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Learning Front End Frameworks: Balancing Documentation, Tutorials, and Practical Experience
October 12, 2023 2279 Views
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Front-end frameworks have now become essential for creating interactive, responsive websites and applications. However, figuring out a front-end framework can be a difficult task. This is where you need to learn how to balance documentation, tutorials, and practical experience. Developers…

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A Comprehensive Guide To Best Front-End Framework

As a developer, you understand the importance of using the right tools to do the job quickly and efficiently. That's why choosing the best front-end framework, such as Ext JS, for your projects is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we'll…

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Letter from new General Manager

Dear Sencha Customers & Partners, As the new General Manager, I would like to introduce myself and share how excited I am to join over 10,000 Sencha customers at this transformative time for the company and industry. Sencha is an…

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10 Tips For Making The Best Javascript Libraries Even Better

Ext JS is a comprehensive Javascript framework accompanied by several tools for building cross-platform web applications for all types of modern devices. It is a stand-alone application development framework with a feature-rich user interface. There are 140+ high performing components…

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An Introduction To A High-Performance JS Grid

Nowadays, a large amount of data keep generating in businesses, and sometimes they need to display that information on websites for the consumers. The common way of displaying data on a website is using an HTML table. However, showing a…

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Ext JS 7.5リリース

このたび、Senchaチームは、Sencha Ext JS 7.5のリリースを発表しました。4つの新しいリッチグリッドをはじめ、皆様から多く要望を寄せられた双方のツールキットに対する品質改善を含む7.4リリースに続き、7.5には多くの品質改善、使いやすさの向上、ユーザーの皆さんから報告された問題への対応などが含まれます。この記事では、Ext JSバージョン7.5における改善点と品質上の修正点についてまとめます。 (more…)

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UIコンポーネントは、フロントエンド開発プロジェクトの中心的な存在です。それは、アプリとそのユーザーを結びつけ、効果的に対話できるようにするための媒体と言ってよいでしょう。優れたUIは、単にアプリの機能にアクセス可能にするだけでなく、ユーザーの関与をより効果的にしてくれます。つまり、UIコンポーネントは、ユーザーの期待に応える重要な鍵なのです。 (more…)

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Easily Perform Powerful Computer Vision Image Analysis With Javascript

If you want to build cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, cross-platform web applications, Sencha's Ext JS framework is the answer for you. Ext JS is a complete JavaScript framework that accelerates the development of web apps for all modern devices. Moreover, using ExtJS,…

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The Future Of Javascript App Testing Is Through Automation

As a developer, we understand how hard is to test all possible problems of an application, and always if you make an important change on your project you probably would be afraid if the application will be broken after merging…

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Ext JS 7.4 Has Arrived

The Sencha Team is excited to announce the availability of Sencha Ext JS 7.4, the most recent milestone version update for our Best Javascript Framework. This release includes many highly requested features and upgrades, including four new rich Javascript Grid…