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5 Steps To Finding The Best Javascript Libraries

March 1, 2022 369 Views

The Sencha Ext JS is a complete ecosystem consisting of an extensive Javascript framework along with supporting tools from which you can build cross-platform web and mobile applications for any modern device. The Javascript framework includes 140+ high quality and efficient components for building aesthetically pleasing and effective user interfaces. The supporting tools include Sencha Inspector, Sencha Architect, Sencha Fiddle, Sencha Cmd and more. With Ext JS beautiful and high performance applications can be built quickly and easily as the IDE and included plugins facilitate coding, enabling you to focus more on logic and the backend and spend less time on manual coding of user interfaces. Given all these features, Ext JS is no doubt the best Javascript library out there.

What are the Steps to Finding the Best Javascript Libraries?

If you are looking for the best Javascript library, then look no further. We have compiled together 5 steps that will help you find the framework for building awesome apps. This blog will convince you why Ext JS is the best Javascript library.

1. Does the Framework Have a Full Set of Lifecycle Management Tools?

Sencha Cmd

The Sencha ExtJS framework provides a full set of lifecycle management libraries through its Sencha Cmd tool. You can use features such as code minification, scaffolding for database code generation, generating a production build and more using Sencha Cmd, The automatic code generation features combined with package management can be used during all the different phases of app development along with application deployment.

The workspace provided by Sencha Cmd also helps you share code and packages across multiple apps. The Sencha package repository makes it possible to integrate different packages developed by the Sencha community into your app. With Sencha Cmd you can develop a Sencha Ext JS or a Sencha Touch application. Additionally you can use it to optimize an ExtReact application.

2. Can You Accelerate HTML5 Application Development?

Sencha Architect

If you are looking to accelerate HTML5 application development, then Sencha Architect is your best option. The Sencha Architect supports drag and drop features and a WYSIWYG window, where you can configure a UI component according to your requirements. This not only saves you the trouble of manually typing all the UI code but also reduces the chances of making coding mistakes and errors.

3. Which Framework Has the Best Debugging Tools?

Sencha Inspector

ExtJS framework is accompanied by Sencha Inspector to help you with debugging and troubleshooting. This tool provides intelligent debugging capabilities by giving you direct access to classes, objects and other components.You can carry out unit testing as well as end-to-end testing of apps built using ExtAngular, Angular and ExtReact.

In addition to Sencha Inspector, you can also try out Sencha WebTestIt, a lightweight IDE optimized for building UI web tests with Selenium or Protractor. You can carry out cross-browser testing on all types of operating systems including Windows, macOS, Linux and more.

4. Is There a Way to  Style Apps in the Best Javascript Library?

Sencha themer

Sencha Themer allows you to style Ext JS, ExtAngular and ExtReact apps to accelerate development. You can use a graphical interface to create custom themes for your app without writing any code. Sencha Themer includes a smart color palette that allows you to apply different color combinations to different component states. Apart from color selections, you can also manage text fonts and quickly add web fonts from Google fonts.

5. How Do I Share Code Examples?

If you want to create, run and share various code examples, then Sencha Fiddle is the right answer for you. It is supported for all browsers running on all types of platforms. Fiddle 2 is hosted on the cloud but has the look and feel of local development. You can sign in using your Sencha Forum username and password, create code examples and share the code using the Fiddle URL. It is as easy as that!

How Do I Get Started With ExtJS the Best Javascript Library?

Ext JS is the most comprehensive Javascript framework. With awesome tools such as Sencha Cmd, Sencha Architect, Secha Inspector, Sencha Themer and Sencha Fiddle, you cannot possibly go wrong. Create optimized web applications rapidly and enhance your end users’ experience with stunning and beautiful apps.

Sencha Ext JS includes a free trial. Join the Sencha family and take your coding experience to a whole new level. Explore and get started with all of Ext JS features today. Happy coding!