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10 Tips About An Ext JS Tutorial For Beginners

March 22, 2022 778 Views

Sencha’s ExtJS is a robust JavaScript framework for developing mobile and web applications. Are you interested in using ExtJS to make amazing web and mobile user interfaces? If the answer is yes, then here are some helpful hints in an Ext JS tutorial for beginners to help you get started.

What can I do to accelerate the development speed?

If you want to accelerate your development speed, then consider using Sencha Architect to construct UIs using drag-and-drop functionalities. This will reduce the time you spend on manual coding and speed up your development. The code Architect generates automatically provides maximum performance. It also prevents errors that occur when you code manually.

Is it a good idea to set up routing from the start?

Yes. You’ll need to implement routing in your app if it uses forward and back buttons for navigation. You can use routing to keep track of the current state of your app, but you can’t use it to store data. You can also use direct links to reach a particular component or page of the application. Use it at the start — it’s more difficult to modify your code to enable routing later. This means taking the time to understand how routing principles function and decide, select and implement your routes before starting.

Why is Sencha Cmd important?

Sencha Cmd is the starting point for creating Sencha applications. It’s a tool that automates the creation of Sencha Ext JS apps. This includes all the steps in the development process from the initial design structure to generating deployable applications. As a result, understanding Sencha Cmd, what it does, and how to use it is critical. Before initiating development, read over the Sencha Cmd Documentation to familiarize yourself with it.

Is it possible to debug sencha apps directly?

Sencha Inspector is a debug tool for apps created with Sencha frameworks. It gives you easy accessibility to classes, components, and objects. In addition, the Sencha application debugger provides application analytics and sophisticated debugging features. It also allows you to examine your app code for vulnerabilities such as component and function over nesting and the frequency of layout runs and help you enhance your application’s performance.

How can I use the MVC design pattern used?

Ext JS follows the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern to create the structure for the project. To engage with MVC, you must understand where to put your code for your application’s user interface, login controller, and data. To construct a functional web application in Ext JS, it’s important to understand how MVC works together as well.

Where should I use the  MVVM design pattern?

MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, another design pattern to be conscious of. Unlike MVC, MVVC has a view as its execution point of entry. It isolates interface development using a markup language. The ViewModel uses the data binding mechanism to synchronize changes in-between the data model and view. Therefore, know when to utilize MVC and MVVM depending on what you’re doing.

What can I do using Schema Themer?

You can use Sencha Ext JS default themes to start designing your applications right away. You can also create custom themes to give your app a specific look and feel. Sencha Themer, on the other hand, is the tool to use if you don’t want to write additional code to create your own themes. Not only does it support Ext JS, it also allows you to apply styles to ExtAngular and ExtReact applications without coding. As a result, it saves you a lot of development time.

Is it possible to overuse the Ext.getCmp method?

You can find components by using the ‘Ext.getCmp’ method and entering the component ID. However, this approach has constraints. You can only use this method for a single component instance. If there are multiple instances of the same component, you will have problems. If you apply Object-Oriented (OO) design concepts appropriately, then your components will be easy to access.

Is it possible to override functions in Ext JS?

Ext.override is a method of overriding classes and adding or removing functionality. It’s vital to remember that if you override a base class, the changes affect all instances of that class and its subclasses. There’s a considerable chance you’ll make a few mistakes during the process.  If, however, you decide to switch to the latest versions of Ext JS, the override may no longer function as planned. There’ll be instances when you need to override a class. When you implement those overrides, make sure to follow industry standards. Don’t put all of the overrides inside one file and wait for it to expand.

Why is it important to learn the difference between Classic and Modern toolkits?

Classic is the new label for Ext JS, originally for use in desktop applications. Sencha Touch is now called Modern. Modern is for mobile applications. You can also create universal applications by integrating Sencha Touch into Ext JS. Universal applications have distinct perspectives for Modern and Classic. These perspectives all share the same logic, which means that you can do all the serious work at once. That said, to create a proper framework, you need to be clear about what you’re creating before you begin. If you’re uncertain about your roadmap, then always play it safe and create a universal application.

Are you ready to use Sencha Ext JS?

Sencha Ext JS is a comprehensive web application framework that gives you all you need to create beautiful mobile and web applications for any new device. This article has covered ten things you ought to know before beginning your adventure. Learn how to use all of Sencha’s robust capabilities to save time on development time and prevent possible coding errors before they have an impact on your app’s performance. Start building your web applications with Sencha Ext JS.