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Coming Soon – Free Modern Ext JS Training

November 7, 2017 112 Views

Many customers have requested that we provide a training program to help get new web developers up to speed on Ext JS so they can start building great looking web and mobile applications quickly. We are excited to announce that we will be offering Modern Ext JS training – a self paced hands-on training program – free to everyone.

The training program is structured for web developers who may be new or experienced developers interested in learning a modern JavaScript framework. It does not require any prior knowledge of Ext JS. Anyone with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge will gain a solid understanding of Ext JS and learn how to develop applications with the Ext JS 6 framework.

Through this training, you will learn Ext JS application architecture, best practices, and build web and mobile applications ​that connect to live data feeds. You will be able to master the fundamentals of Ext JS, including Ext JS application structure, creating objects, and the class system​. The course provides in-depth coverage of Ext JS, including: MVVM architecture, data binding, the class system, the data package, builds and theming, as well as the rich suite of interface components, such as ​grids and forms.
Here’s the overview of the course content:

Starter Ext JS Application

Generate the initial application, refactor the app, Cmd, debugging​, tools

Ext JS Architecture

Ext JS application structure, creating objects, the class system​, organizing source, creating new views

View Controllers

Event handling, component references, encapsulation and scope, lifecycle methods​, controller architecture

View Models

Structure, bindable, one way binding, two way binding, formulas, advanced comparison of events and binding

Sending and Receiving Data

  • Data Model – fields, validation, proxies​, readers and writers
  • Data Stores – creating stores, loading data, selecting records, filtering, CRUD, chained stores, Ext.AJAX,

Data-Aware Components

Dataviews, Grids – column types, selection model, features, Forms – Ext.form.field, examples, validation, inputType, form submission


Style views using Sass, Sencha Sass Compiler

Going Into Production

Cmd based builds

Next Steps

We are excited to offer this free training. Stay tuned for more information coming soon, including details on how to sign up.

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