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The Next Big Thing In Web Application Development

June 23, 2022 252 Views

Web applications have taken a lead role in meeting all kinds of business demands, including marketing a brand, reaching out to customers, automating various processes, managing data, creating online transactions, and so much more. Keeping these goals in mind, web application development now focuses on creating user-centric smart, innovative, and responsive apps to enhance user experience.

From a developer’s perspective, it is important to know the best frameworks with accompanying tools to help them easily build high-quality web apps while reducing time to market. Sencha’s products, including Ext JS and GRUI, help you achieve this end. This guide explains why Sencha’s Ext JS is the next big thing in web application development.

Why Is Ext JS The Next Big Thing In Web Application Development?

Ext JS is indeed the next big thing in web application development. It is a feature-rich JavaScript framework with productive tools and built-in specialized UI components that help you develop web applications fast. Whether your next development project involves creating a small mobile app or you want to develop a sophisticated enterprise-grade web app, Ext JS and its ready-to-use components are there to help you build apps that are reliable, efficient, and have stunning user interfaces. Continue reading to discover more features of Ext JS and related Sencha products.

How Can I Use Ext JS To Build Data-Intensive Web Apps?

Sencha Ext JS unarguably features the Grid Component, which is the fastest JavaScript grid. Ext JS grid allows you to handle millions of data records without compromising efficiency seamlessly. There is built-in functionality for infinite scrolling, grouping, filtering, searching, and more. Additionally, this grid has been thoroughly tested across a wide range of platforms and browsers. And what’s more, you can even add built-in UI components to this grid to fully customize it according to your needs.

Is There A Way To Design Beautiful User Interfaces For Web Application Development?

web application development

Yes, absolutely, provided, of course, you are using the Sencha family of products. You can build stunning apps with Sencha Themer, with which you can style and customize the themes of your apps and create beautiful user interfaces. Not only can you place and style different components, but all this is possible using a graphical interface that does not require writing even a single line of code. Sencha Themer also includes an innovative color palette, allowing you to assign color schemes to different component states. If you are looking for font management or want to add web fonts from Google fonts, then again, Sencha Themer is the answer.

Are There Any Professionally Built And Reliable UI Components I Can Add To My App?

Again yes! Sencha Ext JS includes 140+ professionally-designed UI components. You can quickly put together these components to have a great app ready in no time. At Sencha, reliability and customer satisfaction are our number one priority. With this goal in mind, we have thoroughly tested each component and built them to work together seamlessly. There is a UI component for everything, including grid, pivot grid, layouts, exporter, charts, d3 adapter, and more.

How Can I Automatically Generate Boilerplate Code?

web application development

You can save valuable time when developing an app by spending little or zero on boilerplate code. With Sencha Architect, you can create HTML 5 applications using drag-and-drop features. Most boilerplate code is automatically generated for you, so you don’t have to type it. You can also configure different UI components, and style and alter their properties using a WYSIWYG window. This automatic code generation feature eliminates your chances of making coding errors. It enables you to build apps optimized for high performance.

How Do I Try Out My Code During Web Application Development?

You can try out your code in Sencha Fiddle. Sencha Fiddle is a free tool that works in all browsers; hence, you don’t have to download or install additional software to experiment with different code snippets and view the results quickly. Sencha Fiddle has another added advantage besides trying out code. You can easily save your code and share it with your colleagues and peers by distributing its Fiddle URL.

How Can I Unit Test My Code?

As an essential part of web application development, unit testing is fully supported by Sencha Test. It empowers you to carry out comprehensive unit testing and fully supports end-to-end testing of your apps. Whether you are a developer or a QA engineer, with Sencha Test, you can improve the quality of your apps and develop high-quality and reliable end products. You can also leverage unit and functional testing for increased productivity and accelerating app development.

Where Can I Find Tutorials And Other Resources To Help Me With Web Application Development?

Whether you are a beginner or advanced programmer, Sencha has a comprehensive set of resources to help you with web application development. There are different video series on Ext JS Grid, component spotlight, detailed examples of developing different types of apps, and more. The resource center also has detailed code examples for specialized tasks. For best practices and how-to guides, you can browse through different technical white papers, all of which are free to download. There are also detailed case studies and real-life use cases.

What Is The Best Framework For Me If I Am A React Programmer?

Suppose you are a React programmer and like to follow its component-based approach. In that case, Sencha GRUI can help you build modern web apps faster for mobile and desktop. With Sencha ExtReact, you can develop data-intensive apps with reliable components that work together seamlessly. Ext React includes 140+ pre-built, professionally developed, and pre-tested UI components that speed up development and reduce development time.

How Do I Sign Up For Ext JS, The Best JavaScript Framework For Web Application Development?

Ext JS is indeed the best JavaScript framework for web application development. As part of the Sencha Ext JS package, you get awesome tools for lifecycle management, automatic code generation, testing, debugging, customizing themes, visually creating user interfaces, optimizing apps, efficient data loading, and so much more. You can develop high-quality, efficient, and enterprise-grade apps rapidly.

Don’t wait any longer. Join the Sencha family today and enhance your users’ experience with an awesome and stunning app. Explore and get started with all of the Ext JS features today. Happy coding!

Start building with Ext JS today

Build 10x web apps faster with 140+ pre-build components and tools.