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What Is Ext JS: Reasons Why Enterprises Prefer Ext JS

January 20, 2023 457 Views

Today, thousands of developers worldwide use a JavaScript framework to speed up the web application development process. A front-end JS framework comes with pre-written and reusable JavaScript code libraries for several common tasks involved in building web applications. As a result, developers don’t have to write repetitive code again and again. Ext JS is one such popular JS framework that helps developers build robust, cross-browser web applications. It also offers several supporting tools, such as Sencha Architect, Sencha Cmd, Sencha Test, Sencha Stencils, Sencha Themer, and more. Let’s discuss what is Ext JS framework in detail and how it can help you build interactive and scalable web apps.

What Is Ext JS?

Ext JS is a well-known JavaScript framework that offers an impressive user interface for creating high-performance online applications. The apps built with Ext JS are compatible with every major web browser, including Google Chrome, IE6+, Safari 6+, Firefox, Opera 12+, and many others. Hence, with Ext JS, you can create data-intensive enterprise applications for any modern device. This robust framework streamlines the stages of the Software Development Lifecycle, providing a tailored developer experience.

Ext JS was initially developed for creating desktop applications, whereas Sencha Touch was used for mobile applications. However, with Ext JS version 6 and above, you can develop both mobile and desktop apps with a single codebase.

What Are The Key Features Of Sencha’s Ext JS?

Ext JS offers everything a developer needs to build data-intensive, enterprise-level HTML 5 web apps. Ext.js is a powerful JavaScript library that provides the following impressive features:

Rich UI Components

Ext JS components

Ext JS includes over 140 enterprise-grade UI components that you can instantly use for your web applications. All these high-performance components are designed and tested to work together flawlessly and allow you to create apps with a beautiful and responsive UI (user interface.)

Some of the most used UI components of Sencha Ext JS include:

  • Buttons
  • Grids
  • Pivot grid
  • Dropdown list
  • Charts
  • Progress bars
  • Forms
  • Tabs
  • Menus
  • Toolbars


In addition to UI components, Sencha offers several built-in themes that you can use to create modern web apps with a beautiful look and feel. You can also customize the themes depending on your app’s design.

Data Package (Back-end Agnostic)

Ext JS includes a robust data package that decouples the UI widgets or components from the data layer. The data package enables the collection of client-side data using highly functional models that provides helpful features like sorting and filtering.

Data Integration

Sencha Ext JS is capable of accessing data from any back-end source.

Cross-Browser Functionality

Cross-browser support is one of the most liked features of Ext JS. The apps built with Ext JS work on all major browsers, such as Chrome, Safari 6+, Opera 12+, Firefox, and more.

Sophisticated Data Visualizations

Stacked column Chart

Ext JS allows you to add static and dynamic charts to your web app, such as line, pie, and area charts. It also supports Data-Driven Documents package (D3) visualizations, such as treemaps and heatmaps.

Comparison Of Ext JS With Other JavaScript Frameworks

The Ext JS framework is frequently contrasted with other well-known JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, React, and Vue.js.

Angular JS

Developed by Google, Angular JS is one of the most popular open-source JS frameworks that allows you to create scalable web applications. It is essentially a TypeScript-based framework that supports two-way data binding, allowing the app’s components to share data.

AngularJS focuses more on building single-page applications (SPAs) and encourages the use of a component-based architecture. It doesn’t include any out-of-the-box UI components. On the other hand, Ext JS focuses more on providing a wide range of pre-built UI components and advanced data management capabilities. Additionally, Angular supports MVC architecture, whereas Ext JS includes MVC as well as MVVM architecture. With Angular, you have to write HTML and CSS code. However, you don’t need to write any HTML 5 code with Sencha.


React is another well-known JS framework for web application development. It is a free and open-source framework maintained by Facebook. React is a component-based JavaScript library that focuses on building dynamic user interfaces. It offers features like virtual DOM (stores the virtual copy of a UI in memory,) declarative syntax, flux controls, etc.

React focuses on building reusable components and is often used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks to build full-stack apps. In contrast, Ext JS is a more fully-featured framework with many pre-built UI components, advanced data management capabilities, and support for modern web standards.


Released in 2014, Vue is one of the most used JS frameworks for building cross-platform, single-page applications with interactive UIs. It uses virtual DOM, a copy of the principal DOM, to speed up rendering. Additionally, Vue offers several methods for applying a transition to HTML elements.

Vue.js has a simpler learning curve than Ext JS and is generally considered more flexible and lightweight. However, Ext JS is more feature-rich and includes a comprehensive set of pre-built and pre-tested UI components as well as advanced data management features.

Why Do Enterprises Prefer Ext JS?

When it comes to businesses, they always work to make internal procedures as seamless as possible. They understand the value of time and its cost. Ext JS offers all the features and tools needed to create enterprise-grade applications. Because of this, software businesses employ the Ext JS framework to build complicated but user-friendly projects.

Speedy Development Process

Sencha Ext JS accelerates the web development process by providing a wide range of high-performance, ready-to-use UI components. This allows businesses to save valuable time and costs.

Easy Prototyping

When you use Sencha’s “designer” tool, developing a prototype is much easier and quicker compared to a project done from scratch.

Zero Compatibility Issues

When using DOM modification techniques, browser compatibility problems are quite common. Ext JS, however, anticipated this and has made sure there are no compatibility issues. Although JQuery or a comparable tool may be used, Ext JS has the advantage of having several UI components that go with it.

Value Of Integrated Tools

The core purpose of Ext JS is to enable developers to create functional and scalable online applications. The software development process can be accelerated with the help of all of Sencha’s components and other tools. All of Sencha’s tools and components are designed to function flawlessly together.

Sencha’s Support

Ext JS has an excellent customer support team that responds very quickly. You can post a query or an issue on Sencha’s forum or send them an email, and their team will deliver the working solution as soon as possible. You’ll never be stuck with your issue since Sencha’s community has a huge forum where any question can be answered in no time.

Features Of Sencha’s Ext JS That Can Help You Build Rich & Interactive Web Apps

Sencha Ext JS offers several features for building rich and interactive web applications:


Grid component

The data Grid provided by Ext JS can efficiently handle millions of records and provides helpful features, such as sorting and grouping.

Pivot Grid

With the pivot grid, you can add analytics functionality to your React apps.


Ext JS enables you to export data from Pivot Grid or Standard Grid to several common formats, such as Excel XML, XSLX, CSV, and HTML.


Ext JS offers a full set of flexible layouts that help ensure the proper positioning and sizing of all components.


Sencha Ext JS supports a wide range of dynamic and static charts to help you represent data visually in your web apps.

D3 Adapter

With Ext JS, you can also add Data-Driven Documents package (D3) visualizations to your apps. These include treemaps, sunbursts, heatmaps, and more.

Accelerate Web Application Development With Sencha Ext JS!

What is Ext JS?

In conclusion, Ext JS is a powerful JavaScript framework developed by Sencha that is used by thousands of developers to build rich and interactive web applications. If you are looking for a framework that can help improve the functionality and performance of your web applications, Ext JS is definitely worth considering.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the key features of Ext JS?

Some of the main features of Ext JS include 140+ UI components, custom themes, layouts, charts, D3 adapter, and cross-browser support.

What other Sencha tools can you use to build efficient Ext JS applications?

Sencha offers several supporting tools that help you with Ext JS application development. These include Sencha Cmd, Sencha Architect, Sencha Test, Sencha Stencils, and Sencha Themer.

Try Sencha Ext JS today and build enterprise-grade apps quickly!