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Build Dynamic UIs with Recursive Components in JS Frameworks

Businesses create applications and websites to boost sales. Many businesses are shifting online. However, merely creating a website or application is not the only factor guaranteeing success in your business. You have to develop engaging and interactive applications. In other…

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Debugging JS Frameworks: Identify and Fix Errors with Techniques

JavaScript is one of the most flexible programming languages used in web development. However, it comes with major challenges instead of higher complexity and flexibility. We need to fix errors in the code. The process of identifying and fixing the…

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5 Main Steps to DOM Manipulation Using JS Frameworks

If you are a web developer, you must have encountered multiple challenges when working on web applications. One of the most common challenges is dealing with JavaScript errors. Whether you are a beginner or a professional developer, it is important…

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How To Use Test Management Tools To Develop High-quality Ext JS Web Apps

In this era of technology, we know that hundreds and thousands of software are developed daily. Developers make sure that the software is capable of fulfilling the needs of users. For this purpose, they use test management tools. The test…

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The Top 10 Most-Read Blog Posts of 2022

In 2022 the Sencha blog had just under half a million page views. This reaffirms the connections among the Sencha community as well as the strong interest our product updates and explorations of Sencha capabilities generate among developers. So which…

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A Comprehensive Guide To Web Application Frameworks

Nowadays, the importance of web application frameworks has skyrocketed with the high demand for web applications to fulfill various business needs. On the other hand, the complexity of current web applications is increasing daily with the advancement of technology and…

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A Complete Guide To Unit Testing For Applications

Nowadays, unit testing has become an essential part of software testing. It helps you to ensure that each unit of the software is completely functional. It allows you to make better products. But how can you write unit tests? What…

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25 Best JavaScript Libraries To Find In 2024

JavaScript, or JS, is unarguably the most used programming language for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. JavaScript, also along with CSS and HTML, form the basis of the majority of web platforms. JS essentially lets you add interactive elements…

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Popular JavaScript Frameworks for Mobile Apps Development

Nowadays, mobile apps have become part of daily life. The number of app developments has gone through the roof over the past few years, thus resulting in billions in revenue generated by the usage of these apps. With such high…