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Ext JS

How to Upgrade a Sencha Touch App to Ext JS 6 Modern Toolkit – Part 1

Cupertino Theme Previously, I wrote a blog post on how to create great-looking universal apps using the Best Javascript Framework. However, we also have lots of customers who currently have a mobile (phone or tablet) application and want to upgrade…

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Recap of 2015 Technical Blog Posts

This year was packed full of announcements for our latest frameworks and tools. We appreciate all of the feedback you shared to help make those releases great successes. As the end of 2015 approaches, we’ve put together a collection of…

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Ext JS

Sencha Test Early Access is Available Now

We are extremely excited to announce the availability of Sencha Test Early Access. This Early Access release enables you, our Sencha community, to evaluate our new product - Sencha Test. Sencha Test is a new addition to the Sencha platform…

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Ext JS

Creating Beautiful Drawings Using Sencha Ext JS – Part 2

In Part One of this series, we learned about sprites and their attributes, how they differ from configs, and how to change them. All of the changes we made to our examples were applied immediately. In this article, we'll look…

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Ext JS

Top 8 Reasons Why Enterprises Prefer Sencha Ext JS over Angular

Although comparing Angular and Sencha Ext JS is like comparing apples and oranges, it is surprising how frequently the comparison is made. Ext JS 6 is a JavaScript framework well suited to create enterprise apps that scale; Angular is not…

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Announcing Sencha GXT 4 is Generally Available

On behalf of Sencha and the entire GXT team, I’m proud to announce that Sencha GXT 4 is generally available. GXT 4 is a huge step forward in extending your GXT applications to the mobile platform. With GXT 4, you’ll…

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Ext JS

Creating Beautiful Drawings Using Sencha Ext JS – Part 1

Many of you may already be familiar with the Sencha Charting package that comes with Sencha Ext JS. It allows you to quickly create great visualizations such as 3D Column Charts or 3D Pie Charts. Often, charts are not enough…

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Ext JS

Sencha Visual Studio and Eclipse Plugins Are Generally Available

We’re excited to announce that Sencha Visual Studio Plugin and Eclipse Plugin are now generally available. With this release, we now have support for all of the major IDEs including JetBrains. Our goal for Sencha IDE Plugins is to streamline…

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Giving Thanks

With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, this is a time that people often step back and give thanks. At Sencha, we have much to be thankful for. First and foremost we are grateful for our loyal customers,…