Latest Ext JS 7.8 is now available. Learn more

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Sencha Architect | Build Cross-Platform HTML5 Applications

Have you ever wondered how developers make apps that work perfectly on desktop and mobile devices? Creating apps that run smoothly on various platforms is an important task. Sencha Architect helps developers build HTML5 applications quickly and easily. This blog…

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Decoding the Divide: Enterprise Software Development vs. Standard Software Development

There are two main ways to develop software. These two ways include enterprise software application development and standard software development. Here, enterprise applications development customizes solutions for large organizations. However, standard software is designed for a broader and common audience.…

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8 Must-Know Tips for Choosing the Right Web Application Framework for Your Project

Starting web application development on a project can feel like a very difficult task. The abundance of frameworks adds to the confusion. It leaves developers with the problem of selecting the right one. However, the choice of framework is quite…

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Sencha Themer

How to Build an Enterprise-Ready Custom Theme with Sencha Themer

Users today want visually appealing and consistent UI design. For developers using Ext JS to build web apps, Sencha Themer can be a great tool for creating stunning UI. Sencha Themer essentially provides a quick and easy way to create…

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Web Application Development | Top 10 Frameworks in 2024

If you are a developer, you must know the role of frameworks in creating amazing applications. Web application development frameworks come with pre-built tools to create amazing applications. As a result, we can create beautiful dynamic applications without even writing…

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Ext JS ClassicとModernツールキットの違いを理解する

Ext JSは、強力なWebアプリケーション/モバイルアプリケーションを構築するためのJavaScriptフレームワークです。フレームワークには、140を超える高性能でフルテスト済のカスタマイズ可能な UIウィジェット/コンポーネントが搭載されています。さらに、すべての最新ブラウザに対応し、クロスプラットフォーム開発をサポートしています。Ext JSは、アプリを構築するための2つのツールキット(Classic ToolkitとModern Toolkit)を提供しています。それぞれのツールキットは、異なるユースケースに対応するように設計されており、独自の機能と利点を提供します。 (more…)

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Email Application: An Ultimate Guide to Develop it in 2024

Have you ever wondered what goes into creating an email application that seamlessly handles millions of messages daily? Building an email application client is a complex but fascinating endeavor. It combines elements of design, usability, and robust backend development. In…

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Ext JS

Understanding the Difference: When to Use Ext JS Classic vs. Modern Toolkit

Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for building powerful web and mobile applications. The framework features over 140+ high-performance, fully tested, and customizable UI widgets/components. Moreover, it supports all modern browsers and cross-platform development. Ext JS provides two primary toolkits…

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Ext JS 7.8リリース

このたび、Senchaチームは、Sencha Ext JS 7.8のリリースを発表しました。このリリースでは、7.7リリースに続き、Grid、Timefield、Chart、TreePanelなどユーザーの皆さんからの要望に応え、ModernおよびClassicツールキットに数多くの品質強化を行っています。また、Ext JS 7.8には、Classicツールキットの新機能Froalaに加え、CheckBox、Grid、DataViewの改善、Grid、Combo、CheckBox、Chart、Date Field、TreePanel、Storeなどに対する要望の多かった機能、双方のツールキットに対する品質改善が含まれます。 (more…)