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Letter from new General Manager

February 2, 2023 401 Views

Dear Sencha Customers & Partners,

As the new General Manager, I would like to introduce myself and share how excited I am to join over 10,000 Sencha customers at this transformative time for the company and industry.

Sencha is an important part of Idera. Today, we are one of the largest private software companies in the US. I strongly believe that the future is bright for Sencha and our customers.

At Sencha, we believe that advanced software programming should be simple. Our goal is to deliver cutting-edge technology solutions that are differentiated by ease of use, maintainability, speed, and scale. As the General Manager, my primary focus will be to identify and invest in product areas that drive developer productivity. I am committed to serving our customers and partners while empowering our employees to ensure your success.

In the upcoming months, Sencha is poised to unleash a range of innovative products and experiences, including the highly-anticipated releases of Ext JS 7.7, Architect 4.3.3, and Rapid Ext JS. These products provide customers with a unique, high-quality solution that raises the bar for what is possible in application development.

Additionally, I am pleased to announce that we will be hosting SenchaCon, an exclusive event that will bring together industry leaders and experts for a day of learning, networking, and inspiration. I invite you to join us and be a part of this exciting journey.

I would like to thank Kegan Blumenthal for his passion and leadership, and I look forward to sharing our Sencha journey together!

Please feel free to email me directly with any questions or comments. I would love to hear your thoughts on our plans for the future and how we can support your success.


Stephen Strake
General Manager, Sencha

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