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How To Call Google API Detect Label With Ext JS And Sencha Architect
April 20, 2021 1320 Views
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Detect Labels is one of the most awesome Google APIs out there, no matter how you look at it. It is the entry point to a vast array of data that can be added to any image. It can read…

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Free ExtReact & ExtAngular Training

React and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks that offer a component-based approach to building web apps. However, React and Angular do not include any pre-built components. Many apps require trees, menus, grids, charts, forms, and other components to deliver…

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Free Ext JS Self-Paced Training

Learning a new library or framework can be a daunting task for any developer, and sometimes a "Hello, World" or "To Do" app just doesn't meet the standards to truly feel like one understands what the API is designed to…

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Coming Soon – Free Modern Ext JS Training

Many customers have requested that we provide a training program to help get new web developers up to speed on Ext JS so they can start building great looking web and mobile applications quickly. We are excited to announce that…

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Using Both Shared and View-Specific Code in an Ext JS 6 Universal App

In this blog post, I will show how to code an Ext JS 6 universal app that has controllers and view models that can be both view-specific and shared. Want to learn more about Ext JS 6? Sign up for…

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Training Tip: Learning About Features in Ext JS 5.1

This month we’d like to remind you that if you’ve ever attended the Fast Track to Ext JS course, you have access to the material for a year via We’re continuously updating the course to reflect new features of…

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Our Engineers Want to Talk App Dev With You at SenchaCon

SenchaCon is right around the corner, and our engineers are gearing up to share some pretty impressive presentations with you, including some exciting new updates on theming. But that’s not all. You’ll also have face time with engineers in the…

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Optimizing Your Ext JS Apps for Touch and Tablets

Woop there it is — Ext JS 5. Now, you might wonder why you should upgrade. There are many reasons why you’ll want to upgrade your existing Ext JS 4 applications, but most important is optimizing your application to support…

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Training Tip: Using Custom Fonts with Sencha Architect

Back in the days when websites were restricted to typical fonts such as Arial, Georgia, Times and so on, fonts were delivered from the user’s machine. Fortunately today, because of HTML5 and CSS3, browsers support embedded web fonts. In this…

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Training Tip: Simple Techniques for Solving Common Coding Problems

Often when I’m teaching a Sencha Training class, students ask me to look at their apps because there’s a problem they don’t know how to fix. Since I didn’t write the code, it’s hard sometimes for me to give them…