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New Release: Sencha Ext JS 7.1 and Tooling GA

January 16, 2020 579 Views

The Sencha product team is excited to announce the General Availability of Ext JS Frameworks ExtAngular, ExtReact, ExtWebComponents, and tooling version 7.1. Continue reading to learn more about the enhanced product features in this release. Are you looking forward to Sencha Ext JS 7.1? Continue reading to learn about the enhancements and changes to the UI and UX components.


  • Significant improvements to the Ext JS Modern and Classic toolkits.
    • High fidelity UI and UX component enhancements to Sencha’s popular grid component, focused on row editing, horizontal and vertical scrolling, improvements to grid locking capabilities, drag and drop, and data-bound grid applications.
    • Improvements to text and form input components including combo box, radio group, text area, and tagfield, spanning usability, responsiveness, performance, and Material theme styling.
  • New component examples in the API docs for Ext JS, ExtAngular, ExtReact and ExtWebComponents which make it easy to copy-paste the source to your application.
  • Improved API documentation for Ext JS, ExtAngular, ExtReact and ExtWebComponents making it easier to find properties, methods and events.
  • Upgraded Froala WYSIWYG Editor to support the version 3.0
  • Improvements to ExtGen View Package generation
  • Several quality improvements to JetBrains plugin
  • Quality improvements to Sencha Themer tool

New Component Examples

Configuring Sencha Grid in the framework of choice is simple. Find more angles and examples on how to configure the Grid in our revised API Docs.

Ext JS Components

We’re driving an accentuated focus on Ext JS Classic and Modern toolkit quality fixes to make it easier and faster to build data-rich applications.

  • The engineering team has implemented numerous Ext JS Grid improvements such as quality enhancements to the editing, scrolling, locking, drag and drop, RadioGroup, Combo, Tagfield features and more.

Here’s one of our new examples for the Ext JS Modern Grid. Try it out in the fiddle.

ExtReact Components

The Ext JS components for React (ExtReact) have been drastically improved.

  • We have improved the runtime used for React
  • There are improvements in the documentation and all quality improvements for Ext JS directly flow into the React library as well.
  • Intermix our components in any method in JSX.

The API Docs docs now reflect the Ext JS Component declaration that can be used in JSX.

Here’s one of our new examples for the ExtReact Grid. Try it out in the fiddle.

ExtAngular Components

We have new and renewed improvements in the Ext JS components for the Angular framework (ExtAngular).

  • The runtime used for Angular has been greatly improved.
  • Improved documentation accuracy.
  • All the quality improvements for Ext JS are also reflected in the ExtAngular library.

The API docs now reflect the Ext JS component declaration which can be used in the HTML Angular markup.


Last year we launched ExtWebComponents, a framework agnostic approach to application development. This release adds some additional improvements to this product as well.

  • Writing platform-agnostic applications with JavaScript ECMA 2016+ classes, syntax is easier.
  • We have improved the runtime for the web components.
  • All the quality improvements for Ext JS are also reflected in ExtWebComponents.

The API docs now reflect the Ext JS component HTML element tag name for ext-grid.

The new ExtWebComponent charting example (written with custom elements and ECMA 2016+ syntax) shows how to use the fetch API in any browser using polyfills for older browsers. Learn how to generate data-rich apps quicker with Ext JS web components.

What’s Next?

Through each release, we will continue to deliver quality improvements and enhanced usability to the Ext JS Modern and Classic toolkits. We’ll also add features that improve developer productivity.
Our engineering team has started on Ext JS 7.2 containing many quality, performance and usability enhancements. Read more in our previously released product roadmap blog post.

Getting Started

Our goal is to make our product easier and better to use. Find new videos to help show you how to get started and debug.

Upgrade to Ext JS 7.1

Don’t stay stuck on older versions, use ext-gen migrate to update your app dependencies and access the newest features and enhancements.
The free to use Ext JS Upgrade Adviser tool helps identify code changes required to migrate to the latest Ext JS version.

Try Ext JS 7.1

We invite you to try out Ext JS 7.1
Download the Ext JS 7.1 30-day free trial
View the Ext JS Kitchen Sink Examples on any device
Read the Getting Started with Ext JS Guide

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