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10 Tips For Making The Best Javascript Libraries Even Better

March 10, 2022 270 Views

Ext JS is a comprehensive Javascript framework accompanied by several tools for building cross-platform web applications for all types of modern devices. It is a stand-alone application development framework with a feature-rich user interface. There are 140+ high performing components that you can use to build stunning and beautiful apps.

In this guide we have put together a list of 10 useful tips to help you make the most of your application development experience with the best Javascript libraries. This blog will convince you why you should switch to Ext JS as the first choice for an application development framework.

1. Are There tools to Automatically Generate Code?

If you use Sencha Architect, then you have to spend less time on manually adding code for various components. Sencha Architect includes a visual app builder that supports drag and drop of different UI components in a WYSIWYG window. You can easily and quickly build HTML5 applications through the automatic code generation feature without typing most boilerplate code. This also minimizes your chances of making human errors that occur due to manual coding.

2. How Do I Create Custom Themes?

Sencha Themer allows you to style and customize themes for your app. Again with Sencha Themer you don’t have to write any code. Just use the graphical tools for styling different components. Themer includes an innovative color palette that allows you to apply various color combinations to various component states. There are also options for font management and adding web fonts from Google fonts.

3. Is There a Way to Manage Packages in the Best Javascript Libraries?

If you are looking for dynamic package management, then Sencha Cmd is the right option for you. It has a complete workspace for package management that allows you to create and share packages across different apps. You can also integrate any package developed by the Sencha community into your app. For larger apps, dynamic package loading is supported to create more efficient apps.

4. Is it Possible to Share Code Examples?

Now with Sencha Fiddle you can easily create and share any number of code examples and snippets. It is an online IDE, where you can get a complete view of your running example without the overhead of setting up a local environment. Fiddle 2 runs on the cloud so all you need to do is login with your Sencha Forum username and password. Once your code is ready, you can share it using the Fiddle URL.

5. How Do I Load Data Efficiently?

Sencha Ext JS provides an efficient and high performing robust grid for your applications that require data manipulation. The grid has an incredibly fast processing time. It has been optimized to load and process millions of records in a matter of milliseconds. The grid also allows you to apply operations such as sorting, searching, filtering, grouping and more to your data records.

7. How Do I Export and Import Data ?

The Sencha Javascript grid included in Sencha Ext JS allows you to export and import all data records. You can give your users the flexibility to export the data as a .csv, .tsv, .html, .pdf or .xls format. Check out the data import and export demo for classic and modern apps.

6. What is Sencha Stencils in the Best Javascript Libraries?

You can style and design Ext JS, ExtAngular and ExtReact apps with Sencha Stencils, which is a complete UI asset kit for Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Sketch, and Balsamiq and is also available as SVG/PNG for use with other programs. If you are a designer, then you can use visual assets that precisely match all of Sencha’s UI components. Rather than writing code, you can work with the components as vector files and symbols. This speeds up the process of developing great-looking web app mockups.

8. How Do I Unit Test and End-to-End Test My App?

You can create robust unit and end-to-end tests with Sencha Test. There is support for end-to-end testing of ExtAngular, Angular, ExtReact and React apps. Once you have created end-to-end tests, you can execute them on multiple browsers simultaneously. Sencha Test enables you to create an end-to-end testing strategy without the need to juggle many testing tools. This empowers you to develop and deliver high quality apps within your scheduled time frame, while reducing the testing time and cost.

9. How Do I Debug the Code?

Sencha Inspector is a debugging and troubleshooting tool for all Ext JS and Sencha Touch applications. It gives you direct access to all classes, objects and other components. You can also analyze the code for problems such as overnesting of components and number of layout runs to improve the performance of your application.

10. How Do I Optimize My App Using the Best Javascript Libraries?

You can quickly and easily optimize your apps using Sencha Cmd. It comes with a framework-aware JavaScript compiler that knows Sencha framework semantics. The compiler optimizes various high-level semantics and generates minimal footprint builds from your source code. All this decreases your application load time, boosts developer productivity and enhances application performance.

Why is Ext JS the Suite of Best Javascript Libraries?

Ext JS is the framework of the best Javascript libraries. With awesome tools for lifecycle management, automatic code generation, testing, debugging, customizing themes, visually creating user interfaces, optimizing apps, efficient data loading and more, you can accelerate the development of high quality and efficient apps.

Don’t wait any longer. Join the Sencha family today and enhance your users’ experience with awesome and stunning app. Explore and get started with all of Ext JS features today. Happy coding!