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Mission: Open Architect—And the Winner Is…

August 17, 2020 203 Views

Mission: Open Architect has come to a close! 

In case you missed it, our amazing community of global developers have been competing in Mission: Open Architect, a hackathon dedicated toward the release of an Open Source version of Sencha Architect. 

While many developers joined this mission to fuel open source and enterprise innovations by designing an Open Source Visual Editor that allows editing for application views, only one can claim the grand prize—and we’re happy to announce that a winner has been selected.

The winners of Mission: Open Architect are…

  • Grand Prize Winner: Boris Ordunez & Ari Lopez – $5,000 + Ext JS Enterprise (5 seat license)
  • Second Place: Khyati Majmudar & Ninad M – $350
  • Third Place: Marc Gusmano – $150

While every submission was impressive in their own right, Boris and Ari perfectly balanced the judging criteria to bring the world the first-ever open-source version of Sencha Architect, allowing web application developers to resize components, change styles, theme, and more. 

Boris and Ari’s WYSIWYG editor is compatible with both Modern and Classic toolkits—see it in action in their submission video here, or get hands on by heading over to their Github.

Congratulations to the winning developers!


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View the other submissions.

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