UI Faster

Prioritize Readability and Accessibility

Ensuring readability and accessibility in UI/UX design

Ensuring readability and accessibility in UI/UX design isn’t only a good design practice but a moral obligation as well. It ensures your web app is usable by a broader audience, including users with disabilities, such as visual or cognitive impairment and motor disabilities. Thus, an accessible design helps deliver user-friendly and inclusive digital experiences.

Some of the ways to improve readability and accessibility in UI/UX design include:

  • Using readable fonts: Ensures the text is easily readable and comprehensible by everyone.
  • Using appropriate font sizes: This helps ensure users using small screens, such as smartphones, can read the text easily. It is crucial in making your app usable for people with visual impairments.
  • Using the right contrast: Right contrast also improves readability and is helpful for people with color blindness or weak eyesight.

Streamline User Inputs

Streamlining user inputs on your app enables users to accomplish tasks quickly without any hassle. It also helps minimize user errors, such as incorrect selections or typos. Some of the ways to streamline user inputs:

  • Designing user-friendly forms and input fields
  • Minimizing the number of required fields in forms
  • Presenting form fields progressively
  • Providing clear validation messages
  • Using placeholder text within form fields

Visual Feedback and Interactivity

Providing visual feedback for user actions is another fundamental aspect of a good UI/UX design. It provides confirmation that the user action has been received and the app is processing it. Thus, it builds user confidence and improves the overall user experience. Some effective and powerful ways to provide visual feedback include hover effects, animations, and transitions.

Conduct User Testing

Testing your UI/UX with real users is a valuable practice that ensures your interface works as expected. It helps assess usability issues and gather feedback, allowing you to make improvements and enhance your UI’s performance. Two common testing methods are usability testing and A/B testing. Usability testing involves assessing the overall user experience, whereas A/B testing or split testing aims to compare multiple variations of a web page to see which one best meets the expected goals.

Use a UI Framework or UI Library

Creating a UI design from scratch can be time-consuming and daunting. For instance, achieving design consistency or creating a responsive is often challenging. This is where UI frameworks are helpful. UI frameworks are a cost-effective tool for building user interfaces faster. These frameworks provide pre-built UI components or pre-written code libraries and functions for routine UI/UX tasks.

If you’re looking for a UI framework, Ext JS is an excellent option.

Sencha Ext JS - One of the Best UI Frameworks

Ext JS is a leading JavaScript UI framework that facilitates the rapid development of high-performance enterprise-grade web and mobile apps. It offers 140+ ready-to-use high-performance UI components, including buttons, menus, drop-down lists, carousels, icons, and more. These high-quality components help create a beautiful, consistent and responsive design. Ext JS also comes with the fastest JS data grid that can process millions of records efficiently. Moroever, Ext JS offers cross-browser compatibility, meaning all its components work efficiently across browsers.

Other popular UI frameworks include React components libraries like Semantic UI, Kinsta React UI components library and MUI React component library.

Also Read: Choosing The Right UI Framework For UI Design and Development.


A good UI/UX design is at the heart of modern websites and web apps. It enhances user engagement, experience and satisfaction. In this article, we’ve discussed ten best practices to improve your app’s UI/UX design. If you’re looking to create visually appealing, responsive and consistent UI faster, using a UI framework can be helpful. A good framework provides high-performance and responsive pre-built UI components, helping you create a beautiful and consistent design.

Looking for the best UI framework? Try Ext JS today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of UI design?

UI design aims to build a beautiful and user-friendly interface and help users navigate your app easily. It facilitates user interaction with your app.

Why is UX important?

A good UX design helps enhance user engagement and satisfaction. It also improves user retention and conversion rates.

What is the easiest web UI framework?

Ext JS is one of the best and easiest UI frameworks. It is easy to learn and implement, allowing you to create stellar UIs faster.

What are some of the most popular UI frameworks?

Some of the best UI frameworks include Ext JS, React, and Angular. Ext JS comes with an extensive range of pre-built and ready-to-use components. There are various Angular and React UI components libraries as well. For example, Semantic UI React is a popular React UI framework or React UI library, and Material UI is a well-known Angular UI framework. Other popular React UI frameworks and React libraries include Blueprint UI React UI component framework, Chakra UI, React Router, React Bootstrap, etc.

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