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Sencha Architect 4.2.4 is Now Generally Available

July 5, 2018 892 Views

We’re pleased to announce that Sencha Architect 4.2.4 is now generally available, with Ext JS 6.6 and Cmd 6.6 support. With Sencha Architect 4.2.4, you can visually build apps using the new Ext JS 6.6 UI Components like Time Panel and Time Field, as well as build projects with Cmd 6.6 that Sencha CMD that provides a full set of lifecycle management features like scaffolding, code minification, production build generation, and more, to complement your Sencha projects. With Ext JS 6.6, you will be able to quickly create sophisticated web applications.

Try It Out

What’s New in Architect 4.2.4

Visually build Ext JS views using new Ext JS components

You can use Architect to drag and drop new Time Panel and Time Field components and generate application code. You get access to all of the configuration parameters of components, set layouts, add custom configs, add events and create overrides with minimal manual coding.

Visually build view using Time Panel component

Visually build view using Time Panel component

Easily apply built-in Graphite accessible theme to your app

Architect 4.2.4 supports the new accessible Graphite theme. You can easily drag and drop the theme, apply it to your application, and customize the theme.

Visually theme your app using the Graphite theme

Visually theme your app using the Graphite theme

Easy migration to Ext JS 6.6 framework

Architect provides options to easily upgrade applications to Ext JS 6.6 that were built using older versions of the framework. You can upgrade to the latest version of the Ext JS framework when you right click on ‘Library’ in the Resources section of Sencha Architect.

Try It and Move to The Next Level

As always, we are grateful to the Sencha community for the continuous feedback, feature requests, and bug reports, which make it possible for us to keep improving the framework. We hope you are already building new apps with Ext JS and Sencha Architect, we are certain that you will take your app development to a whole new level.

Check Out Here Sencha Architect Latest Release