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Ext JS

Recursion vs. Iteration: Choosing the Right Approach in Ext JS

Recursion versus iteration is one of the common debates in programming. In a recursion, a function calls itself until it reaches a base condition. It's often used for problems that can be broken down into similar sub-problems. Iteration, on the…

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Ext JS

Debugging JS Frameworks: Identify and Fix Errors with Techniques

JavaScript is one of the most flexible programming languages used in web development. However, it comes with major challenges instead of higher complexity and flexibility. We need to fix errors in the code. The process of identifying and fixing the…

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Ext JS

10 Advanced JavaScript Tricks for Experienced Developers

JavaScript is unarguably the most used programming language in the realm of web development. Back in the day, web pages or web applications used to be static. But thanks to JavaScript, we can now create dynamic websites and add all…

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Ext JS

How to Choose the Right Web Application Development Software?

As developers, we know that every other business is developing an application or website. They require the best website or application to run their operations smoothly. However, the efficiency of an application depends on the framework used to develop the…

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Ext JS

How to Add a JavaScript Pivot Grid to Your Web Application

Staying competitive in the tech industry requires constant study and the perfection of advanced strategies. Professional developers understand the importance of JavaScript's creativity and efficiency in developing modern web applications. Were you ever in a situation where you were struggling…

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Ext JS

A Comprehensive Guide to Step-by-Step Error Handling in JavaScript

JavaScript is a ubiquitous language that powers countless interactive applications worldwide, but it often brings the challenge of errors. This guide will show you all the different types of errors that you can possibly encounter in a JavaScript framework, covering…

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Ext JS

Cross-Platform Application Development with Ext JS

As the need to create applications that cater to different devices and operating systems is increasing, cross-platform app development is becoming immensely popular. It saves development time and resources and provides access to a broader audience base, enhancing brand visibility.…

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Ext JS

5 Main Steps to DOM Manipulation Using JS Frameworks

If you are a web developer, you must have encountered multiple challenges when working on web applications. One of the most common challenges is dealing with JavaScript errors. Whether you are a beginner or a professional developer, it is important…

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Ext JS

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Making Your JavaScript Code Work Seamlessly

In today's web development world, where user experience can make or break your app, ensuring cross-browser compatibility isn't an option but a necessity. Cross-browser compatibility refers to a website or web app's ability to work seamlessly and consistently on various…