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How to Create Professional Design with JavaScript Grid

June 30, 2023 5937 Views

Are you interested in creating professional designs with JavaScript Grid? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore how to leverage the power of JavaScript Grid to achieve stunning website layouts. Website grids are fundamental to organizing and presenting content effectively. One efficient option is the Ext grid.

Grids provide structure, balance, and consistency to your design, making it visually appealing and easy to navigate. JavaScript Ext Grid is a versatile tool that allows you to dynamically create and manipulate website grids, giving you full control over their layout design. We will begin by understanding the concept of website grids and how JavaScript Grid functions.

Additionally, we will discuss the role of grids in web design and why they are crucial for creating professional websites. We will also explore different types of grids and examine their unique characteristics and applications. To help you make informed decisions, we will provide best practices for using grids in web design.

Lastly, we will introduce you to Ext JS Grid, a feature-rich grid framework offering comprehensive tools and functionalities for building dynamic web designs. Get ready to elevate your web design skills and create professional layouts using JavaScript Grid. Let’s dive in!

Girl working with javascript grid and javascript data grid libraries through major javascript frameworks

What Is The Website Grid?

A website grid helps you to align, order, and organize the content on web pages. Simply, it helps you create a user interface for your web page. Website designers take help from grids to design the websites. Moreover, it also helps them create a good user experience.

How Does JavaScript Grid Work?

JavaScript Grid is a powerful tool that enables developers to create and manipulate website grids dynamically. It works by providing a flexible and customizable system for organizing and aligning content on a webpage.

At its core, JavaScript Grid allows you to define the layout design of your grid. This includes specifying the number of columns and rows, setting their widths and heights, and determining the spacing between them. By defining these parameters, you establish the foundation of your grid structure.

Girl exploring javascript libraries to choose the best javascript datagrid library for data summaries

Once the grid layout is defined, JavaScript Grid provides methods and functions to populate the grid with content. You can dynamically add and position elements like text, images, buttons, and other HTML components within the grid cells. This allows you to create structured and visually appealing designs.

JavaScript Grid also offers various features to enhance the functionality and interactivity of your grid. Another important aspect of JavaScript Grid is its responsiveness. To make JavaScript Grid work effectively, you must have a solid understanding of JavaScript programming and web development concepts.

How to Make a Grid in JavaScript?

To make a grid in JavaScript, you can leverage HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to dynamically create and manipulate the grid structure. You can also use multiple JavaScript libraries for creating grids. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a simple grid using JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    .grid {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
      grid-gap: 10px;
      width: 300px;
    .grid-item {
      background-color: #e0e0e0;
      padding: 10px;
      text-align: center;
  <div class="grid" id="myGrid"></div>

    // Define the grid size
    const rows = 3;
    const columns = 3;

    // Get the grid container element
    const gridContainer = document.getElementById('myGrid');

    // Create the grid dynamically
    for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
      for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
        // Create a grid item element
        const gridItem = document.createElement('div');
        gridItem.className = 'grid-item';
        gridItem.textContent = `Cell ${i + 1}-${j + 1}`;

        // Append the grid item to the grid container

In the JavaScript code, we specify the grid’s number of rows and columns. We then use a nested loop to create grid items dynamically. Each grid item is an <div> element with the class “grid-item.” Moreover, it also contains text indicating its position within the grid.

Finally, we append each grid item to the grid container element. When you open this HTML file in a browser, you will see a 3×3 grid displayed on the page, with each cell labeled according to its position.

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What Is the Layout Design Of A Grid?

Multiple parts contribute to the layout design of a grid. Let’s explore them.


It refers to the area where you will lay out your design. Moreover, it is the browser window in a web design and the page in a print design.


The space between the edges of the format refers to the margin. Moreover, the size of the margin is usually a rectangle.


Flowlines represent the horizontal and vertical lines that guide the flow of content within the grid.


Modules are the individual units within the grid. Moreover, they can be considered containers for text, images, or other elements.

Spatial Zones Our Regions

Spatial zones or regions refer to the different areas within the grid that serve specific purposes. For example, you might have a header region, a main content region, and a footer region.


Columns define the vertical divisions within the grid. Furthermore, they provide a framework for arranging and aligning content vertically.


Grid template rows define the horizontal divisions within the grid. Moreover, they allow you to organize and align content horizontally.


Gutters are the spaces between columns or rows. Moreover, they provide visual separation and breathing room, enhancing the readability and overall aesthetic of the grid.


Markers are visual indicators that help align and position elements within the grid.

What Is The Role Of Grids In Web Design?

Grids are crucial in web design, providing a structured framework for organizing and presenting content. They act as visual guides, helping designers align elements, create balance, and establish hierarchy.

The primary role of grids is to improve the overall user experience. Moreover, they enhance readability by ensuring consistent spacing and alignment of text, images, and other elements. At the same time, Grids help users navigate and understand the content more easily.

Grids also contribute to the aesthetic appeal of a website. Moreover, they create a sense of order and professionalism, making the design visually pleasing and cohesive. Furthermore, designers can achieve a harmonious and balanced composition by aligning elements to a grid.

Additionally, grids assist in responsive web design. They enable designers to create layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent user experience across various platforms.

grid display

What Are Types Of Grid?

Here are the most common grid types.

ManuScript Grids

Manuscript grids mimic the structure of traditional printed documents.

Column Grids

Column grids divide the layout into multiple vertical columns. Hence, allowing for flexible placement of content elements.

Baseline Grids

Baseline grids align elements to a consistent horizontal baseline. Hence, creating a harmonious and visually balanced design.

Modular Grids

Modular grids combine vertical and horizontal divisions, providing a framework for organizing content into modular units or blocks.

Hierarchical Grids

Hierarchical grids establish a hierarchical relationship between elements, guiding users’ attention and emphasizing the importance of certain content areas.

Why Are Grids Important In Web Design?

Grids are important in web design because they provide a solid foundation for organizing content. Hence, ensuring consistency and improving user experience. Moreover, they enhance readability, create visual harmony, guide user attention, and facilitate responsive design. Hence, resulting in professional, visually appealing, and user-friendly websites.

What Are the Best Practices for Using Grids in Web Designs?

Know Your Grid Anatomy

Familiarize yourself with the components and principles of grid design. Some examples are columns, rows, gutters, and flowlines, to create effective layouts.

Choose The Right Grid Layout

Select a grid layout that aligns with your content and design goals, considering factors like the number of columns, spacing, and proportions.

Responsive Design

Ensure your grid is responsive and adapts gracefully to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and optimal user experience.

Make Room For White Space

Utilize white space strategically within your grid layout to improve visual clarity. Moreover, you must create breathing room, and enhance your design.

Golden Ratio

Apply the golden ratio or other harmonious proportions to your grid layout to achieve visually pleasing and balanced compositions.

How To Choose The Right Grid for Web Design?

To choose the right grid for web design, consider factors such as the content structure, desired visual hierarchy, and functionality requirements. Evaluate the number of columns, spacing, and flexibility needed. Also, consider responsiveness, scalability, and the overall aesthetic appeal that aligns with your design goals and target audience. Let’s look at Ext JS, the most popular option large enterprises adopt.

What Is Ext JS Grid?

Ext JS Grid is a robust and feature-rich JavaScript grid framework for web development. Moreover, it offers comprehensive tools and functionalities to create dynamic and interactive data grids. Let’s explore its features.

Ext JS Grid Features

You must consider this option if your enterprise is looking for a high-performing, robust grid. Furthermore, Ext JS is the best choice if you require data-intensive inputs for your data grid. Moreover, it can help you handle millions of records easily. Ext JS grid gives you full customization control. Following is the large feature set that you can get at Ext JS Grid.

Row Operations

Column Operations


Flexible Data Binding

Platform & Browser Support

Rendering & Scrolling

Data Import / Export

Layout & Styling

Widget Integration


Ext JS data filtering for modern web browsers

Why Ext JS is Best Grid Framework?

Ext JS is considered the best grid framework due to several reasons.

Efficient Data Management

Ext JS excels in handling large datasets. Hence, it can manage millions of records with high performance and efficiency.

Customization Flexibility

It provides extensive customization options. Hence, allowing developers complete control over the grid’s appearance, behavior, and functionality.

Seamless UI Integration

Ext JS facilitates the integration of UI components with the grid effortlessly. Hence, enabling the creation of rich and interactive user interfaces.

Data Export Support

It offers built-in support for exporting data in various formats. Moreover, it includes CSV, TSV, HTML, PDF, and XLS, making sharing and analyzing grid data convenient.


Ext JS Grid has many features, such as filtering, grouping, infinite scrolling, drag-and-drop support, column resizing, and more, providing a comprehensive toolkit for creating powerful grid-based applications.


Leveraging JavaScript Grid can greatly enhance your ability to create professional website designs. Remember to consider the different types of grids, such as Manuscript Grids, Column Grids, Baseline Grids, Modular Grids, and Hierarchical Grids, to find the most suitable approach for your design goals.

Additionally, exploring powerful grid frameworks like Ext JS Grid can offer advanced features and functionality for creating dynamic and interactive web designs. So, embrace the power of JavaScript Grid and unlock your potential to create stunning and impactful web designs.

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How to Make Grid in JavaScript?

To create a grid in JavaScript, define the layout, and populate it with content. Then, use CSS for styling and positioning.

What Is a JavaScript Grid?

A JavaScript grid is a tool that enables developers to create and manipulate structured layouts for web content.

What Is the Fastest JavaScript Grid?

Ext JS is the fastest JS grid for large enterprises.

What Is the Difference Between a Table and a Grid in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, a table is a static structure for displaying tabular data. On the other hand, a grid provides dynamic and flexible layout capabilities for organizing and manipulating various content elements.

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